>it's another parents are talking down to me about spending money to go to uni and going in debt instead of continuing to work at this shitty job just because it pays well episode again
>it's another "do what you want user, it's your money, but you're an idiot" episode again
>it's another still living with parents because you have no friends to move out with and i constantly have to deal with the guilt and shame of their condescending indifference episode again
why the fuck can i not just do the things i want to without being judged by myown fucking family
It's another parents are talking down to me about spending money to go to uni and going in debt instead of continuing...
I don't know your story,
a lot of people with stories like that are mostly assholes
let me you tell you a story
I had a really close friend, very close, he was in very poor situation in regards of money
I always got him dinner because he didnt have any, his family was always against him, he had a shitty retail job, I was always by his side, always thought his family was shit
I bought him a computer, a monitor, everything, downloaded and cracked photoshop and illustrator so he could study graphic Design, even got him the courses, i'm a VFX motion artist myself, I suggested graphic design to him as a way to get away from his shitty life, I had contacts with ad agencies to get him in as a junior, it wouilnd't get him rich, but he would at least be independent and have some dignity, working in a comfy AC environment, he just had to study, guess what?
he never did, not even once, I tried to insist, to help him, and then I realized why his family hated him, it was because he trashed all oportunities, I found out later how he ditched an all paid scholarship because of some roastie whore, from them on I realized that some people are just shitty you know and there's nothing you can do about it, I haven't seen him for 5 years now.
Go find someone looking for a roommate and move out you literal retard. They are letting you live there, if you don't like it, leave.
am i wrong for preferring to be in debt but happy instead of working a job that drains me and makes me lose out on social opportunities and thus feeding my shut-in lifestyle? i want to get away from all this. i desperately want to move out and be on my own but i dont have the money. im sick of feeling like a leech living for free at my parents' house in exchange for them treating all of my independent decisions as childish and a waste of money. is that so bad?
Get a Trade job, there's a shortage of these workers, you'll get 50k an year, and experienced ones get even more, and guess what, with no debt, let me tell you what it will happen if you go to uni
you'll get 100k in debt, and still find no job
because I suppose you have no networking,
the market is shit, everyone is pursuing these degrees, stop falling for it, just google Trade workers shortage and see it by yourself, don't be this bluepilled, UNI is a cesspoll of normies and whores, the education system has been poisoned.
>All through my life it was, 'if you don't go to college you're going to end up on the streets,' " Morgan said. "Everybody's so gung-ho about going to college."
>Seattle is a forest of construction cranes, and employers are clamoring for skilled ironworkers. Morgan, who is 20, is already working on a job site when he isn't at the Pacific Northwest Ironworkers shop. He gets benefits, including a pension, from employers at the job sites where he is training. And he is earning $28.36 an hour, or more than $50,000 a year, which is almost certain to steadily increase.
>As for his friends from high school, "they're still in college," he said with a wry grin. "Someday maybe they'll make as much as me."
>In a new report, the Washington State Auditor found that good jobs in the skilled trades are going begging because students are being almost universally steered to bachelor's degrees.
>Many pay more than the state's average annual wage of $54,000.
leave if you want them to stop bitching at you
a 20 year old is making 50k a year WITH benefits WITH pension, and NO debt, and you're still thinking of getting in debt for some degree?
the jews did this to you. Never forgot
Theres a reason it pays 50k a year. Cute job when you're 20, by the time that kid hits 25 he won't be able to bend over to pick something up. Will probably blow the money on a house and truck too.
yeah I pay rent, pay my car bill on minimum wage and live with my parents. They have the gale to tell me I am lazy and will not succeed in college. I am 24 years old and failiing at life. I really hate my parents and I wish wish WISH WISH WISH I HAD FRIENDS SO I COULD FUCKING MOVE OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
there's a lot of machinery involved nowadays, the iron worker just have to line up the bars the crane puts in front of them, it's not like it was 100 years ago, electricians don't lift weights, there's plenty of good trades.
this guy is not going to get a broken back in 30 years, instead he will get a nice pension, no debt and a lifetime of independence.
I've actually worked a trade, it fucking sucked. But if thats the type of life you want to live be my guest.
just saying, there is a reason they have to pay that much. Its shit work, also shit hours.
no job is a paradise, any type of money doesn't come easy, this is best option there is today, that's just the way it is, I wish UNI was like 30 years ago, but it's not, it's time to adapt to reality, people expect to find this unicorn job that will keep them happy
for most people happiness comes when you don't have to worry about 100k debts and have independence from your parents. that far outweighs any downsides.
But that isn't what most college students end up with, many end up jobless or with a part-time job in addition to a bunch of debt. The reality is that too many people who shouldn't be anywhere near a college are being coerced into it, when it ends up ruining their lives instead.
How much do plumbers make? Also how dangerous/bad for you is it? It isn't THAT labor intensive right, especially compared to something like a construction job?
guys why dont we all meet up and buy a 3 - 4 bedroom house together, combine our neetbux/ wage slave dollars and we can all be ourselves in peace and we would never have to say hi to eachother just stay in our own rooms the whole time
plumbing is one of the worst trades, avoid it
electrician, and machinery/vehicle repair
are the best ones.
>house full of useless, disgusting slobs that never do anything until the house collapses while being filled with shit
Why is it one of the worst? My granddad was a plumber so my parents are offering it as an easy option to get into.
speak for yourself i may be a "neet" but i am huge clean freak
The average college debt is like 20k, and with a STEM degree or connections that is worth it. Also not having to work alongside tradesmen is a plus
Do you like being on your knees all day smelling peoples shit, having to fix and diagnose problems/leaks, having to drive hours at a time, eating lunch inside a van?
because it's kinda nasty in a morbid way, you have to deal with clogged tubes and what not
Electricians have far comfiest job, mechanics too
Iron workers are fine as well, as long as you can have heights.
for most robots I believe the electrician would suit the best as it's a more nerdy type without any weight to carry kind of trade.
i currently work a trade job in HVAC and i hate it. i work with nothing but old men and no one around my age. by the end of the shift im completely exhausted and unmotivated to do anything. it was never like this with my old jobs that i sadly left to take this one cause "oh youll make a lot of money user." worst mistake of my life.
no one said you're going to make a lot of money or get rich
what is being said is that you'll get a nice amount with no debt
but id rather be happy in debt than to continue this charade until i'm 30 without a single person to relate to. the only thing that keeps me going are my dreams and the prospect that i'll be in college soon.
Another person like me who has actually fucking worked a trade, and knows it sucks. Not saying getting a meme degree and working at target is better, but its shit work. My biggest complaints were my co workers being disgusting animals and the long hours like 70+ a week 6 days a week driving in a van.
just so I know what i'm dealing it, what major?
shooting for computer science, but thinking about medical school if the first year doesn't grasp me.
Depends on where you work. I'm an electrician and I work on construction sites and it's just as shit as any of the other trades. It's still 9-12 hours of manual dirty labour a day. If you're an electrician you want to do service work which is nice and cushy like just going to people houses and fixing there oven or installing some lights for them or something like that
let me tell you a secret, most jobs sucks fucking ass,
I work as a VFX motion graphics artist,
nice comfy artistic job right?
wrong, I work 14 hours a day because the piece of shit client/agency decides to change the entire project out of nowhere, I have to deal with the director, the Director of photography, my boss, the agency Director of art and also the client which is in fact a brand manager and some other asshole, everyone wants a different thing, and everyone changes something in this project, everyone is overworking, that's just the way it is.
>my co workers being disgusting animals
This 100% so much fucking scum ends up in the trades
Most jobs don't suck actually, plenty of people work jobs that are fine. I work 35-40 hours a week generally and have for the better part of a decade, I make about 138k a year in a lower cost of living area in Texas and never even got a degree.
I worked a trade when I was younger and it was soul crushing work with a bunch of fucking animals for the most part that I couldn't relate to.
what do you do for that pay with no degree?
I've been in an apprenticeship for an electrican job for 2 almost three years, I regret it and I am enrolling back into college for engineering at 25.
Working with tradesmen is horrible, they treat you like shit, act like shit and are not that smart. I mentioned I was going to college to someone who I thought was a friend of mine, well word got around and now everyone makes snide comments about giving up and being too good for this work. I hate the elitism of trade jobs, I dislike how everyone needs to be working harder than smarter, just because its a trade and you make all the money doesn't mean you'll enjoy it. You'll be treated as just above wage tier, but lower than dirt by most other people and professions. I hate ever getting this job, and I will never recommend trades to anyone again.
i'm making 80k right now, because i'm the ""senior"" of VFX, but in fact i'm just a cursor mouse inside a software, i'm still glad I have it better than most, but I still have to work a lot.
and yeah that as me. I come from an upper middle class background, college didn't work out so I got into a trade. Huge mistake. Didn't even mind the work that bad but could not stay the trash co workers and could not relate to them. Doesn't help I live in fucking Florida, it was either white meth head/ex felons or hispanics that were only 25% proficient in english.
I got the fuck out, getting into the medical field now.
IT, I am in management now.
multiculturalism ruining trades
imagine what trades were like 30 years ago without these piece of shit beaners and you get buy a house with it.
you'd have something to bitch about 30 years ago, its not just "multiculturalism" its capitalism. Get off your high horse.
it's the fugging white males amirig?
gommunism will fix it! =DDDDD
nice response, man we should just listen to tradesmen on economics.
leds lisden to gommunism instead ===DDDD
this is why conservatives and alt-right are made fun of constantly. I am not even a communist. Say whatever you want, you obviously can't say anything worthwhile.
>its another fag bitching about his parents.
leds seize the means of broductions gomrades! =DDDDD
Nope. You're young and need the social development since almost all jobs require it now. You're only young once and you have to live good before America becomes third world.