The Frog and Feels Bistro and Cafe is open till 3 AM. We're serving up piping hot introspection and also alcohol and overpriced appetizers.
Frog and Feels
I'll take a water bar tender. How is everything working out for you?
Can't complain. Just that water for you?
I'm a 28 year old min wage loser. Somehow I landed this absolutely gorgeous 22 year old on her way to med school. The only thing holding this relationship back is my lack of earning power and I'm nervous about going into IT and dealing with those fucking loser nerds
oh yeah, 4 horsemen and a few rounds of sierra nevada lager if you don't mind
seriously get the fuck off this board you normalfag
what's up slim
i'll be 34 this year so fix me up something that'll really hit the spot
get him a titos cran while you're at it
Yeah fuck it I'll take an IPA I guess, warm though. If you don't mind can I ask why you make these threads?
Well, boss, either you'll make it work or you're setting yourself up for failure with your shitty image of yourself. But hey, if the pussy's tight then who am I to say right? Right? Aha--
I'm going to mix you what my Polish forefathers called the Horsekiller. I'm going to pour a beer out into a glass and once the foam settles I'm going to top the glass off with cheap whiskey. Sounds good, boss?
Warm IPA- an aristocrat, huh?
I got you a leftover Ithaca Flower Power. Better at room temp, but who am I to judge?
Well, shit, I make these threads because it's a lot of fun. There's some roleplaying in it, there's a little reconciliation of my own alcoholism to other folks' various psychological problems. There's the fun, too, I guess. Well, shit, if you're not having fun then what are you doing- right?
pour me a knob creek neat. give me a glass of water so i can cut it a little bit, will ya?
Well thanks hopefully the alcoholism isn't to bad and doesn't make life hard for you.
I can't stop thinking about suicide, please help me focus on something else.
Am I accepting the fact that I'll be forever incel?
>Dream that I asked a girl out
>She says "no"
>Say "okay", and continue on without feeling much of anything
What does this mean?
Can I get a shot of Jager?
I wish I could believe that someone might love me. I can't love myself. I don't feel itm
A good choice. Take a little sip of it before you add the water. It's a fine whiskey with a spoon of water, but that's just what I've seen.
I feel alright most of the time. Sometimes I feel real good, sometimes I feel awful. That's just being alive, though, right? Well shit, who am I to say?
Please, I just like cute ponies doing cute things don't tell anyone
You're the boss, hoss.
All I have to say about suicide is that you and me and everybody else who's ever been has have had the rest of forever to be dead. I am, personally, in no rush to be in that state and hope that you will not be either. When I am in an especially bad mood, I like to listen to jazz music.
Go easy, boss. It's a funny thing- you think about fucking all the time when you don't have it. Trust me, someday you'll be thinking about how and why and when and all that when it comes to fucking and it'll be even more stressful. You're living alright, trust me.
Jack and ginger for me.
Shit I feel like Im doing everything backwards, I am so socially inept I feel bad for myself, I have no idea how interpersonal relationships works and I tend to overthink everything, I feel like I have wasted my twenties beign an insecure and scared piece of shit, I used to have a girlfriend, sex was lame and she was boring and uninteresting, that's why I left her, now I just realize I am just as boring and devoid of character as her. Please help, I want to improve myself but I don't know where to fucking begin
You can get it, but you can pour it yourself. Black licorice is some bullshit.
You can love yourself. While you're alive, you should. You're speaking and moving. Nobody's going to love you first. Might have to establish an identity. Might have to start running.
My grandmother did ginger ale with her whiskey, good lady. Thought she was Joan of Arc sometimes but shit.
I see you guys come in a lot, you think you have to live up to somebody's expectations. That's some silly shit. If you can't be yourself around somebody then how are you supposed to live with them, have a life with them?
Well, shit, a lot of you guys can't even be yourself around yourselves. A lot of these memers around here, they just say be yourself. Ah, being yourself is hard. I don't follow my own advice.
Sorry for pouring my heart out, but I'm miserable right now.
I'm just a fucking failure, I've managed to drive away every friendship that I've ever had because I have such a shitty personality. I wasted 20+ years of life being insecure and paranoid about people and my future, I can't even connect to people like normal people do.
I had a girlfriend and we dated for 3 months, she left me because I was distant and never talked about my feelings, and she was right, I feel like goddamn nothing and I'm always scared of opening up because I don't want people to leave but they always leave because I keep everything to myself and refuse to get help.
I wish to once again sip the sweet nectar of the yamazaki 12 year whiskey. The neet life took all of my money and put me in debt, and all I want to do is drink but I'm trying to cut the booze because I realized how bad it was for me. It turns out, however, that the only way I can really socialize is through booze.
I just want to run away to the big rock candy mountains and sleep out every night.
This advice is really accurate desu, don't worry so much celi-bots, you'll be okay
sounds like you're subconsciously realizing a girl saying "no" won't actually hurt you, and you should start asking girls out more
I hate myself because of the blight I force upon other people, just by being in their presence. I don't even know if my friend of 1 even cares about me and I want to die. But, I couldn't do that to my father.
Eh, Boss, I don't even know who you are and you're apologizing to me. I don't think you've ever shorted me, what's there to be sorry over?
How's anybody supposed to think of you if you come up saying sorry? If you wrong somebody say you're sorry. You sound like you're alright, you know when you done somebody wrong and when you've not.
Don't carry that. But, fuck me, I'm not too social when I'm off the sauce myself. I'm interesting when I'm on it, you know? Got a bevy of the self opinion. People like me. Don't know why. And don't know why I like being on the sauce cause you're right- it's bad for you.
Well, best not to think about it.
reddit bartender is a fucking cock sucker
That's some cross you carry, brother. Least you love your father. I had friends- and I mean real good friends- they didn't blow their brains or anything but they made sure they died slow and they spit on their dads as they went. You're not the lowest of them all.
Maybe you start running too, one or two days out of the week. Gives you time to collect your thoughts. But shit, I don't know anything.
Calimari and your best Hefeweizen, please.
God damn. Living with a person, feeling the mutual attraction, and knowing that you can never fuck is driving me into a frenzy. I'm spinning in my skin like a top. It's having a positive impact on my sanctioned sex life,nthough.
I feel like I'm in my early 20s again.
Suprise me. I need something that can numb this negative feeling of mine.
I've been in college for 5 years on and off now and I still don't know what to do. I went to a university and later dropped out because of lack of motivation. I feel like I'm destined to work a McJob for the rest of my life. I've never really known what I wanted to be.
Now time is passing me by and I feel like I'm not going to make it past 40 because if this keeps up, suicide would be my only option. It's been in the back of my mind for half a decade now but I've always told myself that things will improve if I keep pushing. I feel like it's not working anymore and I'm inching closer and closer. I don't feel fufilled and it feels like I never will be.
All I have is a leftover Circus Boy. It's alright. No live yeast though. The calimari is on me.
Not a big enough fool to ask why you're not fucking that person. Hope it works out for you, boss.
A lot of people here seem to struggle with making connections, I know I do. As far as getting help I don't think most of us would even know how. I'm doing my best to cut out my bad habits, doing my best to heal myself emotionally in the hopes that if I can do that the rest will fall into place. I see the path, but I can't walk it. It's more like I'm dragging myself along it. Still, progress feels good even if it's minimal. It's not too late for us, anons.
If you're into manga you should check out 'the legend of the strongest man Kurosawa'. It can be a little hard to read sometimes but basically it posits that whatever adversity you're facing in life you can find meaning in the struggle, knowing that it's a blessing to be able to fight-- even if you just keep getting kicked. All we can do is try to do right by ourselves.
Anyways I hope this post is of some small value to you gentleman, enjoy your virtual drinks.
It not every day you get free calimari. Cheers.
Im closing up, boss, but I fell into my job and I dont want to do it forever but I dont feel demeaned either. You wont work a McJob long as youre good at what you do and you don't act like the blatant fuckhead bastards you work with. Look around, dont be loyal to nobody whos not loyal to you. And dress well.
>starting to overcome my autism after a drug induced personality change and sudden loss of confidence 6 years ago fucked me up and destroyed my social life
>got my confidence back somewhat though i still have a bit to go
>bridges are all burned
>closest friends moved very far away
>no one talks to me or invites me anywhere more than a few times a year
this fucking sucks m8s, if i just get some chances i think i can make it but i dont know how to kick start a social life since im isolated 99% of the time
if i get fit since i dont think my face is completely ugly and get stable income i know it will be easier but its so god damn hard to maintain willpower when youre isolated all the time and have nothing to look forward to
Hey bartender, ill have a Manhattan. Things are feeling kinda stale right now. Im working and am taking courses at Uni, but i still feel like there isn't enough time in the day to be productive.
I feel like no matter how much i do, it will never fill up the hole inside me. Ive done damn near every hobby to an autistic point just to burn out on them. I don't even know what im doing at this point
I'll probably have to wait another 4 months until I get my own apartment. Until then I have to live in a tiny 1 room apartment with my mom.
Any tips?
I want the hardest stuff you got.
I fell in love with a girl who at first was happy as she could be but now something inside her head is tearing her apart and I feel so helpless and she doesn't seem to want to get better. I'm one of the only people keeping her semi-sane right now, I'm in the middle of finals, I'm going on a trip, I have to start applying for jobs and everything is just piling up.
Oh and she doesn't want to be a burden to me so if I bring anything up she'll probablly distance herself from me. I'm very confused right now and am just venting.
inb4 normalfaggot, I'm still a khv who just fought my way out of a deep near lifelong depression only to start falling back into it.
I take a whisky.
Turned 29 yesterday, my so called "friends" didn't remember. I feel like just isolating myself since they make me feel alone anyways. I know they don't have bad intentions but I can't help but feel bad about being forgotten again and again.
What does your name start with? Origino
I'm sorry user, happy birthday. Honestly I would just try and pass it to the side that they forget. Everyone forgets things and some are bad at remembering dates I mean heck I can't remember most of my family's birthdays.
It starts with an N very originally. I doubt you're who I'm talking about but she lurks here so idk. If you are her I want to let you know that you're my everything and no matter how shit it gets i'll be there for you.
Thank you. And yeah, you are right. I guess I just need some space to calm down and reassess the situation. Thank you for your advice.
i did know what i want man just something strong enough to kill the feelings prob whiskey or rum
>be me in college
>gotten into a community within the college
>in hopes of becoming normal
>they help around the school with events and shit, real simple stuff
>but they talk a lot about personal stuff like gf issues and sex
>as you know i never had any experience with both of the topics in hand
>after they went around talking about their issues
>they looked at and figured out that i did say anything during the conv
>on guy asked "what about you user"
>me "i barely met yall i ain't going into detail"
>it was a nice save since they all agreed and continued working
i dont understand why people mouth off on personal issues around others and then encourage them to somehow progress the convo i know that i could have easily just said no or i never had a girl i knew if i did it would have went into a different direction about me either being a virgin or a fag
double bourbon and coke, bartend
gonna ask for anti-depressants tomorrow. have been fucked for months. worried i won't get them because i might have a brain lesion
>tfw lowkey want to have something fucked up with me so i can have a reason fr being so fucked up this past year
>tfw rope
dont get your hopes up user in case that you are not "fucked up" enough to get happy pills then you will be left in alone knowing that there really isnt any excuse for you being a price of human waste
>i learned that the hard way
IPA, 10 Barrel if you have it.
So, my problem is pretty sad, I'm in a long term loving relationship (4 years), we live together, looking at buying a house and I am just so bored with it all.
I keep looking at girl at my work and just thinking about dropping it all, getting a one room studio apartment and going back to the single life.
My gf is cute, she's great, she's the perfect girl that I'd be chasing after, but it's the chase itself that I'm missing.
Any advice?
lemon lime bitters please, i'm not feeling happy enough to drink anything alcoholic.
One of the founders of the company i work for mentioned said something to me today which makes me feel like my job security isn't as good as it could be.
I don't have any paper saying i'm qualified for the position i'm in but i have 2.5 years experience in the industry now and i'm getting paranoid if that's enough to offset the lack of a degree. Its made me start thinking about what my plan is if i do get fired, am i going to have to sell my apartment and move back with my parents, what i can't get another job, what is my mental state going to be like when i lose the only thing i can currently be proud of. I know it's unlikely i'll get fired but they also hired a new person with the same position title as me and he has a university qualification. The companies is growing but it has just put me a bit on edge.
please be bait
G&T, Woj. I like my drinks to be as boring as my life.
It's not, sadly.
There's a reason I drink after she goes to bed and dredge these threads.
>poor my heart and soul out into a post
>not a single (You)
>write out some observations i've made about Jow Forums types
>dozens of replies of people relating to it
I guess it's nice that I could make others happy. It just feels like there's no one else like me, and no one cares about me.
Woodstock on the rocks please.
I've had a pretty shitty time this year and the stress of this being my final year of High School is killing me. I can't wait to leave all this shit behind, yet I'm terrified and hopeless of the future and basically everything it stands for. I have no hope in politics because of all the bribery and underhanded shady kike shit that basically lets no one win; Astrophysics is a no-go because my grades in STEM subjects are atrocious; and I can never be in the Air Force because I'm too tall, and they assume that everyone who joins the airforce wants to be a pilot, so they basically make the fighter pilot requirements the universal requirements unless stated otherwise (I want to be a fighter pilot). I'm looking at being a writer, but I have no motivation and I'm too addicted to porn and vidya to start any projects.
Term 2 assignments are rolling in by the boat-load and I've already been guaranteed a C maximum for my Maths assignment (easiest Math class that still gives you points for University), just because I failed to hand in a shitty draft; and the fucking roasties that I'm forced to communicate with because they dominate most of my classes in numbers are trying to drag me into shit involving my actual friends and other roasties. It's driving me fucking crazy, because my twin's GF is basically the whole cause of this shit-flinging, and he's being cucked by having a temporary "break" in their relationship. This then comes back to me because his GF wants to talk to me through his phone while I'm trying to be alone and starts ranting about how I hate her because I don't want to be distracted from the only things that keep me sane. The roasties are also trying to virtue signal to leech off me, but I'm always seeing through their stupid bullshit.
On the flip side I got a brand new mandatory "ultra-fast fiber optics internet", so I no longer have internet worse than most African countries and I can try to attempt streaming as a last resort.
I lost everything. I lost the love of my life to some fucking meh/10 guy. I did so much for her and wanted to do even more. I wanted to take her places. I loved her so much. And yet some fuck that's not even more attractive than me has snatched her and in a week she was in love with him.
Christ I don't even want to live anymore. I fought for her and in the end she just told me to stop thinking about her and sent me her pic kissing the guy. And yet I still love her and want her. I'd do anything to just be with her and just be happy like I used to be when we were together briefly. She's gone forever though. She'll never talk to me anymore. Never think about me. I don't know what was so bad about me.
I got back into dating girls. Met like 6 in a matter of two weeks and none were even remotely as interesting as her. And all of it failed. There was this one girl that showed potential and we've been on two dates but eventually she told me some other guy caught her eye and they were talking but he stopped responding. Given that she turned to me like that I just told her to fuck off.
Christ fuck give me lots of vodka.