I miss my internet friend

I miss my internet friend.
We fought a lot but I dunno what to do without him.

I tried making friends with some of you after he left to fill the hole but it didn't work out so well.
You guys sorta just sit and wait for me to and start the conversation for you all the time.

I hope he sees this.

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I can relate to this, lost my group of friends to some bullshit, and nobody else will fill that void of dank bants we had together. I miss it man, I miss it so much...

i feel sad and envy whenever someone post a thread like this becase i know i'll never have someone who would care enough to post a thread for me

You're gonna have to be more specific, pal. You could be describing almost anyone on this board right now. Part of having friends is losing them, and we all have things we regret.

I left a hint that he would get.
That's about all I'm leaving though, I don't want to make it too obvious and I don't even know if he still browses this board.

Don't feel to bad about it, you just gotta find somebody obsessive and dependent and they'll be posting threads for you whenever they can.

If I wasn't retardedly obsessive and dependent I prolly wouldn't be posting this.

Also, I didn't do a thing I regret to make him leave.
Maybe I said something wrong and that made me look like an autist, but desu, the main reason he left ultimately came down to him being a projecting tardlet.

I miss him but I'm not gonna pretend that I was the one at fault.

how do i find one :0

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I had an internet friend, but then I had no internet for a few months and he went down the linux rabbit hole, and refuses to play games or use propriety software.

That's OK though, he's a fucking normie. Probably going to be one of the reasons I kill myself, desu. Not much less to live for.

I'm actually not sure.
I've been searching for at least a couple years I think and not managed to find one.

Pls don't kill yourself.
Shame about your internet friend tho, my condolences.
Would you mind if I asked what your other reasons are?

You have to be a girl, and ERP and post cute anime pics like that

God same here dude, like my small niche of 5 friends was so close. We started off as online friends but we became so close we sent eachother gifts for holidays, texted each other on phones and watched movies together.

Havent found a group like that in a long time, it hurts being alone and missing people who care about you and ask how your day was. I feel trapped and forgotten.

it's cuter if they're a boy tbqh

Thanks for taking interest, but its nothing beyond a complete and utter lack of anything beyond the void of boredom. I only posted here hoping he browses and sees this and remembers me or something.

Oh this guy is prolly right I bet it'd be easy to fish in orbiters by the dozen if you did this.
Even if a guy if fishing on Jow Forums as the mindset is quite common here.

Have you considered getting a job that's exciting?
If you don't feel like you have much to live for, then you've got nothing to lose and there's probably a lot of dangerous jobs that are exciting you could nab if you're in ok shape.

Mother's basement is my best job. I'm an in-home security guard! 24 years and running.

Well if you're in NEETdom, then there's no reason not to train yourself into shape to go get an exciting job.

t-thanks, i'll consider it.

I'll obsses over you if you are cute and give me enough attention

Are you a girl? This sounds like it could be directed at me

I am very sorry to disappoint you, user, but I am male.

Anyone wants to make friends with me on discod? I'm very nice and really just want some friends

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are you kawaii though?

Discord is propriety software developed to sell users' data to nefarious people. You should try a more open-source VOIP platform, like Mumble.

What do you do for fun? I hate adding someone and having no idea what to talk about

Well, travel, explore abandoned places around my country for fun, watch a bit of anime and vidya and generally just talking with people about what they feel like ^-^

I have been called cute once or twice but I would say no and even if I was it would be degenerate to indulge in it and I've gotta stop being degenerate.


oh no no no no no

IRC is sadly not really in use anymore and everyone uses Discord on Jow Forums. But I would love to use Mumble

What if you don't want to use voice and are too scared and stupid to use irc?

Shame. Lots of good IRC channels still out there.

I'm only really in Private tracker IRC's. Can you recommend any?

Possibly consider tying your own noose?

Those the sort of things you have to find yourself.

considered thanks but no thanks this is why i dont bother

stay AWAY from me DEMON

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Ahh, it's actually a relief you arent her. I do hope you find your friend though

Thank you, I would wish you the same if you had wanted to meet your friend again.

Sure user. Just sent you a request

Don't worry OP. Even if your friend doesn't come back, I'm sure happiness is out there waiting for you somewhere. And if it's meant to be, it will find you.

I think I should just stop waiting for it and learn to be less dependent, I appreciate your encouragement highly, nonetheless.
Thank you.

or you know, you can post your discord and find new people :)

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That's even better! But always remember this: finding solace in the company of others doesn't make you any less of a person. Being able to share your happiness with someone else is one of the joys of the human experience, as long as you feel that another person will make both of you something greater than a single person. Live life and love yourself, user! I believe in you!

Perhaps but I don't want certain people recognizing me.
Instead, why don't you post your discord?

Maybe it doesn't make you less of a person, but finding solace in others still leaves you awfully vulnerable.
It hurts more to find solace in someone then have them go away or worse then it is to not find solace in that person in the first place.

>Perhaps but I don't want certain people recognizing me.
Done anything you would be ashamed of?

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nigger, you could never be as big a loser as I am and I don't bother to hide, so you should have nothing to worry about, shyboy

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I have alot of people added because of aforementioned search for hole filling and I don't want them to see me say they conversate like a dead gramma fucks.

I also don't want the respectable ones that I actually like to connect me with this thread.

Right, here's my discord prinny#1140, i'm a male student and not a trap so if you're a trap chaser shoooo

No trap chasers here, no sirree.

What do internet friends even do?
I joined small discords and no one talked

I joined a big discord and people just emoji spammed shit that didn't make any sense

What is the point? What is there to actually talk about? Why even talk at all?

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it's the dopamine hit when someone mentions you or DMs you
that is it

Because I have only internet friends.
I need people to talk to somehow.
Voice chats break up the bad shit, especially one on one voice chats.


Uh oh... How did this one get here? I cast thee out!! Begone, demon!!

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