shit has gone sour in my life and im resorting to my fallback plan. is anybody in the southern ca area looking for a cute boy to be their sex slave or just slave in general? there would be nothing in it for me as it would only help you. yes this is a serious offer and i am willing to do anything. feel free to leave your discord or contact info if you want to contact me. i am willing to do internet things as well
Last resort
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What's your situation like, OP? What went sour, specifically that you're posting like you are?
parents are threatening to kick me out because im not contributing to the household. im literally good at nothing except being everybodies servant at this point.
I don't want to sound like "le d33p w3b is le scary place xDD" but there might actually be some offers on there. You should go take a look, I'm sure there's people willing to pay for something like that.
You are a massive faggot OP
Where are you in socal roegenal
Whats your Pp? can advance you 1k but you gonna owe me
there sure are alot of children with phones on this board
>parents are going to kick you out
>could start helping around the house and get a partime job
>could go to a seedy pedophile filled board for deranged losers and offer yourself up as a slave boy so you have a excuse to try and live out your impossible dream of being a protagonist in a gay doujinshi
OP your going to end up getting murdered
la county
at this point its better than living in the shithole of a home im currently in
Oh my goddddddddd user haha offer up... Your fucking asshole!! Offer it up rent it out! Let guys raw dog ya! Suck em off. If you're cute enough... Holy fuck!!
Offers where? The deep web is a big place.
can i ask what you're gonna spend it on first?
paying rent or taking care of yourself?
No its not
You were just coddled as a kid and when you are finally expected to take responsibility of yourself you whine about how hard it is
If you're having such a massive problem with getting a job then you're bitch made and you'll end up killing yourself at the age of 30
I say just kill yourself now and do everyone who's having to pamper your ass a favor by not being such a human leech
Dude op is just gonna lie to you
You're not gonna get your money back
someone has to stand up for injustice user
its okay i have a lot of money
Gonna pay some rent and buy some food to last me, save the rest
the paypal link wasnt me dont accept that. i dont need money i just need something to do with my life or at least benefit somebody else.
alright, i hope at some point you pay this forward to someone else
Checked and i was messing dude im not OP
oh, alright
thanks for tellin me
How did you get so rich Oregon
How about you benefit your parents instead of being a selfish bitch and doing retarded shit
please keep the money and dont waste it on people like me. itd be of much better use to you than me who apparently is the problem in this situation.
invested in gold a decade ago and then it went to 1600
that is me in 5 years, lol
I see, smart move
Im off now anyways richfag take care
theyve done nothing to help me when ive come to them with my problems in life so i see no reason to help them in any way
i uh
i kinda already made peace with letting this 1000 USD go
anyone want it/good reason to have it?
are you sure youre ok with that?