Why are some people just so terrible?

*pic unrelated*

i just had a conversation over the internet with a racist cunt, im not even a minority but these kinds of people just make me feel angry and sad. like why do some bots just have so much hate bundled up inside? dont you guys realize that its your own faults that girls dont like you? stop hating on blacks and other races because they're doing better than you. and before you back yourselves up by saying "oh whites have done more" sure, that makes sense honestly, but what have YOU done with your life. Just because you're white, it doesnt mean you are superior to someone else because they are brown and you are white. if you've spent all your life being a pathetic incel, you have no right to defend yourself by using the achievements of other whites to explain why the person you're talking to is "just a lazy nigger" and why you're a "superior white person" face it, most people who regularly visit Jow Forums havent done anything with their lives

Attached: 8bq9qralfhxz.jpg (2048x1536, 817K)

Okay who triggered the niggerd

>racism is bad

Spotted the cuck.

Attached: nu males2.jpg (1280x960, 178K)

I'll answer that when you answer me this:

>racism is bad

>Spotted the cuck.

spotted the incel

>racism is bad
>Spotted the cuck.
>spotted the incel
Spotted the redditard

based doctor goebbels

Attached: goebells-quote[1].jpg (600x329, 25K)

>racism is bad
>Spotted the cuck.
>spotted the incel
>Spotted the redditard
you act like going on Jow Forums is a good thing LMAO

irony and memes aside, the prevalence of racism in this website is sort of sad, and it always disheartens me when I meet a guy from Jow Forums and he seems really nice and interesting, and then he makes a racist remark unironically.
but anyway, you shouldn't expect much from the people from here. we're not the brightest or socially adept, which is why so many of us are racist, including me to an extent

I've been here since 2007, how about you?
Oh wait I already know, you discovered this place last month. Fuck off retard.