What would you do with a slave? Everybody says incels are evil...

what would you do with a slave? Everybody says incels are evil, but what would you actually do if you had complete power over someone?

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user I'm the one that wants to be the slave

user, I am the one whomst wants to be a slave

user I'm the 1 that wants to be the slave

Treat her nicely and get her to love and respect me so that I can sex her without it feeling like rape

It'd be like having a child I guess.
You want them to be productive and happy but it's like the concession that they aren't going to be either if they're allowed to self determine. Atleast for a little while until they're trained or whatever.
So you tell them the best way to work to that end, and extract value from them to make your supervision worthwhile, through chores or whatever.
I've had the idea for a little while that is is probably what should be done for really low IQ people. You have them concede that they can't make decisions that are consistently in their best interest.

Because its better than being unhappy and free right?
Kind of like how if you leave kids alone they start drinking out of the colorful bottles under the sink. Freedom isn't a perfect blessing.


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I'd be nice but also firm when it came to enforcing the rules. One of which is that she would have to be barefoot and bottomless at all times.

It's not rape you're just using your property

I wouldn't know where to begin, having a slave to just talk to me or listen to me would be nice, if she is cute I'd try and make her love me. I don't know.

I want a slave more than anything else. I wouldn't do anything weird though. She would clean my house, scoop, suck my dick, etc.. Basically what wives did before women jumped the shark. In exchange for this I'd let her live with me, we'd share a bed, and I would pay for her food, clothing, and even entertainment to a degree. My only restrictions is I don't want her to leave the house unless she's with me, she only wears what I pick for her, and she does what I tell her to when and how I tell her with no resistance. Someone like that I would love and cherish forever.

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fuck my heart fuckKK

Buy them a house and live a happy, normal life with them. Also, nice try FBI.

Well if theyre 100% slave id make them make me some money ofc.

Love her n shit...

Sounds like too much responsibility and work, OP - for me, the master. I'd offer him/her freedom immediately.

Immediately free them. That's way more responsibility than I want, though even helping them reintegrate into society would be a huge undertaking. I'd probably find some organization that helps victims of human trafficking to take them off my hands.

non stop rape coupled with extremely violent beatings

I'm too much of a moralfag to do anything seriously evil
But I'm a big enough sadist to tease and playfully bully for a while before freeing her

I don't want a slave. that's the very last thing I want, actually, I hate having to be the master/leader/in charge of anything.

I'd user her as my bathroom. Just as an experiment. Have a human being pissed and shitted on for years and years, instead of a toilet. If things work right, she'll open her mouth on command as I piss into it.

just treat her nice and give her a nice place to live in exchange for small tasks like cleaning.

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Let's see
1. Couldn't leave my house without permission
2. Can't say no to me sexually
3. Unlimited cuddles
About it
I'm not a cruel man

I would do this with them.

Head pats until it dies.

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>always wanted to be possessed by someone
>would roleplay with kids in elementary school that i was their slave or servant
>feeling got stronger as I got older
>desperately wish to be someone's property forever
>have this burning void in my heart from unfulfilled desire

How do I REALLY become someone's slave? And not just their fetish fucktoy that is just an experimental phase for them, I mean how do I find a real master who will own me for life?

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I'm not some cold unfeeling rodge worshipping dickweed.
jk I am, but I'd try to be fair, kind and gentle.

Sell them and buy a caterpillar

Free her from slavery, then pat her head. Help her get a new life, get her drivers license and all of that shit, considering she was sold into slavery I doubt she has any of that. Hope shebdoes well, stay in contact.
If she's like some feral child who's been abused, I can't reasonably take her to a shelter, too many questions, so I'd just feed her and make her as happy as possible I guess.

That would include sex when she's in heat user. You want her to be happy and fulfilled, right? You'll need to breed with her~ unf!~

Empower them probably to the point where they leave me to enjoy their lives
Maybe I could be happy knowing I made a difference in some ones life, but i'd probably just fall in to a major depression afterwards.

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Delivering a baby brings too many questions as well, user, I can't realistically breed with the slave girl. Though I would make her happy with my mouth and toys if she really wants to orgasm, I'm submissive like that anyways, even to my "slave" girl, because I am a huge submissive faggot please rape my face.

It's really not that simple of a question for me, because there's quite a few factors that affect how I treat my slave and what I do with them.

>are they male or female?

Assuming female:
>is she young/old? pretty/ugly?
>how did she enter into slavery?
>was she abused in the past?
>was she sexually abused in the past?
>how "broken in"/obedient are they?
>is society okay with me having a slave?
>does she hate me?
>how intelligent is she? Educated?

Because honestly I can see myself going in many different directions with my slave depending on the answers to any of these questions. Anywhere from just treating them like a housemaid, to chaining them in the basement.

i'd make her work, but not too brutally. i'd also have sex with her like every day. im lonely so i'll have her cuddle with me a lot.

i wouldn't hurt her at all. if she was defiant, i would just refuse to feed her. she'll learn.

Depends how old she is when enslaved into my ownership. If she is a young child at the time of enslavement, she will be groomed to be my perfect fucktoy. I would train her to perform any and all sexual activities for my every whim. Upon adulthood, she will be forced to carry children until she births a baby girl, which will continue my cycle of owning a young, prepubescent sex slave (and tossing the used up whore mothers in the garbage where they belong)

If I am given an adult slave, repeat the last step of previous plan and go from there

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Train her to be maid and cook and stuff
Fight club like cult

accurate desu
why do people assume we're monsters we're just lonely ffs

I'd tell her to fuck off and get away from me

Forget about what I'd do with a slave, why did you choose pic related for this thread. And back to the slave question. Answer. I'd rape her mercilessly until I got bored of her and trade her for a different one.

I want to Teaching Feeling her!

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If that girl came into my possession?
I would immediately tell her that she's free.
Then I would tell her that she seems like she could use some help getting back on her feet.
Offer her my bed, food, etc etc.
Then I'd just let her live with me as long as she wanted.

release them immediately

marry her, impregnate her, love and care for her and our kids

What if she didnt want to get married or have kids you moron. Then that would be rape.

You're worse than Bill Cosby.

If girl:
>become friends
>cuddle a lot
>eventually see if some sort of closer relationship could happen
>never force myself on her
>have a good life where i'm never lonely again

If guy:
>All of the above except for the more intimate parts
>Have him be my workout buddy
>Get gainz together
>Take martial arts together
>Have my own personal bodyguard/best friend who also supports me and cheers me on

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I would treat her well mostly, but I would also very roughly fuck her regularly. Otherwise I would make sure to give her tons of affection and love, in the hopes she starts to feel the same way about me.

these three responses more or less, as long as my miss is gentle and loyal in return

Pure housenigga ancestory

What if the government gave you a devoted slave gf but she was piss ugly?

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Are you a black? Are you a female?

I would utilize their labor in the most economically profitable way

I would write stories with them, buy them little gifts and just enjoy life.

Free them. Only a weak bitch needs that shit, convince people to follow you if you want someone to do what you want.

>got into a relationship with a guy
>very controlling in my life
>I wore what he wanted me to wear
>I did what he wanted me to do
>very demanding sexually
>unnecessarily rough
>pushed boundaries that I didn't want pushed

>have a gf now
>gentle and loving
>makes sure I'm doing what I want to do
>never forces sex on me once we talked about it
>always trying to care for me

Is it bad that occasionally I miss my old relationship?

Honestly I'd just wife her up, and treat her like a traditional wife. Below me, but nowhere near slave tier. Wouldn't even sex her yet if she isn't ready.

No, they're different kinds of relationships that scratch different itches. Also remember that there are good parts of abusive relationships. Just because he was terrible to you in some ways doesn't mean everything he did to you was terrible. There is no shame about remembering the good parts of the relationship fondly, but always remember that it was bad overall.

Make them do house chores for me and overall take care of the house, food and baths, like a proper slave should do.
Maybe i'd fuck them from time to time, but my sex drive is kind of low, so they'd just use most of their time cleaning the house, getting rid of pests and educating themselves/learning cooking so they can become a proper person who can properly uphold themselves in front of others.

As time goes on i'd give her a little more freedom and let her have fun, but they would never be free'd from their chores. Maybe i'd even find actual work for her so she could earn me money and the like, as it's kind of useless to have a slave on the house when i'm not on the house myself working.

I really don't get you people wasting so many resources on an slave though.

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I'd still probably do sexual things with her because I get off on degrading fat cows like the thing in your pic.


and you'd have to take care of them i presume

just donate it to an animal shelter or something, fuck that

If we were in a setting where I would own a slave, I'd want a female slave (white). I'd do the generic "be nice to her and over time she'll fall in love with her master" thing. I don't want to do fucked up things to her. She didn't do anything wrong and I want a girlfriend, one who loves me.

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That hinges on the slave's attributes. If she is breed-worthy I would impregnate her many times. If not, I'd get her an IUD and have her cook and clean for me.

Make my slave a wagie that works for me.
I suppose it'd be alot like how a pimp works, except I wouldn't be black.

Never thought about that really, probably depending on my mood or intentions. Part of me wants to give them a good life, educate and give them autonomy and eventually set them free.
The other part of me would probably brutally beat and torture them, maim them in ways they dont lose limbs but wouldnt ever think of fighting back. Warp them to be completely accepting of my warped behavior.
No rape though, if i were to go down the messed up path the beatings and conditionings would make said slave believe they want it instead of me forcing it onto them.
That in turn would make them crave my negative and harmful attention.

>these three responses more or less, as long as my miss is gentle and loyal in return
This is literally what women want. Are we just women in male bodies?!?!

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Put her on a treadmill till she's pretty.

Make them work on my cotton farm all day.

lol this. I just want her to watch TV shows with me or something. The chores thing is cringy since I feel like a lazy piece of shit by having other people do stuff for me. In the long term Ill just turn her into my wife, but with the added benefit that she can't leave me and take half my shit.

I like the way you think
Originally of course

Give her all of my love and affection, make her my slave wife.


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Another southern bussineman like myself I see.

This gave me a sensible chuckle, thanks user

Sexmaid. I'm not even into doing any kind of fetishes, so basic vanilla sex will do too.

god this artist is awesome, good taste op

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i'm not an incel, but i have extreme power fetishes, it really depends on how attractive they are because if they're ugly i'll just be annoyed by them and i'd abuse them

it's my single greatest fantasy to find those little humans like from the borrowers in my house and i could reign over them in terror and perform human experiments on them

i think i might be messed up

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I'd probably do some things she really doesn't like, sexually speaking. But I imagine after awhile it would just turn into a normal husband-wife relationship. We'd probably be too busy for me to fulfill a lot of my sadistic fantasies, and after we've bonded past a certain point; I'd probably not want to do them anymore. I'm sure they'd still pop up when I'm trying to discipline her though. The problem is that a person's first thought when they hear 'slave' is 'fuck toy' but after awhile it's just going to be like a submissive wife, assuming you only have one. A really interesting dynamic would be if you had a wife and a slave though.

I don't really need a slave because I live alone and do all my chores already. If she cooks well, she could do that and maybe do some cleaning, but otherwise I don't care. Having someone to go out with to concerts etc. seems okay, but I never went with someone else, so it doesn't really matter, I probably prefer being alone there too.

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Free them. I have no interest in people that have no interest in me. Also taking care of a slave sounds lame.

only legitimate answer

I'm too much of a pussy, I'll probably just treat them as a roommate.

Mandatory hugs.

Treat her with respect and have a loving monogamous relationship with her, while keeping a fully stocked fridge full of junk food constantly and secretly sneaking appetite stimulants into her food and encouraging her to be lethargic so she slowly becomes my fat lazy broodmare >:3

I used to think I was super fucked up until I found out a shitload of women share this fantasy. Life's fucking crazy.

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Rape her once or twice then free her.
Unless she's really pretty. Then I attempt to give her Stockholm syndrome and keep her as my personal living hug pillow and self propelled onahole

same as this. I mean raping and keeping someone against their will would just make me feel even worse.

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After her daughter is like 13, you should force the daughter to shit in the mother slave's mouth every single day until the mother dies of infection.