Minimum nose size to date women in 2018 is Brody tier. Any less than that you are a noselet and women will assume you are poor and have a small dangle (you know what they say about men with big noses, right user?)

Attached: brodynosey.jpg (600x409, 26K)

Do women actually care about nose size?

t. coping noselet

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Found the virgin. user your only hope might be rhinoplasty. It depends on what you're working with. Plastic surgeons can do a lot, but they can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit. Just how much of a noselet are you?

Attached: seriously.jpg (284x177, 8K)

I have a bigger nose than him, and trust me. It doesn't help.

I have two noses suck it nerds!

Oy vey whats going on this thread

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Yes, but is the shape good? The same way that when people say they like a THICC ass they don't mean some shit that looks like two balloons of mashed potatoes stapled to a wall, if the shape of your nose is displeasing it won't matter how big it is.

I hate my nose. I wish it was smaller, i look disgusting! This thread is a lie. Fuck you.

Attached: disgustinjew.png (720x1280, 1.23M)

How is my nose? My mom took this pic without me noticing. Do I still have hope?

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If thats not shooped thats fucked up m8...

It's not but I think i was inhaling. Heres another fucking disgusting pic of myself.

Attached: disgustingjewman.png (765x965, 1.04M)

I'm literally getting a rhinoplasty this Friday.


How much is it?
What country?
Are you scared?

>jewish shilling
The strangest yet

It was $5,500, but I got $500 off for paying in full.


Not scared, just anxious want to get it over with and move on with my life. I trust the doctor and chances of dying from general anesthesia for a young healthy guy is like 1 in 250k, so no real risks here.

I've been nosemaxxing, happy with the progress so far.

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It's not your nose that's holding you back m8. In fact, your nose may be the only salvageable part of your face.

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Good on you man. What is your routine?

Don't worry about it, can't give away my edge ;)

Fair point. But my nose definitely doesn't help.

I'm seriously thinking about rhinoplasty everytime I walk outside the apartment. The only time I don't think about it is really when I'm drunk, unless someone says something about my nose, which has happened a couple of times.

this is avtually kind of true my boyfriend has a big bird beaky nose and i love it

This is me. Got upload error before I converted the image

Attached: 9-Years-Ago.jpg (604x453, 166K)

my nose could be even bigger than his tho, not even joking.

and yeah, i have had a lot of girls after me in my life but sadly im retarded for such things so i wasted all that pussy.

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God tier nose. Weak chin. Please do not get a rhinoplasty, you just need to bring out the chin to balance it and you'll be Chadlite. If anything, consider making it larger.

those goosebumps tho