Transition a year ago

>transition a year ago
>be girlmode for a month
>boys start to pay attention to me and flirt with me in public

so this is what it's like being a biogirl

are there any downsides to this at all? people say I won't be as respected in the workplace but I haven't really experienced that

Attached: 133984956244.jpg (1280x720, 134K)

Other urls found in this thread:

your story is as fake as you

>lying on the internet about passing
>literally trying to trick people into joining your misery

That one guy you think was "flirting" with you was just trying to be nice to someone with a blatant and debilitating mental illness. The only trannies that pass are the ones that get their face done before cutting up their cock. Unless you paid hundreds of thousands in cosmetic surgery literally anyone can tell you have the face of a man with some long hair.

UwU it would be an improvement for most people here.

Imagine going from being an incel to being a cute girl!

Attached: 1519768980532.png (672x487, 517K)

Why would you post the only one that is blatantly fake?

do you think all of these people are lying? There are plenty of transgirls who pass


5%, maybe even less

This is not fake. It's real. I don't have her full timeline but I can assure you its out there somewhere.

It's the power of having $50,000 facial surgery lol

Kill yourself you frankenweenie mutant

Attached: ad1.jpg (404x404, 42K)

Good try Reiko
I'll make sure to send your family a "congratulations" card once you've killed yourself