Why are millennials so shit lol
Why are millennials so shit lol
lauren i want to pee pee in ur mouth
maybe if they didnt treat vaping as a foodgroup they wouldnt be so broke
I saw an article today that states the average american worker works approx 15 solid days more a year than a medieval peasant.
I guess you might live longer but, is it worth it if your just slaving away for Shekelbergs hookers and blow?
cum lmao
My boomer parents pushed me into retail and then kicked me out at 18
Gee, I wonder why we make less??????
>clearly says MAKING less
>edgelords make comments about millennial SPENDING
Keep telling yourself whatever you need to prop up the narrative your dad fed you
prolly has something to do with the Reagan administration, the corruption in government and the top 20% enabling all of it.
think about it, as long as they corporations and government pay out "some" people, you can keep people hand cuffed and slowly siphon all the wealth.
that used to be the middle class they used, now it's the top 20.
Corporate regulation has fucked everything, contributed to the massive drain on resources and increase in competition for a better job. Not to mention the insane amount of inflation.
Back in the 60's, you could literally walk out of highschool and land a job that made the equivalent of $60,000 a year.
>sent into the world with $50
>they buy a house, car, pay their college tuition, enlist in the military and choose a girl to be their wife
>girl can't object because women's rights don't exist yet
>donate the remaining $48 to orphanage
>have 15 babies
>sent into the world with $100
>crappy apartment rent is $400 a month
>no job because all taken by boomers
>college tuition is 48000 per hour
>can't get girl because they have the right to call you ugly and worthless now
Decent car is $30000
>boomers call millennials lazy
Case in point
>Housing prices and the price of education rise dramatically more than wages
>Tax breaks for the ultra wealthy increase
>Needing any more information than that
It's a fundamentally shitty system
>sent into the world with $100
Try -60k
And then people wonder why we want to become NEET and drop out of society
>Graduate college
>In debt
>Entry level job for college grad pay $40k per year
>Expected to slave away in an office for 60 hours a week for that $40k
>Houses start at $300k if you want to not live in a nog neighborhood, meaning $60k down payment
>Don't have that, gotta rent.
>Studio apartment in non-nog neighborhood is $700.
>Halfway decent car to be able to drive to your 60 hours of office slavery is going to be $250 a month, and that's not even including maintenance, insurance or gas
>No gf or wife at home to make it all worth it because for whatever reason, 5/10 pedestrian girls deserve 10/10 turbochads.
I recently moved to the pretty far outskirts of my local city and it's crazy how a lot of early and even late adults are living.
You pretty much HAVE to have a relationship to pay bills. Every one is married at like 20 - 21 with a kid, and struggling pretty badly.
The worst part is they want to work. We don't have the hours to give them though so the vast majority of them are on food stamps, like most of the town.
Boomers were just born at a booming time in American history. We're now returning to a median level of income
>>No gf or wife at home to make it all worth it because for whatever reason, 5/10 pedestrian girls deserve 10/10 turbochads.
That's the real kicker right here
Maybe it would be worth all the trouble if a woman was there at the end of the day, but it's current year and females are entitled cunts.
15 days more a year than a peasant
but you live twice as long
remember when minimum wage was 5$
boomers seem to hate their own kids for some reason, I've heard many call their kids lazy and ungrateful and then they donate all their money to Africa because they are such hard workers and deserve the money unlike their lazy kids
>two people with two incomes can barely support themselves
>decide to have a kid
I can't really bring myself to have much sympathy for these people
Literally jewish brainwashing
Because you guys spend alot of money on useless shit and dont save any of it.
t. Born in 1892
People also say deerrr living on credit is dumb. These sheltered idiots don't get that if your income is low, you need credit for emergencies. People who are poor and make "smart" choices are the ones who end up losing their car after it gets into an accident because they're scared of credit and end up losing their job in the end.
Globalization, women in the workforce, and mass migration have left wages stagnant while housing costs have skyrocketed along with the need for higher education, which is now skyrocketing too. Society is not in a good place for the young.
>t. Born in 1892
I have mommy for emergencies lol
Remember when accounting for inflation meant that was the equivalent of $12?
I believe there's tax benefits or maybe government assistance available for families, but i'm a permavirgin and don't know any thing about it
Hit the nail on the head, same shit applies to a lot of self improvement in general. Why bother when I'll still be seen as an unwated piece shit?
Things are more expensive than you think. If you needed $3000 now would mommy have the money?
Don't be a racist to old people user.
lmao why you niggas responding instead of just getting more money lol
I'm female. Why should I give up my future just because people want to blame me for falling wages? Make a better future for both of us, not just you or else I'm refusing to cooperate.
Actually yes, but luckily I've never had to be in such a situation. I'd feel awful asking for that amount of money.
i just save all my tax returns.
as a man, all i really need in life is shelter and food. everything else can be sacrificed in the end.
you have to be raised like this, i don't think you can just teach it to someone who is used to instant gratification.
There are, but you don't come out ahead on it. They don't come anywhere near covering 100% of the costs of raising a kid.
Why didn't you just stay in the kitchen. Now you're taking the men's jobs and then you wonder why they aren't making more money than you.
Whatever, men are better cooks anyway. Can I be a stay at home dad? Since you want men's jobs, can I have the female's old job?
now you can't have the old job because women won't enable it.
only men enable women to do whatever the fuck they want.
that's why we all mostly detest women. they blame us for giving them freedom, won't afford the same.
The median family income (i.e. the income made by a family that is wealthier than half the country) in 1960 was less than $40,000 in 2016 dollars.
The idea that an 18 year old could easily make $60,000 per yer in the 1960s is so ludicrous that I'd think it would be immediately obvious that it was untrue.
Instant gratification is sometimes better because sometimes it's either now or never. Transportation is necessary. Public transport is highly inefficient. If you use that you have no control over your life and you waste hours getting places. Also many areas you can't get to with public transport. Public transport is also full of criminals and trouble makers that hang out on the bus all day.
Because I don't want to be stuck beng financially insecure. I've also had issues in life from medical and psych problems and that has held me back in life to the point a career looks attractive. I'm a lot better now than I was.
>worked all through high school to save up 5k
>grandfather was good farmer, gave 50k to all his grandkids for college
>went to school for 2 years, 5th semester had to take out 5k debt because my fund was gone
>had a crisis and dropped out
worked minimum wage job, then a waiter job
start up at local state school, only 5k a semester tuition while living at home
>spent all my money to pay off my old loan plus took out another 5k in debt to do another year
>third semester at cheap school, get an internship at a startup company, work there and drop out of cheap school
>still working there 2.5 years later
>paid off my school debt
>bought a car
>went back to school last year to finish up while working, in about 5500 in debt currently
>found a decent house at 94k
>got a loan of $5000 to help me get down payment + closing costs from my dad
>making 55k a year at my startup job after making 16 an hour for the longest time
>in about 100,000 debt total with a college degree and a home
my goal is to keep it going. my father is going to set up college funds for my kids and my sister's kids, and i for my grandkids, and i'm going to do what i can to help them get started, though i imagine it'll be harder for me than it was for my grandfather.
Some places don't even hire people who don't have cars, pretty much for the reasons you mentioned.
The problem is she'd see you as dumb and financially imprudent for not taking her life advice.
I once worked with a guy who was living paycheck-to-paycheck on a six-figure income. He and his wife and kids all had new ithings, leased cars, mcmansion in a nice neighborhood, and he never brought a lunch, he always went to this place across the street where it was like ten bucks for a sandwich, soda, and a cookie. And he unironically bitched that he was always running short of money.
I made less than half of what he did and saved like $20k in a year at that job because I just stayed at home and didn't blow all my money. In fairness that was also due to wagecucking being horribly depressing and none of the things I could have spent money on seeming fun in the slightest because life felt so meaningless.
Yeah. They always ask about reliable transportation. It's why the guy on minimum wage getting out the credit card to pay to fix the car is smarter than the guy without instant gratification who loses his job because the bus was 20 minutes late.
What are you? Some sort of turbo-normie?
you needed to conclude all your sentences with "depending on where you live" and the last one about criminals and trouble makers is just bologna.
they have armed security on buses now.
you can accomplish everything with Uber/Lyft/taxi now, zero reason to own a personal car.
if you ever need to move you just rent the truck anyway.
In my area it was very common for people in the bygone era to get auto factory jobs right after high school and they would buy/build a house after saving for just a couple of years. They would literally walk into a factory, give the boss a firm handshake, say they're willing to work hard, and they would get these mindless repetitive jobs. Those types of jobs are rare today because of multiple forces, mostly automation, efficiency, and NAFTA.
Unfortunately there are a lot of old idiots that cannot comprehend just how much the world has changed. I'd like to think that for every old idiot there's at least one who understood what was going on when they saw the shit unfold. Those factory jobs are gone forever, a college degree in a field that's in demand is necessary but not sufficient on its own, and getting that degree is getting increasingly expensive every year.
>taking life advice from a boomer
>taking life advice from a female
I love my mom but she's dumb as shit and naive as fuck. I take all of her advice with a grain of salt.
The tradeoff for massively increasing the labor pool is the lowering of wages. That's literally why it takes a dual-income household to achieve the same relative standard of living that a single-income household could manage 50-60 years ago. You can't just magic this tradeoff away.
We might nonetheless be in okay shape if not for the biggest influx of immigrants in the history of the nation, devaluing labor even more, but that combination (plus losing middle-class jobs to globalization) has been devastating to young people and families.
more like a turbo wagecuck. I probably have 20-30 60 hour work weeks under my belt
My mom's advice actually was to save up your money, put it in a Roth account, have thousands or more in emergency funds, and never charge more in credit than you have so you don't carry interest. She has a lot of life advice. My parents are careful people. They also helped me a lot financially.
The reason that wages are growing more slowly really has very little to do with most of the things that people have talked about in this thread. The primary driver has actually been the explosion in automation and information technology that started in the 1980s.
Wages are determined first and foremost by productivity. The more you can produce in an hour of labor, the more you can sell that hour of labor for. In the 1950s there wasn't much difference in the productive capacity of a blue collar and white collar worker. Therefore the small minority of the country doing professional managerial work didn't make all that much more than the majority working in services or manufacturing. That's very different today. Less and less blue collar work is efficient when compared against robotic manufacturing. Meanwhile white collar workers have become exponentially more productive due to all of the computer technology at their disposal. Wages really haven't stagnated at all for people in professional managerial jobs. Intellectually intensive positions make way more than ever. Manual work or white collar jobs that involve more routine and procedural work make relatively less than they used to.
That's a pretty vexing problem because quite frankly most people aren't cut out for the highest paying jobs in the modern economy. We are poised to see inequality increase beyond levels that are already very high by historical standards. There's no immediately obvious solution.
>unions get more crippled by the year
>older workers who can't afford to retire either stay in the same position just to tread water or end up taking menial work normally done by 16 year old fresh hires
>every age group getting screwed on some level in this scenario
>still shaking your fist and screaming MILLENNIALS!!!!!
And forcing me to give up my autonomy and dreams would be devastating to me as a young person. I'm not doing this just because I was forced to be born in a time people blame me.
My mom is a 3 times divorcee who kicked me out at 18 looool
I'm bad with numbers and computers so there aren't any viable careers for me, it sucks.
>The primary driver has actually been the explosion in automation and information technology that started in the 1980
so yeah, the Reagan administration. that was mentioned and it is why.
>3 times divorcee
Fucking women, treating marriage like it's some sort of plaything.
It ain't just that, there's less demand for labor, especially unskilled labor. A hundred years ago you couldn't run a factory without ten thousand people to man the assembly lines, now you can produce more than that early 20th century factory with a bunch of robots and 100 skilled technicians to look after them. More recently the great recession taught a lot of companies that they could get away with a lot less labor than they'd previously been using, that's why unemployment was so slow to come down, even though output recovered quickly.
>>Unfortunately there are a lot of old idiots that cannot comprehend just how much the world has changed.
There's a lot of people who just don't want to admit that the world has changed. They wanted those mindless jobs because they hate the idea of having to stay in education longer and then continually learn new things over the course of a career as they get new jobs doing new stuff every couple years. They desperately want those mindless repetitive factory jobs where they get two weeks of training and then don't have to think for another 40 years. These people are pretty much fucked no matter what, even if they suck it up and start learning more and being more adaptable, they're a.) going to hate it, and b.) will never be nearly as good at it as people who actually enjoy it.
the jews did this through free trade and open borders
I basically tried to fix my own issues with alternative medicine at any cost. No time to wait for the FDA. Either that or have zero future hope. Luckily I have no student loans thanks to parents help.
It's your own fault if your poor. I grew up with nothing and aren't in contact with family any more and managed to save 10k bong per year as a fucking student (although I've got a few 100k due to BTC now lol).
Seriously what the fuck is so hard about going to a decent college, putting some effort on and getting a decent job.
For a few years now I've honestly been somewhat suspicious most baby boomers don't actually understand how the economy works. It's been decades since they've read a school text book. The information they're going on is extremely old. Most of them work for a wage rather than have their own business.
They don't understand that less spending is less income for businesses = less business spending like jobs or hiring other businesses.
I also have this theory that the ones that understood that likely got fucked during the recession and probably committed suicide. Where as the ones which were in a recession proof job got to coast by on that like they have for decades already.
>save 10k bong
are you american?
If you try and close yourself in, you know what happens? Brain drain. All the people in your country who are either rich enough or smart enough to have other options will leave and move abroad. The best and brightest leave and the worst stay put. It's kinda like what happened to Detroit on a much larger scale.
I don't think that Ronald Reagan invented the microprocessor.
What is your point? That Reagan failed to sabotage the progression of technological development?
No, 10k UK pounds. And before the mutts start saying b-b-but it's different here, no it's not. You can look up the stats on the internet, college educated mutts get paid far more then here. Just actually fucking try, get a education and plan ahead.
no, i didn't realize you were piling the blame all on the advancement of technology.
that's funny.
carry on.
There's nothing for me to carry on about. I've made my point. If you disagree then feel free to tell me why and I'd be happy to discuss. But I'm not too interested in exchanging cute little one liners with you.
I'm not blaming you, I'm describing the causes. We've been thrust into a tragedy of the commons situation where a woman like you is incentivized to pursue what's good for her personally, but when every woman does this, it's detrimental to the whole. I don't know what the solution to this is. Guess we used to do things differently for a reason!
Yeah, that's also a factor. The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
>>sent into the world with minus student loan
you forgot
>free college and free healthcare
come move to burgerland where getting the flu can bankrupt you
i hate when Bonglandians talk out their ass. you never had a debt risk attached to your education, you don't know what you're talking about.
read the complacent class by tyler cowen a great book about this type of stuff
>Studio apartment in non-nog neighborhood is $700.
Sounds like you live in the city. Can you get to work on public transit?
carry on means continue on with your life, the conversation was over.
>But I'm not too interested in exchanging cute little one liners with you.
yeah you seem testy there. i doubt that. and i never made any one liners, you're just feeling insecure.
Even with states legalizing weed we're not at the point of having a Bongcoin yet, user
I'll agree, but that's not the only reason.
Organized labor has also been losing every battle since the 1970s. It's not surprising either. Last time I belonged to a union, just about every newsletter I read was full of shit about fighting for illegal immigrant rights. For some reason the union's policy agenda was being set by far left activists. It still is apparently.
LArge levels of immigration have kept the labor market incredibly slack in the US.
Blacks and NAFTA/Japan happened to Detroit. It was literally destroyed by international free trade and the interstate equivalent of open borders.
>free college
Yeah it's effectively free, it also doesn't come close to doubling your earnings like fatland.
>free healthcare
Again I saved 10k a year here, there is no way healthcare is 10k a year.
Never had debt, it also doesn't double your earnings. Doesn't even come close to it
This has been going on for ages. The ww2 generation set up everything nice for the boomers, milk at schools, free education, health , cheap rent, food, power,everything. Then once the boomers grew up they got rapacious and took all those wonderful socialist services away and user pays, so they could make more money.
That's actually an average price for studios in my area about 45 minutes to an hour out of the nearest city
In city studios are like $900 - usually $1000's in rent these days
>Wages are determined first and foremost by productivity. The more you can produce in an hour of labor, the more you can sell that hour of labor for.
lol literally look at how much a franchise like mcdonalds makes like the ceo and boards. Compare that to someone working a register there.
fake news. The United States is the number one location for capital flight and brain drain inflows. The top 1% and top 20% are doing very well. The bottom 80% is getting railed because open borders destroys the price of labor by expanding the supply of labor. The demand for labor is going down as factories and other jobs are sent offshore due to free trade.
i never said you had debt or that it doubles your earnings, what are you reading?
>college educated
>still no reading comprehension??
do they teach how to read in college?
What do you mean by milk at schools?
20 percent less
thats a new shill strategy? accept the fact, but distort the magnitude of it?
In consumer price index and real estate and college mostly, s.o.y.boys make about half of boomer wages at best.
>I'm female. Why should I give up my future just because people want to blame me for falling wages?
Because you are to blame, and if you don't comply the incel rebellion will flay you alive.
My country had free milk at schools for young kids
Then why mention college being free?
Let's be real, I doubt it costs over 100k in America. The difference in earnings between America and here for college educated people is far more then that.
Some of the unions have shot themselves in the foot in more prosaic ways. I had a friend who was always bitching about the union where he worked. Basically the people who were fuckups and always getting written up were the people who were always talking to the union reps, filing grievances and contesting their punishments. The result is that the union spent all its time protecting the goof-offs and ignoring the people who were actually doing their jobs. When he quit he actively looked for a non-unionized company because he was so sick of it.
When you're basically captured by the lazy people it isn't surprising that you start to lose public sympathy.
The chance of being caught in a mass shooting is nil. Also society persecuted me and I had my own struggles. After struggling so hard to fix my issues why should I give it up? I feel absolutely zero guilt.
No, it isn't the only reason, but I think it's overwhelmingly the main one.
Slack in the labor market, be it from immigrants, or women joining the labor force, or the demographic bulge produced by the baby boom generation can't push wages down below a natural rate where they are more or less reflective of a worker's productivity. These changes haven't really done all that much more than eliminate a shortage of labor that existed after the second world war.
And in the absence of globalization and free trade, the US wouldn't be getting those inflows. They'd be going to somewhere else that was more open.
About how much value do you think a cashier at McDonald's creates for the company?
In non union jobs you get fired for being awkward or breathing the wrong way. I'd rather have lazy co-workers than no job security.