Which race is more of a blight on humanity? I'd go with the spics. Blacks can be apes but I've never had any problems with any outside the ghetto. Mexicans on the other hand are arrogant and entitled. They have no qualms killing domestic animals, they hate other races like you wouldn't believe, but they're the quickest to cry about being discriminated against. They think they are better than everyone too, because they're willing to sweep the floor 120 hours a week for less than minimum wage. They brag about their food being amazing and how Mexicans are all natural born cooks who put White food to shame, but they use tortillas because they were literally too stupid to make eating utensils.
Niggers or spics?
spics are much worse. if only because there's so many more of them than nigs.
Spics have white blood and therefore slightly less disgusting. They are to whites as Orcs are to Elves in LOTR. Both need an exterminatus though
It just boggles me what hypocrites they are. A Mexican would always tell me how much he hates blacks, how he would never want his grandkid to be mixed with a black because it would be ugly, how you have to be retarded to ever find a black woman attractive, etc. He then went on to say that only white people are capable of being racist because they owned slaves.
I farted and joked that my fart was "the sound and smell of Mexican food" and he got all riled up and offended.
If there were no spics in the US, the economy would collapse. If there were no nigs in the US, we would enter an age of prosperity undreamed of.
So do blacks.
He takes you for a fool saying that shit to you. Everyone knows spics are plenty racist. They're all about "la raza", fuckers even have a radio station of the same name.
It would adapt and be better off. Get over yourself, beaner.
I unironically enjoy being around both. They're both fun races of people with fun music. They're usually laid back and cool people. The way they speak is cool. Their slang, the way they dress, the women, their food, their unashamed masculinity and confidence. Better than (American) white culture.
White blood or not, they still ignore white culture and achievements. Blacks look like apes but they are more intelligent and down to earth than you think. I've had some pretty cool conversations with some nig truck drivers about science and the state of the country. They at least assimilate. Spics on the other hand couldn't even tell you who the Beatles are because they only listen to mariachi jumping bean shit. Half of them dont even bother to learn English but they want to kill Trump for wanting to deport them.
I've met and trusted way more spics than I have niggers. Almost all the niggers I've met were lazy pieces of shit. All the mexicans I've worked with were the hardest workers and extremely respectful.
we mexicans invented tacos and half your fucking food you stupid yanks, so you should be glad we exist desu.
This is true. Without them produce prices would skyrocket
Beatles are overrated.
You guys mean Mexicans. They don't represent all spics. I'm Hispanic, but I'm Cuban and I can't really stand Mexicans.
I live on the west coast, so naturally spics.
Spanish is annoying, they crowd the road, schools, jails and they're just everywhere I fucking go with their whole family.
I'll go back to burgers if you'll go back
Mexican food sucks
whites, for the fleeting time they remain
I will too, and that girl has more white dna than the average mexicunt.
Blacks, because I've never met a good black.
I've met good hispanic people, including one 56% face who was every Jow Forumsack's idealized representation of themselves
Yeah, those truck drivers sound BASTE!!!!
Fuck off, Tyrone. It has been very obvious since the election that niggers think they can supplant spics on the racial hierarchy just because illegal beaners might finally have to leave.
Spics are the fucking reason we're being replaced
>Mexican food sucks
>food sucks
says the fucking amerifat.. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
even burgers are from germany you shits, nothing is yours.
And the prices of bud light and dodger tickets would plummet.
It all evens out in the end.
I hope you roaches have your time and do end up snuffing out us whites. Then you'll come to realize that you are incapable of paving any kind of future for yourselves. You flee your countries only to destroy your refuge.
T. My ancestors were building civilization while yours were raping their grandmothers before ripping their guts out as a sacrifice to the sun gods.
Your old land is
youre using a computer and going to the internet (both invented by white people) this website was also created by a white person and the culture of this website is undoubtedly white
This is the only real argument in favor of blacks in this debate desu. Niggers are far worse in every regard on average save for the fact that they aren't multiplying as fast. So I guess on a whole I'd say blacks are less of a long-term threat to the nation, but that being said I'd rather live in a hispanic neighborhood than a black one if I absolutely had to choose.
I don't think I've ever seen a more autistic and idiotic post on here before
>go to foreign country
>kill all the men
>fuck all the women
>do a combination of both to the children
>on the way out, steal their fuckin burgers too because fuck these cunts
>90 years later, some buttblasted german thinks that this makes us look weak
cry more muhammed
fuck off
>not wanting a qt latina gf
the fact remains that they're the most disgusting race which, as you've stated, is clearly evident by this culture of basement dwelling
Where are those?
All I see in LA are wine barrel shaped goblinos
i dont like Mexican food its messy and it tastes like shit, i prefer more sophisticated cuisines like French, Italian and Japanese
t. Pastyfaglet
The great state of Texas and the alright states of Georgia and Florida. The South has the best latinas. The mix of their food and Southern food and the unbearable heat that makes them sweat off the excess weight makes them look really good.
I wish all of the native Americans died so that today at least spic would be white, but I think niggers are the worst people
wait when did Jow Forums become Jow Forums?
people on Jow Forums go on more than 1 board
If spics today were white there would be a lot less illegal immigration because if they were white their countries would be good enough to not leave
i'm black and i think whites are the most brutal race ever besides arabs and spics and if all other her races disappeared white people would eventually just nuke eachother but that's irrelevant. out of us and spics, spics are much worse. latinos and mexicans have so many more opportunities and haven't had half the struggle we had and still fuck up, not to mention like some ppl said in the thread are racist as fuck, and huge hypocrites. Like how can you come to this country and brag about how good your people are when you're running away from your shithole country and "your people" in the first place? Not to mention latino gangsters/gangs are waaaay worse than black
>their unashamed masculinity and confidence
I wish i had the confidence of a chadador.
you are just a faggot who loves to suck cock, clearly our food is not for you.
>dunno like your food therefor is shit.
lol why are amerifats such haters?
Spics are actively replacing whites. Nigs stay low population.
and most of that violence is done on themselves. Hell we should support it more.
Tbqh if all white people ceased to exist, world peace would be achieved. Seriously. Arabs would have no reason to constantly bomb shit, Asia would still be as peaceful as they usually are, they'd just have to keep North Korea in check and Africa and Latin America usually stay to themselves anyway. The planet's population would drop significantly and so would global warming because as we know, white people are always thinking up ways to destroy the planet faster.
White people are the cause of all that's wrong with the world today.
beatles are a shit band for across the world... whats that have to do with assimilating to murica?
>white people would eventually just nuke eachother
>implying Africans wouldn't do the same if they weren't retarded instead they just kill and enslave each other with spears
This. The only reason blacks haven't turned the world into a nuclear wasteland yet is because they are too dumb to develop nukes.
I'll admit, I like the old school cholo look.
i cant have personal taste? go ahead eat your peasant food i dont care
can't say i FULLY agree only because the damage is already done, it would be like injecting someone with an aids needle then killing yourself. But it's possible the world would eventually improve
>implying the American government doesn't get butthurt and raid/stop anyone they suspect is developing nukes
My only problem with inner city ghetto nigs blasting each other is that their niggering inflates gun violence stats and helps anti-gun groups who will compare our nigger-inflated gun violence rate with rates from more homogeneous countries and then claim it's white gun owners who are the issue.
Spics, niggers give off a musty stench I can't stand.
Arabs would probably start enslaving Africans like they always did, your comprehension of human history is at a middle school level, the only reason we have a somewhat peaceful world today is due to European advancements in technology and the sciences, everything you use today on a daily bases was developed or improved by European people
I've lived in shitty areas in Chicago and even though I've lived around Mexicans I can vouch that Blacks are far much more worse.
Also anyone who says blacks are less bad in this thread are either a nigger or have never lived outside of a suburb
And European advancements in technology will lead to this planet's downfall because you retards won't stop. You always have to have something new. Leave the oil in the fucking ground, stop poisoning water supplies, stop dropping bombs on villages, stop threatening world leaders.
Arabs are enslaving Africans right now. You know why? Because white people cant fucking mind heir business. The American government just HAD to invade the Middle East and overthrow leaders who knew how crazy their people were and were keeping things under control.
Qaddafi wanted to unite all of Africa. Kill him and now Libyans have slaves. Just leave these people alone.
> we have a somewhat peaceful world
this argument again. YOU have a somewhat peaceful world because europeans spent centuries traveling across the world killing, raping and colonizing unwilling participants and looting whatever knowledge and resources they could in the process. Leaving a big mess in any place they chose not to settle at. And the places they did settle it, if there were any people left that WEREN't there slaves they treated like shit. Look at central and south america..look at africa...look at india. White people have been a pest since they left their caves, every advancement they have is thanks to their forced globalism
Get rid of the younger generations of both and leave the middle aged + older of both. My black friend only brought around thugs in gangs or ex thugs. All her older relatives were kind and had real jobs or were from the military.
Every stronger country would fuck up the weaker ones they could reach. Before all the white technology was destroyed it would just be a global war. Then after a while when they didn't have planes and good ships anymore they'd be forced to just fight their neighbors when they could.
you realize white people aren't the only ones that know how to build ships or planes or technology right? Why else are indians and other minorities replacing you in almost every field
Arabs have been enslaving Africans since before the Middle Ages and its not because of Europeans but because Africans are easy to dominate, as for for Gaddafi it was a big mistake to assassinate him but it was an agenda pushed by Jews to racially fuck Europe by crating a refugee crisis, also it was a good excuse for the French and British governments to easily take control of the petrol, but i disagree with you in your stance of removing progress,i like my modern amenities and i wouldn't want to live like sub Saharan Africans when this planet dies (which it will) it is mans final test for survival to leave our home planet
>>And European advancements in technology will lead to this planet's downfall
Well sorry for inventing things like medicine and electricity
>>You always have to have something new
You mean evolving as a species?
>>Arabs are enslaving Africans right now. You know why?
Because that what they did since the beginning of the caliphate?
>>Qaddafi wanted to unite all of Africa.
Yeah, an Arab uniting all of Africa, I sure the blacks would had loved that.
>>Just leave these people alone.
If we did that, they still be living in huts.
>If we did that, they still be living in huts.
And what the fuck is wrong with that? This is always Jow Forums's rationalization for the shit white people have done.
>if it weren't for us they'd still be living in huts!
What the fuck does it matter if they were happy living that way? I bet Africans were way happier living in huts and hunting antelope back in the 1400s than the average American is now.
I'll beat the shit out of anyone hurting animals regardless of race. They are the lowest of scum.
youre forgetting that man lives in the natural world and that the law of survival of the fittest is well in effect in human history, honestly be grateful that our European governing systems are trying to amend things from the past honestly if it were up to me i would try to reinstate a Victorian style era with European (and some Asian) empires competing for the most successful society unlike today's shitty globalist world where we pretend to treat everyone equally
>implying humans aren't animals
we have a right to consume lower forms of life
>honestly be grateful that our European governing systems are trying to amend things from the past
They aren't though, you have one side that's going through a guilt trip and in full retard mode letting their countries be overran by muslims and african refugees whos countries their people fucked up first and you have another side (conservatives) that has no remorse and is in denial of their people's crimes and basically just says "fuck em". Both side are indefintely racist deep down and have a superiority complex (Liberals feeling like they are god's to fix all that's wrong with non-whites) and (Conservatives who simply hate other races and look down on them).
Survival of the fittest is just a theory, and honestly it can be argued white people slowly dying off is survival of the fittest too
Well if you are so willing to romanticize primitiveness, why don't you go out and live in hut in Africa for a while?
>If we did that, they would still be living in huts
And thats a good thing. How do you know they weren't happy with being in huts? Is being hated by the whole world and being constantly compared to better races to be shat on even more a better alternative to huts?
Honestly how could a race support segregation so much yet refuse to leave others in their natural state.
I'm not romanticizing it, I'm saying they were probably happy as they were. Taking someone out of huts and putting them in apartments isn't necessarily a good thing if they were more happy in a hut.
Btw it's basically camping. White people love camping.
>If we did that, they still be living in huts.
Are you sure? It's possible if Europeans didn't invade Africa for centuries before the slave trade, didn't cause conflicts and didn't initiate genocides(Like the rwandan genocides) that Africa might not be so primitive, we'll never know though thanks to europeans. Just like we'll never know what native americans would be like if white people didn't slaughter them all or kill them with their diseases..
There were budding empires in Africa before whites arrived. Whites knew of the existence of these empires. There was also the Aztec Empire in North America and the Inca empire in the South. White people halted the development of Africans and native Americans.
Spic here, pls kill mexicans and niggers. Leave south america alone tho. We make nice food.
If you said Chinese, we'd have an argument. Indians are coming in because they have rudimentary knowledge, work for cheap and obey heirarchies like good shitty drones (Chinese also do this).
What have nigs ever produced?
If you have such a god complex and want to uplift other races why don't you flood your country with them?
Oh wait that's happening already. And now everyone is mad, bitter, and hateful.
Spics by far. Nigs are just a pest but spics are a terminal illness for any functioning society.
Spics. They are expansive.
Nigs are more passive, without the (((help))) they would still be segregated and wouldnt mind. You put them into ghettos and they do their niggerings, rap and shoot each other. Those few bright (2-5%) get out, no problem with that.
Inconegro for instance, convinced me, there can be blackbots.
The funny thing is if any make it out all the wealthy neighborhood are white. So they might as well stay poor.
Leave architecture the to competent individuals.
Niggers not producing anything is ironically a smart move by them.
Nigs consistently keep to about 10-13% of the population. Spics breed like fucking rats and are a much bigger threat long term.
Neither. Even speaking hypothetically.
We shouldnt tear each other down. We should build one another up and work on unifying our cultures so that our society may evolve. Every group has had their share of problems, but if all you can think about is which is worse then youre moving backwards. The world will never change if we continue to see our brothers as the enemy. Instead, focus on the good things they bring and I know what you are thinking, oh they just bring crime and rape. No, they force you to open your mind but youve been so sheltered and fearful of things progressing that you hide behind your screens and in your rooms longing for some 1960s dystopian where everyone looks like you. Its because your vain and narcissistic. If you think everyone around you is the problem, maybe its you that is the problem.
Worked out great for South Africa and Brazil right?
>people unironically try to claim black people made anything significant
>Europeans were so insecure in themselves that when they found the heads in pic related IN AFRICA they claimed it couldn't have been done by Africans since that level of technology requires huge civilizations
>they then find out Africa actually had these civilizations and are btfo
like, go ahead, hate Africans, but at least don't spread lies that expose your ignorance.
Spic gangs tend to sell MAC 10s and other automatic firearms to niggers, so I pick the spics as the bigger blight. The illegals also spread diseases we thought we'd eliminated decades ago.
I'll continue with this description of a city in the Benin Empire by a European visitor (which is like entry level information on Africa). Doesn't seem too shabby to me: "The king's palace or court is a square, and is as large as the town of Haarlem and entirely surrounded by a special wall, like that which encircles the town. It is divided into many magnificent palaces, houses, and apartments of the courtiers, and comprises beautiful and long square galleries, about as large as the Exchange at Amsterdam, but one larger than another, resting on wooden pillars, from top to bottom covered with cast copper, on which are engraved the pictures of their war exploits and battles..."
This is getting a bit redundant, but please get your facts straight before you try to pick on Africans . It makes you look dumb to the people who actually know their shit. Funny how people try to claim we never built anything when: "The Walls of Benin were a combination of ramparts and moats, called Iya in the local language [which?], used as a defense of the ancient Kingdom of Benin, which is present-day Benin City, the capital of present-day Edo, Nigeria. It was considered the largest man-made structure lengthwise and was hailed as the largest earthwork in the world. It is larger than Sungbo's Eredo.[1] It enclosed 6,500 square kilometres (2,500 sq mi) of community lands. The combined length of the walls, many of which were outside the city, was over 16,000 km (9,900 mi). It was estimated that earliest construction began in 800 and continued into the mid-15th century.
Damn, racists are getting silent now. This is way too easy. I have hundreds of other examples too if anyone wants them :) To put some more salt in your wounds, I'll add that Africans were building stone cities over 3600 years ago.
I could also tell you about how Africa had an Empire the size of Western Europe in medieval times ruled by the richest man in human history. That is kind of hard to do if you're just a race of subhuman mudhut builders, no?
I knew a guy with the last name of Hinojosa who was confused by a TSA agent for being Asian once.
Oh, how could I forget? The great Kushite Empire which literally conquered Egypt and kept on going is one of the most badass imo.
Holy shit racists absolutely destroyed in this thread. Thats a wrap.
Ok, I'm done now, looking forward to all of the pitiful racist tears :)
>literally conquered Egypt
when does Egypt not get conquered tho
I would gladly stop eating any and all Mexican foods if all Mexicans fucked off back to Mexico.
For literally thousands of years of it's existence. Egypt was an autonomous place most of the time.
Guess you settled it user, spics are officially the blight of society. To add to what you said, blacks have turned out some important people in the past, before the kikes undermined the progress they'd made and reduced much of it to the gang culture it is now.
I think it is amazing how liberals pretend to care about African history while still believing the mudhut myths but calling it "racist". It shows you they believe the propaganda about African history being nothing but mudhuts but don't like it because it is "racist", not because they think Africans actually did anything.