going to reset my phone, ignore this thread or dont
Attached: Screenshot_20180429-141444.png (1280x720, 67K)
Attached: oh,v.png (719x395, 98K)
Attached: Screenshot_20180324-204239.png (1280x720, 190K)
Attached: Screenshot_20180324-204243.png (1280x720, 191K)
Attached: 20180114_214406.png (720x1013, 337K)
Attached: 20171107_193000.png (1280x620, 584K)
and still continue to not ignore
Attached: tmp_26171-Screenshot_2016-03-29-21-31-21-1910235778.png (1080x1920, 380K)
Attached: Screenshot_20171013-195037.png (720x1280, 249K)
Attached: Love.jpg (1337x650, 701K)
Attached: Screenshot_20171031-001656.png (720x1280, 277K)
Attached: false ''profits''.png (695x505, 110K)
Interesting thought my man, thanks for sharing!
kek'd my shit off desu
Attached: 1507427626846.jpg (250x237, 8K)
i've found a few gems before
Attached: autism.png (1820x640, 128K)
this one was pretty recent and original
Attached: 13 year old cucking a grown man.png (1855x270, 74K)
more original autims
Attached: gary the snail.png (1162x825, 158K)
original down syndrome
Attached: glorious downie.png (2644x2036, 587K)
God damn how could you even get to that level of autism
originl mario
Attached: mario aversion.png (1858x302, 135K)
i forgot i saved most of these and i'm laughing right now
Attached: soap pump.png (1848x254, 56K)
just a short and sweet one ori
Attached: vaping is gay.png (758x105, 7K)
another autistoc user
Attached: Untitled.png (900x720, 114K)
some JUSTed guy from Jow Forums
Attached: 12345678.png (1852x169, 61K)
another funny one from Jow Forums
Attached: Untitledrdty.png (1872x458, 103K)
damn some actually good green texts for once
my gem file has been dumped. i'll leave you with this
Attached: the rage of a robt.png (914x596, 115K)
I guess I'll post a few of my favorite screenshots as well
Attached: doowopdoowop.png (335x176, 31K)
here's another, I suppose
Attached: immigrants.png (649x495, 473K)
here's the last one for now, a screenshot that encapsulates one of the greatest moments of my life thus far
Attached: PEEEEBEEEEE.png (475x134, 14K)
>hahaha my doritos/oreo/mountain dew flavor won
Attached: 1487698060133.jpg (627x782, 121K)
fuck you it was fun, and it was a nice break from the constant trap/pol threads shitting up the board
Reminder that Creme was the best team.
Attached: image.jpg (469x313, 49K)
The best screenshot, so far.
Attached: women's suffrage.jpg (783x637, 65K)
Normies are NPCs; Too predictable.
Attached: normies are as predictable as NPCs.jpg (578x185, 29K)
What happened to Reiko btw?
Reiko is a tricky (((faggot))).
Attached: days without reiko's tricks.jpg (600x396, 61K)
>inb4 Tomorrow theme is cancer
Attached: 240180353291700055.png (1080x1381, 211K)