don't forget to get enough sleep edition
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don't forget to get enough sleep edition
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>op isn't a question
bad op, op. but i'll take it
Can you make yourself gay?
Guys I'm in a bind, is it possible to make yourself gay?
I found the perfect boy to date, met him by accident, we're perfectly compatible and I love hanging out with him, everything aside from the fact I don't like boybutt and dick is perfect about him. I know he finds me extremely attractive, so that's not a problem, I don't find him unappealing to look at, just not sexually.
Can I live with him as a live-in BFF, and let him have sex with me once in a while, to keep him satisfied.
I wouldn't mind giving him as many handjobs as he wanted, and maybe even learn to blow for him, but it's not something I am attracted to doing. I'd love to learn to enjoy it though, is that possible?
Is there a way to fix this, please, make myself gay or bisexual?
Asked in the other thread, but I'll repost here for visibility
ask a question, then
I'm so bored
>online bf sends me a pic of himself
why did he do that
i wanted to keep imagining him as his anime profile pic
off the top of my head:
do you think you'd be able handle actually kissing someone or holding their hand?
because any way i look at it, i can't imagine myself touching someone like that.
Boy or girl, getting your dick sucked is getting your dick sucked. The best thing to do is to focus on how he makes you feel on an emotional basis and how you feel about him. Does he make your heart race? Do you feel nervous around him? Would you want to embrace him in your arms and plant little kisses all over him? Can you love him?
Weird but at this point, probably not. I have done both before and it came quite naturally, but now something is different and I'm not sure I would be comfortable with it. Especially the hand holding.
I know that feel, if someone sends me their irl pics I drop contact with them.
Discord is escapism for me, I want to keep thinking the person I'm talking to is actually a qt anime.
Sometimes, I feel like that, I'm just not attracted to him physically.
I do want him to want me, if that counts for anything? I like the idea of turning him on, makes me feel good abt myself. I want to get him off, but that doesn't change the fact I'm not attracted to him sexually, just his personality.
He is perfect in every other way tho, better than any girl I've met...
You can't change your sexual orientation.
Sure you can do handjobs and shit for him but what if he wants to return the favor and you can't get hard?
He'll be offended and think you don't find him attractive, possibly destroying your relationships.
He wants to top, would he really mind if I gave him my ass whenever he wanted?
okay here comes a harder question
how are you feeling? how was your day?
I don't want to break anyone's heart.
I feel terrible abt finding the perfect person, but my brain doesn't allow me to be attracted to him.
I'd love to condition myself if there's a way.
This is gonna sound a bit SJWey but maybe you need to approach the whole thing without considering gender. A hand is a hand, mouth's a mouth, and well a butt's a butt and they all belong to the one person who loves and cherishes you. But like I said, try to focus on the emotional/intimate and let those feelings grow naturally until you can see past his maleness and love him like you want to.
anxious and frustrated, like a frayed rope that's about to unravel entirely. I'm definitely being dramatic, but feeling this way makes me want to be dramatic for the luls.
I got drunk, played shitty mmos, passed out, had a very unpleasant dream where earth collided with another planet, woke up, ate a LOT, and now I'm here, shitposting on my deck.
thank you for asking these questions
Maybe play with your butt and see how you feel? It'll take time so don't slip inna finger and call it a night. Really go for it and learn to douche and be clean.
no problem i'm also pretty bored and i need to do laundry and fix my hair but i'm putting it off.
i might not sleep tonight.
>Can you make yourself gay?
I keep seeing this filth getting posted. Your age group is fucked user.
Because you have so much to do or because it's difficult for you?
Kill yourself prison gay piece of shit.
>tfw it's already 4am and I have to go somewhere at 8
One day I will drop this selfdestructive habit, but today is not that day.
I'm almost in my 20s though... I don't want to be gay for diversity or some kind of brownie points tho, just to get a good bf.
I don't think that's how it works user, maybe?
I do user, anything more specific
>Kill yourself prison gay piece of shit.
What have I done to make you so mean, user? I didn't want to offend anyone.
no uuuuuuu
yes, both. i'm really really afraid of oversleeping too. i'd rather stay up than fall asleep at 5am or something.
>enough sleep edition
just noooo
>tfw you will never be a masculine shy guy's girly white knight
Try to fantasise over him more. No need to fap if you can't get hard but it'll help you get in the mindset of being with him. If you really, really want this then it can be possible but only go through with this if you know in your heart that you'll be happy.
I'll try user.
We cuddle and watch movies, and I've sent him lewd pictures of myself which he touches himself to, but nobody has escalated anything.
If you're that far in, you may aswell try bottoming at least once. If not then ask him how he'd feel about staying as a couple who most just kiss and cuddle?
The hostility between some anons here is insane, and I dont get why you stay in these threads? is it attention you want?
I'll try to pretend nothing happened, ghosting him is too much of a dick move, mainly because he did nothing wrong.
Big ol' benis in boygina
>try bottoming at least once
I'll try user, I have nothing against it morally, etc + I love him on every level except sexually.
how big is big though?
asking for a friend
>tfw no refugee bf willing to rape and stone all the roasties I don't like
I feel like I lose an IQ point every time I read a post like this
What does fix your hair mean?
>tfw no rich bf who spoils me for no real reason other than he can
Yeah I'm a gold digger money is hot and i like guys who can buy cool shit.
On the plus side, if you try it at least there's a chance you'll like it. When he hits that prostate, it'll change your world.
I have this notion that those kinds of relationships always end disastrously
Not sure why
Have you ever been in one like that?
feet are gross my guy, please delete
What about groping or making out?
I dunno user. Bottoming seems to be a lot more dependent on attraction and emotion than topping when it comes to actually deriving pleasure from it. But on the other hand that could also mean that user's adoration for his friend would be enough.
7" x 6" of original cock.
Not yet...
I think he knows I'm emotionally stunted in some way and wants to take it really really slow with physical things
scary bird
it means that i do my own hair
>.5 inch of girth short
end me
self-stylist master race UNITE!
the back of the head is always such a pain in the ass to do
No, but I wish I was. I don't really have any money myself so it would be nice to be taken care of or spoiled a bit.
You're human garbage you disgusting fuck. Go and tell your dad you wish you were a faggot.
>I'm almost in my 20s though
You've been brainwashed by the faggot culture you've grown up in. You arent gay, and thats a good thing. You can have great male friendships without having to force faggotry in to it. Don't listen to these sick fucks trying to get you to acclimate your brain to gay shit. You need to get off this board user.
>I've sent him lewd pictures of myself which he touches himself to
You disgust me.
>Have online friend for +2 years
>He has aspergers, so he's unable to understand sarcasm unless it's extremely obvious, he also gets offended easily.
>It's difficult to sustain a conversation because I have to be really careful with what I say.
>Judging by his complaints, I'm the only person willing to put up with his shit.
>I keep him around because he's the only person I've ever met who likes the same games, music, movies, etc. I also got used to him I guess.
>He wants to come visit me and only needs my ok (he already knows where I live and is willing to get on a fucking plane).
Is there a way to tell him "no" without offending him? I've got plenty of reasons to not wanting him here but he probably won't like them.
>tfw no raceplay bf
I'm usually a top but I have thought about bottoming for a black guy. I dunno it just feels more right than vice versa.
So as I understand it
>your friend wants to visit you because he's known you 2+ years
>you have literally everything in common
>you like him enough to put up with his personality
>from the sounds of it it's not his fault that he is the way he is
>he wants to visit the only friend he has and you want to tell him no
You're a soulless fucking prick, you know that? Fucking hell.
i was actually thinking the other way around
Damage is done and the only salvation is to give your asshole to him whenever he feels like it.
You wanna get topped by a white guy? Where you at?
Don't make me sad user.
I don't visit Jow Forums too much, this is IRL stuff...I came here to ask what to do, I didn't get brainwashed into anything, user.
of northeast usa
Damn, too far. Sorry user.
it's the thought thatt counts
>there are gay blacks who like to bottom
Never did I know I had this hunger
I already know that. Guess I'll have to come up with an excuse by myself.
We're both bottoms unfortunately.
>i came to a board full of neets and social outcasts to ask the resident filthy faggots who use Jow Forums as a dating site and and an easy place to convert vulnerable young men to faggot and trans lifestyles if i should also become a faggot.
You're fucking retarded user. Get off Jow Forums you dumb fuck.
i hate that how cute i look revolves almost entirely on if my hair looks good. my face is usually pulling its weight, my hair thinks it can live here for free.
of course there'd be a few but i think i'd actually be more of a vers.
yeah well on a bad hair day i'm balding so it could be worse
I hate all of you lucky normal faggots so much
>tfw no kpop bf
why live
For seven years I laughed at those posts. To share the feel of
>tfw parents got the mail order of clothes
is bizarre. I don't know whether to laugh or vomit.
absolute shit taste
i suppose that's true.
mind going into a tad more detail?
yeahwell on a bad hair day i'm balding and i still got a bf soit could be worse
how old are you?
original flavor
>I'm an absolute faggot
>ordered stockings, fingerless gloves and panties
>mail order notifying me every step of the way
>except delivery
>dad opened the matching trap wear
>he's still offline
>ignoring me for 12 hours now
>he promised he wouldn't do this to me
>still does it
You people are all the same, there's literally no point in even trying to add anyone from here because all they're going to do is mess with your head. You're all just a bunch of normies who can't wait to screw someone over then brag about it to your normie facebook friends. Fuck all of you.
kek poor bastard, are you killing yourself soon?
you couldn't say they were a gift for a secret lover right?
>Ignoring you
A little paranoid, aren't we?
tfw no cute femboy bf, anyone in nyc?
>Only 12 hours and thinks he got ghosted
A little bit clingy, aren't we
Well smash your buttholes together or something.
Maybe if you weren't such a boring faggot you wouldn't have been ghosted.
sock user is if you're into that
yeah sure, on a bad hair day i'm mid 30s
in reality i'm 25, with some gray hair
Depends how it plays out, though it was already in the cards. I've got a couple days before I'm forced to sober up and face reality, I'll think things over till then.
As if they'd believe it, and my reaction when it happened sold me out instantly
Who is that, havent been on r9k long
some dumb overweight nigger that constantly posts about sweaty socks in here. if it's not him then it's another nigger that posted his cock through an imgur link here and everyone worships him despite the fact that doing what he did makes him an attention whore suited for /soc/
Shouldn't you be begging for a paypig you fucking kike?
>ignoring someone on purpose for half a day despite promising not to is totally okay
>no details on when he'd be back
>didn't say he was going to sleep or going out
>literally just stopped replying
What else am I supposed to think
He's busy? How long have you known him? Does he have school or a job? There's probably more rational solutions you self conscious autist.
Thanks, not into overweight people or black fems AT ALL.
i'm not overweight and i don't even post about socks anymore. it's always someone else who brings it up usually as a joke.
i'm not a femboy anyway.
haha why did you post about socks, got a kik dude
Lurk more you fucking faggot
make me faggot, I mostly just browse /v/
As expected, neet gamer turns out to be a prison gay kek
Kill yourself homie