Why do you hate Islam, robots? Islam is robot ideology.
Why do you hate Islam, robots? Islam is robot ideology
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>not a catholic robot who really is a hedonistic glutton
keep it up and see where it gets ya
I'm going to convert to Islam. Alluh Akbar white sharia now.
Ramadan starts on may 16
Because it has some stupid rules and white westerners will always be infidels in the mind of a muslim. Also letting a foreign culture conquer you is the ultimate cuckery.
Muslim here, no one really gives a shit about the ideology and seriously does not stop any sort of degeneracy, sure women are covered but women will stay women for the rest of their lives. Also most Muslims do not know anything about the religious texts whatsoever, just like any other religious person. People just do it for the culture and they were born in it. Tldr don't try to change yourself by holding up to ideologies. And Ramadan Mubarak to any other Muslim anons.
>required to leave the house five times a day for prayer
>Ramadan: a month where you have to starve to death all day
>halal chicken tenders are hard to find
>women dressed in bedsheets, so you would not be able to look at the boobies of the girls who will never date you
>not able to drink away your loneliness with alcohol
>probably get stoned for your online shitposting
Islam is the opposite of an Islam ideology.
welcome, heres your hijabi qt. sorry we ran out of everything except black
i'll convert if i can get a thicc qt like this
You'll get 72 thicc virgin qts.
You couldn't. Being a muslim would not make girls any easier to get.
>Be me
>Islam takes over the world
>Muslim comes
>Looks at skin
>"Hey user, do you accept Allah as your lord?"
>He leaves
>Mfw my skin color saved my life
>Mfw when my white neighbor gets killed
>Mfw I banged many chicks
Islamization doesn't sound so bad
If they just cooled off with the beheadings, little boy fucking, and anti booze/drug shit I'd honestly consider it humanity's saving grace
What is islams end game exactly...
peace in our time
To destroy western degeneracy in the name of Allah. They will conquer us from the inside and out. Especially since we are too cucked to do anything.
Same as cancer or a horde of locusts. It's perpetuated by a growing mass that can only consume.
>white westerners will always be infidels
Not true dude, all converts are accepted, but white converts are praised the highest by Muslims (even though they shouldn't as the Prophet forbid racism).
origino kek
I guess conquer the world and kill everyone who is not Muslim. I'm not sure what they would do if the whole world became Islam.
Then explain Chechens? Granted they are the worst Muslims, nig nogging and chimping out all the time.
Name a more ANTI incel ideology though, as they allow harems
Make the whole world be 1100 AD once more.
I mean.. this isn't new information desu
>dey white
>but dey not white
Would be better for men desu, sure 1100AD was harsh but at least every man had a waifu.
Those hindus know whats good
1100AD wasn't so bad really. People bring up the past all the time like it was some cave dwelling dark age.
In Euro land, I guess. But you wouldn't be missing much except maybe common law, which is nice.
>Asshole of Russia
>White in any sense of the word
Ricardo Rual Roberto Rodigrez! You must now the roots of the Spanish language is Arabic.
Come home mi Hermano!
Only total degenerates and fags get beheaded.
>little boy fucking
Completely prohibited, falls under homosexuality, people who do this are mean to get beheaded. Also only exists in South Asia, not the general Islamic world.
>anti booze/drug shit
Desu they poison you anyway. But to each their own.
>muh geography so not white
veil of delusion for 500
Maybe if she's your cousin and you get permission from your uncle to marry her.
>t. Muslim
little boy fucking is what your kuffar dad does when he and other westerners flood into cambodia
1100 AD had no technology, governments that were universally run my despotic kings or feudal lords, and you would probably end up dying from infectious disease, famine, or war.
You don't want to live in 1100 AD.
I just hate arabs.
yeah all of human material progress since then will just magically disappear. its here now, so taking society minus technology back to that time wouldnt actually be so bad
>implying this is bad
Most people who lived past 5 actually would make it to 60 or 70 back then.
Even so, it's a moot point, as Muslms are social traditionalists, not Luddites or anarcho-primitivists.
who doesn't? they can't even get their own religion right, south east asia has a better model for islam, they have less extremism and are more tolerant of other religions, and central asians are as well. arabs are just low iq sand kikes
>why do you hate islam
I dont hate islam. I honestly wish a lighter version of islam was implemented in the west.
>muh extremism
>ignores all other provocations
wow you sound like a colossal faggot
>no one really gives a shit about the ideology and seriously does not stop any sort of degeneracy
Can any other brownbots confirm this?
Sure. I'm drinking rum and coke right now, mashallah.
but they're all 90ft tall giantesses
Like niggers, muslims are the greatest threat to themselves.
No, he's wrong. Unless he lives in some rare cucked cosmopolitan secular neighborhood in the Middle East, most people take religion very seriously.
Although he is right you have to keep women in check, but that's what regular Islam does anyway.
no hes a simpering cuck trying to "le im a hip westerner like you"
religion is the cornerstone of society. but unless you live in a shithole like afganistan or something, no one is going to stone
i totally go out in my trap dress and cute stockings and all i get is frowns and my barber teases me about being a faggot
Still better than 80% of women pursuing 20% of Chads.