how was work, you goddamned stupid idiot retard?
How was work, you goddamned stupid idiot retard?
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I only work 2 days a week, you pillow humping retard.
2 days more than me, you stupid wageslave kikepuppet
Hello, my fellow Neet.
Feels good, doesn't it?
>be me
>am baseball and softball umpire for shit city
>be umpiring softball game last weekend
>see two dads getting in a argument
>HEY STOP IT in my best umpire voice
>They don't stop
>one throws a punch
>let the game continue
>eventually broken up
>parents leave
ah yes brother, feels great
Tell me wagie, does your boss allow you to lubricate before he fucks your ass every day? Or are those privileges above your paygrade?
at least i get lube
I'm getting paid to get drunk and party with roasties in Florida for 4 days this week. How much does it suck living on poverty wages and never going outside?
Excellent choice in bucket, fellow brethren! I should know, for mine is the very same and as a NEET I would never subject myself to anything but the highest standards!
You're anonymous now, wagie. Tell us how he hurts you.
Good you fucking dumbass.
How was your day?
why would i want to go outdoors, wagie? have fun hanging out with those roasties btw, i'm sure they'll enrich your life
Damn, I wish I was lucky enough to sit home all day and post frogs
How do I join the NEET lad movement asap? I'm tired of wagecucking just to afford my shitty little apartment every month, I just want to be comfy.
Finally got my job as a contractor yesterday, finally escaped wageslavery
What's it like having no money for anything, you petulant manchildren?
just get on disability you stupid wagecuck
>not a wagecuck
Working two days a week seems pretty nice; I would actually prefer that to never working.
Pardon me, Sir Cuck-a-lot?
Please, oh wise NEET, tell me how to obtain NEETbux.
I need to know.
Thread theme:
>Wagie, wagie, mind so hazy...
>Life feels foggy, are you going crazy?
>Posting froggies? Don't be lazy!
>Get to work now, make it hasty!
>Fetch some coffee for the boss
>You'll get a raise if you suck him off!
>Well, he'll think about it, at least
>Work faster, wagie, don't fall asleep!
>Finally the end of the shift has come
>You make it home, your brain is numb
>Barely the energy to microwave a burrito
>Your coworkers insults make you want to an hero
>Best not to let the company down!
>Be a team player, away with the frown!
>You pull up the covers, praying for rest
>But a deafening alarm rings, it's 5AM!
>Rise and shine wagie, do it again!
>At work you know that you have not one friend
>Your car needs repairs, its costly to mend!
>A wagie's work is done when his life is at end!
you aight, fellow cute frog? I too would like to get autismbux
At least my mommy is proud of me for not being disable shit thats begging for money.
>mommy is so proud of me for being a useful cog for Mr. Sheckleburgstein!
Your mommy is proud of me as well, but for the rough dickings I provide while you're at work
I'm doing ok for now. I'm going to college this fall, but I never want to be a wageslave (thankfully the college is cheap, so if I drop out after a year I won't be in a ton of debt).
A member of the NEET brotherhood showed me this enthralling documentary last night, very topical
Good day user, thanks for asking. Some nice people won money today so that always brightens me up.
I work at a casino
how can someone can become a neet master race. ablut 1 years ago i have been a neet for 8 months living on my saving but now u have a new job and i have a feeling i wont last until summer.
im suppose to go get a doc and maube a terapist and i was wondering what i could say so i could get to stop working for ever and get neetbux for the rest of my life without going to a crazy house
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.
Originally beautiful.
>"mawwwmiiii.......dendies nowwwww"
l4d 1 was nearly 10 years ago, where did the time go
>be security guard
>literally get 20$ an hour because fire license
>just have to sit on a desk all day doing nothing
Eat shit wastrel
They'll enrich my dick by sucking it. And I'll get to enjoy the beach and sun and beer all on the company's dime.
Those digits and this OC.
Jow Forums folk music is the best genre
>getting paid to do nothing with your life
Yup, sounds like your typical wagecuck
Bucket NEET, you came back?
True heroes never leave us :)
probably hard to do when you're an immobile faggot lol
tips on how to live the neet life?
You either have to luck out and get on disability (good fucking luck if you've ever worked before though, unless you literally fucked your back up or something) or you have to depend on your family and utilize their resources then hope they don't resent you for it and force you to get a job.
Get a disability asap.
Don't do it alone though they will deny you nearly immediately. Get a lawyer. They don't charge you unless you win your case say you have depression, autism, etc
Sorry meant to say Get on disability asap not get a disability asap.
>good fucking luck if you've ever worked before though
damn so im out of luck?
>your case say you have depression, autism, etc
i actually have those though
WHY do wagies always get so ragie? They could join us and we'd accept them with open arms but they just don't want to
If you have poor work history and get recurring assesments from psychs and therapists confirming you have a mental disability like autism or severe OCD you can be eligible for benefits too, but no matter what you have to put in a lot of time and effort talking with state department people and docs. Depends how bad you want/need it really
they are so stuck on being wagies they literally cannot imagine a life out of being a wagecuck. plus i think it's the sunken cost fallacy; as in they imagine all the time they've wasted at work and decide that if they became a glorious NEET that all that time would have been worthless so they just short-circuit and rage
Quitting my job was the best decision I ever made, not gonna lie.
I feel bad for the slaves who cannot cast aside the chains of their oppressors.
Well good then! You don't have to fake anything. Getting disability should be a breeze. I know actually people that said they were mildly retarded, when they clearly weren't, people that said they had back pain from previous jobs that got on disability, They later admitted to me it was all a sham just to get disability.
It really all depends on the type of judge you get at your hearing when you finally get to that step in the process .
waging truly is the greatest form of cuckoldry
This thread needs a bump immediately.
do i really have to speak in front of a judge that makes me nervous
Shouldn't that just prove the point that you're a sperg not suited for work if you're a god damn nervous wreck though?
maybe, what if they think im lying
He or she is called an Administrative Law Judge and its normally the final step after the initial application has been denied and after your first appeal has been denied too it takes about a year and a half from the time your last appeal is denied to get a hearing to speak your case in front of the judge. I'm currently waiting to get a set date and time until I get my hearing, roughly 6 more months to go.
And if you are nervous good. Play on that You are supposed to be disabled and its ok to show your poor social skills slightly to the judge.
>when literally all you have in life is shitposting wagecuck treads while simultaneously hating yourself and life
I've had dozens of NEET friends from many different countries, not a single one could be described as "happy". I consistently choose to drift away from the friendship because they are some of the most bitter and stagnant people I've ever met.
Enjoy your NEET money my dudes, the fact that you're willing to trade a comfortable and fulfilling life for a below poverty level income tells everyone around you what kind of person you are.
A non-materialistic person who pursues their dream?
You people always say you're following some dream, but you never have any proof.
The only dream you faggots chase are wet ones, invalid.
Same 2bh senpai
Do it faggot, frugal is the best lifestyle
The proof is the fact that I'm the happiest and most content that I've ever been in my entire life being NEET.
This comes from an ex-wageslave of 10 years, so I'm not just talking out of my asshole.
These threads have turned from
>welcome home wagie. How was your shitty boss today :)
>fuck you god damned idiot retard
Genuine chuckles were had
A piece of shit that a burden to their family and themselves
My dream is to take drugs, drink, jack off, work out, and browse the internet every day of my life. Judge me if you want, but I made it. No one is ever 100% happy, such is the human condition
You can lie all you want to yourself and the internet, it's honestly just sad.
>his family hates him so much that he's considered a "burden"
I'm sorry man, that's gotta be rough.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, slave. And you'd better get a good night's sleep, you wouldn't want to let Mr.Sheklestein down!
Hey NEETcuck,
How does it feel knowing you'll never have a gf and will die a virgin in your childhood bedroom?
i've already had a GF and probably more sex than you
not worth it desu
In wonder what mental illness you have that makes you think work is ultimate suffering. I enjoy my job, make good money, and socialize. The NEET life is only an improvement if you're some dumbfuck loser with no skills or talents and your only job prospects are flipping burgers or stocking shelves at Wal-Mart.
Guess we know why you're a NEET.
I didn't work today, because my restaurant is closed on Mondays.
But in general, work for me is fucking awesome.
I'm a line cook. I work nights, so I get to sleep in. My job consists of hanging out with a bunch of fellow socially maladjusted degenerates, making good food and bad jokes. On slow nights, we talk shit, play with fire, snack, smoke, and throw olives at the normie servers we don't like. On busy nights, we grind through rails of tickets as a team and the hours pass by very quickly. It's an incredible rush of adrenaline to get through a crazy dinner service, and the sense of camaraderie is very rewarding.
I always have an excuse to avoid going out with my normie friends because I work every Friday and Saturday. My roommates bend over backwards to help out around the house because they "feel bad" that my job appears to be really difficult, they love me for always bringing home nice steaks, seafood, seasonal produce. I barely have to buy groceries. The money is good.
I really have nothing to complain about, desu.
Schizoid Personality Disorder my man, look it up.
I'm just not cut out for the fake normie social world. I'm like, too real man. Too genuine.
I mean I've been fucking a prostitute once a month for years upon years now, so I've had quite a bit.
Feels nice to be able to buy pussy access and afford it since I have a steady income.
lol gross
i had a gf for 5 years before she hopped on the cock carousel so idek how many times i've had sex. it just isn't worth it. all i want is somebody to cuddle at night, preferably with a large bosom
So before you were chasing your dreams, now you have a mental illness that makes you not like work?
Truly fucking pathetic.
Versus what? Bar sluts who likely have more STDs than actual prostitutes?
If you can get a gf, you don't belong on this board.
Pretty fun.
I'm going to be going back soon and hope to see you get one too.
I skipped it to work on my garden. Feels comfy man.
on my dead body
I'd tell you neets whats up but I need to go to bed because I have to get up at 6am tomorrow to get in early and my boss is going to yell at me and i'd quit this shit but i need money because the government in my country doesn't pay shit for neets pls send halp
I've always had it you fucktard. It's technically not even a mental illness it just means I can see through all of this normie bullshit and I fucking hate all of it. I'd consider you mentally ill for being a normie.
So yes, by being my own person and not being subject to social norms, I am chasing my dream. I'm my own person, independent and free. I just happen to live with family. I still have ways of making money but it's not by being somebody's tool.
If all you care about is sex then you're a degenerate. Just jack off bro, prostitutes are disgusting.
Goog luck neets, qt girl will surely walk up to you your lair a and will start a family with you in the said one room.
Neetbux is gov scheme for You to not reproduce.
Why do you think they pay it to autists and disabled?
Nobody is falling for these RP posts.
If you work a shit job you hate, that's your fault. The only people who talk like this are NEETS that have the work experience of a high school dropout.
>If all you care about is sex then you're a degenerate. Just jack off bro, prostitutes are disgusting.
I will never stop liking to fuck women. Go cry on pol about it.
I'd have more respect for you if you didn't have to pay to do it
The dream you're chasing is as pathetic as you are if all you're doing is sitting in your room jerking off, shitposting, and sleeping.
Honestly that sounds like hell to me.
how do i become a neet if
>mentally stable
>no injuries
>nothing that can stop me from working
>all these assblasted wagecucks larping as chads
If you were smashing tail and livin the good life you wouldn't be on Jow Forums lmao
Kill yourself. If you fail you will be disabled and get disability, if you succeed you've basically just gotten to where you were going to be as a neet anyway.
You should probably get the fuck off this board if you are
Yeah, well I can't, so I work with what I got.
>one of the most popular boards
>he still thinks it's his personal autism club
Wow you're really deep into denial.
How to get on disability? The denied me despite having severe hearing loss....
My friend we are always going to disagree on this topic. I'd say you're pathetic for being caught up in the normie lifestyle and being so concerned with social norms. But if you're happy with it, then you do you. I'm happy being the way I am.
fake severe autism or get committed by saying you want to kill yourself
>If all you care about is sex then you're a degenerate. Just jack off bro, prostitutes are disgusting.
sex = prostitues
ywn have a girl adore you, licking your arms and chest, having sensual sex and falling asleep exhausted on your chest afterwards.
Terrible, how do I become a NEET???