Tfw no qt clingy black gf

>tfw no qt clingy black gf

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There are qt black fembots

for all the 'white couple' results on google, i see next to no wmbf couples irl

I actually have seen two recently
First two ever


That's because we're perceived as uglier and more masculine. Basically 90% of people find us unattractive.

Anyway I live in a city and there are a fair amoutm

plebian opinion, friendo

Are you sure you want a clingy black gf? Are you ready for that?

It's Plebeian*, Snaniqyua.

OP pic isn't black, she's Dravidian.
I suppose I'm not getting my Tamil kama sutra expert either.

I'd be happy with that. Shame there ain't a lot of African women where I live. I don't live in America so that's outta the question. Just fuckloads of white trashy looking motherfuckers and asians.

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What's the drawbacks?
Other than what Jow Forums thinks is real

That's not really true. Non-black people don't consider us a part of their dating pool and can be racist on the internet, but they often find me attractive, and I wouldn't say I look white at all.

you have big fucking gay

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>do you want clingy (fill in with anything) gf
yes please

Meme. I consider blacks more effeminate than whites.
>big thick lips
>big round butts
>tons of jewelry and hair always done up
This goes for both females and males. The men always have earrings and jewelry too. And obsessed with fashion brands. They all just seem effeminate to me.

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Asterisks only denote a correction in banal communication mediums for adolescents. The occasional book might do you well.

That right there is a drawback. Probably going to be the super emotional type too, if clingy.

All I want right now is to be wanted
Is that too much to ask?

I had a qt clingy black gf but I dumped her because she woildn't stop begging me to make her a baby momma and refused to have sex if we used contraception and kept trying to prevent me from pulling out and also said we had to get married and stop fornicating.

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No it's not, let me want you

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I'm not what you see young user

Where are you from, OP? Are there a lot of black girls where you are?

I must have dated her cousin back in Houston, senpai.
(A part of me wishes I'd stayed.)

That's good for you then. I'm ugly and have heard guys irl talk about black females being really ugly and/or having bad personalities and how they'd never even consider dating one. Mostly black guys but still.

Again I'm happy you do and I think so too, but most other people are just freaked out by the nasty gorilla skin, brillo pad hair, monkey noses, scary loud voices, animalistic behavior, etc.

Faris has white features though

>tfw have qt black gf


I'd date you if it wasn't for your victim complex and your weird religion whatever it is
You're prettier than any white girl I've ever seen

Tfw no small cute bratty gf who pushes me around and is super possessive but deep down is super clingy and wants a hug

Stop paying attention to that kind of talk, they're taking the piss because they want to look edgy in front of their friends. By having this self-pitying attitude, you're not just insulting yourself, but millions of other black girls too. I remember you from other threads and I just feel bad for you every time you post.

>draw a white woman
>color the drawing black
>wooow black women can be so cute see guys??
I see through your lies shekelstein

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The loud voices and exaggerated body-language can be self-controlled. Lots of blacks don't get all ratchet. Actually most don't; it's just that the ratchets get the attention. (t. that Houston guy above)
Which sucks for you, non-ratchet. But life sucks for all of us in different ways and that is why we are all here.

>tfw I literally met a qt black girl into anime and vidya recently
>gone on two dates
fucked on both dates too[/spoilers]

damn life is good anons.

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"B-Black people are so evil! Now let me be promiscuous and act like a player while I whine about roasties doing the exact same thing on this board"

I want you. And all those clingy bitches want you too.

where are all those clingy bitches you speak of

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There goes your blonde hair and blue eyes.

but his hair is black

I'm not trying to insult you I'm sorry. I mean there are lots of black girls I would kill to look like and I would definitely hate being black less if I were just a prettier one, but I've come to terms with knowing that even if I were the most beautiful black girl in the world there are a lot of people who would immediately be repulsed by my skin/hair.

Thank you for being sweet user. I'm sorry I don't know how to accept compliments.

>muh aryun jeans
I'm already a white mutt anyway, so I don't have a reason to not want a mixed or black-with-european-features gf

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Couldn't give less of a fuck
If any female wants to mate with me I've gotta jump on that because there may not be another

Where can I find a girl like this?
Asking for a friend

There really was this cute as fuck one who worked at my job a few years ago. Demure, even, but I imagine that that was a mellow front.

This other cute one from the old job was much lighter and had a white bf. those yoga pants fff.

You have to get past your victim complex

That's kinda sad. I don't want my line to lose our blue and green eyes or milky white skin. We're already a dying breed.

w2c black gf in Utah??

>but I've come to terms with knowing that even if I were the most beautiful black girl in the world there are a lot of people who would immediately be repulsed by my skin/hair.

I think you're putting too much emphasis on your own race there. If there are people that you find you repulsive because of your hair or skin, oh well. There's still plenty of people out there that'll like you for those features or regardless of them. You can't make everyone happy after all. Just work on yourself and be the person you wanna be.

Trust me, that self hating race bullshit can be a real turn off. For me personally at least. As an Aussie I see that kinda shit manifest a lot in asian women here and the only white guys it attracts are really creepy buggers with self esteem issues of their own. For your own benefit you gotta try and let go of that.

one day you'll mature and realize your genes aren't rare pokemon cards, maybe.

Then you breed with some white whore
I may never get that chance
Plus white girls don't do much for me

They aren't? Are you aware white people are ten percent of the entire world population and rapidly falling? I'd say those genes are pretty rare.

Idk how though? I guess maybe when I finish losing the weight it will be easier but i don't know how to fix low self-esteem especially when it's justified.

I don't really feel like a victim of anything or act like one irl I just feel sad randomly when i think about not being good enough. But I would never tell people I actually knew about my problems.

I think you should look at this psychology today article on "how to be an adult" and stop being a whiny little bitch. I mean this in a nice way. And seriously, go check it out.

Can a nigga get some love?

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it's really not important, black genes are also about 10% of the world population who cares? You also dont get how genes work..a white parent and black parent has like a 50/50 chance of making a blue eyed baby..and if it isn't blue eyed theres still a good chance the baby's baby will be blue eyed. White genes will never disappear just become less relevant

>a 50/50 chance of making a blue eyed baby
>says I don't know how genes work
I don't think you understand how genes work.

>not wanting to ruin your life and spend $200k is acting like a player and being promiscuous
I almost told you to go back to Jow Forums, but then realized you're probably just a butthurt roastie

You come into every thread about black girls and try to derail it by moping about how ugly you are. Please just stop posting and leave Jow Forums. It would be good for your mental state.

Start thinking of yourself as an individual rather than being part of a collective or a stereotype. Your race has little to no bearing on who you are.

25/75, whatever. it's more likely to come out in the 2nd generation though

Do black girls like whiteish latinos?

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So now they're pushing black women on white men? Nice fucking try, those orcs disgust anyone with a sense of sight, smell, or hearing.

as a weirdo lonerfag black dude, sometimes, black girls make me cringe, hard as fuck. the amount of black girls who give off the "I LIKE WHITE GUYS" vibe whenever I even so happen to accidently look at them makes me LOL hard. then when they realize I literally give zero fucks, they come crawling back on their knees.


dumb bitches KYS

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Enjoy your nigger half breeds

>new neighbors move next door
>your mom sends you next door with a welcome basket
>no one answers the door
>you walk around to the back of the house to see if anyone is there
>pic related
>"hey whiteboi, wanna come swim"?

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>Nice fucking try, those orcs disgust anyone with a sense of sight, smell, or hearing.
be honest, does that sound any different than you? Are you really in place to be judging all black women or anyone?

You could really use some therapy, and I mean that in the nicest way possible

Niggers can't swim, though.

I am.
Self Heil, mutt.

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>That's because we're perceived as uglier and more masculine
If you're not monstrously fat or have the stereotypical sass most white guys wouldn't mind a black woman at all, especially if you have a good ass.

The idea of blackness being masculine is a meme propagated by fussy white women who know deep down that men are people too and can only take so much shit before the pussy just isn't worth it and are trying to milk us for all we're worth before we go full Japan with herbivore men and MGTOW.

>immediately jumps into the pool

hey fashy boy

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Jokes on you I hate myself and want my children to be as different from me as possible.

theres a black girl nearby that is attracted to me, what should i do boys?

>>If you're not monstrously fat or have the stereotypical sass most white guys wouldn't mind a black woman at all,
I'd really like one that was fat and had the stereotypical sass though.

>The men always have earrings and jewelry too. And obsessed with fashion brands. They all just seem effeminate to me.

I have always thought this too. Black guys are also obsessed with their mothers and ultra-emotive. They have to express every single emotion they feel in the most over the top way. It can make for funny reaction videos or w/e but literally the only white people who come close to that level of emotivity are cliche flamboyant gays.

>gorilla skin, brillo pad hair, monkey noses, scary loud voices, animalistic behavior, etc.

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>they all just seem effeminate to me

they are LOL its cringe as fuck.

>Black genes are 10% of the world population

Also why do you think there are so many mixed/mulatto r9k users? Why would you want to put your kid through that? They wouldn't be accepted by anybody and become an outcast

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lol people think black hair is cool. its just not cool to think that out loud, so people don't.

drunk white roasties doing what they do best at parties doesn't prove anything user, especially since your probably ugly face is censored. Before you call me jealous i'm not even straight desu

What's she like? If she is the shy kind, try to be her friend, talk with her whenever you can, and eventually ask her out. But always, with any girl, be able to make her laugh.

Such bitterness from you as you realize there are superior men.

shit that's gonna make her dry as fuck.

Jesus Christ this board has gone to shit

People who arent insecure say it out loud all the time. Black hair is something to be proud of its not like anything else. Pic related is my fro.

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she seems rather introverted. ive never even talked to her, my mother was just informed by hers that shes attracted to me.

Not to mention brown eyes, hair, and skin are dominant over lighter recessive genes.

pic related is definitely you friendo, you aren't special around these parts. Now please stop before you post something even more cringy.

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i should also mention that her mother stated that she specifically was trying to muster courage to talk to me

Correct. Blonde hair, blue eyes, white skin all disappear when mixed with black.

>wow, user! I hear you are an amazing swimmer
>wanna go to the pool sometime and give me a few lessons?

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Hey, well it worked for me! Just don't overdo it. Unless all you want is sex and no loyal gf, then you might want to try something else if you're impatient.

>search for interracial couple
>vast majority of images are wmbf

Despite being half black I've never fucked a black girl but dated one. Still kinda keep in touch though. I've only been fucking white girls and Latinas for the past few years anyways.

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It's clearly agenda pushing.

or maybe it's just the most common interracial couple or most searched?

It is the least common interracial couple, since men are much less likely to date outside their race.

Pro tip: Men don't feel shame; that's reserved for children and females. Your tactic is ill advised. Now go cry more about your nigger loving insecurities somewhere else. These apes don't belong here.

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