Anyone else feel like there's something off about him?
Anyone else feel like there's something off about him?
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hes Canadian
but in all seriousness he spent his entire life reading religious literature and comparing it to non-religious stories so he could claim the Bible is a complete farce and that god's not real. he's an atheist.
he's a self help guru on anti-depressants
what a pussy i would rather shooot myself than stoop that low
Ah, so it's his lack of a human soul that puts me off.
Probably a Jew as well.
I get Bernie Sanders vibes from him. You know that whole eager to be a prophet vibe
>lack of a human soul
well he recognizes that theres a shared morality within most societies. what he """"believes"""" is that its """"just natural"""" for people to elevate certain citizens into role models and thats where the king of kings came from.
Absolute Brainlet who just uses "muh postmodernists" and "muh marxists" to describe all the SJWs he doesn't like and pretends that because he has a degree is psychology this somehow gives him authority to talk about politics. Only people who like him are rational skeptic liberalist dorks.
He's from Alberta, which shares a border with Montana.
He's off because he's from a godless shithole and probably grew up around chest-beating morons and slobby rednecks even though he was a nerdy academic.
opinion discarded.
>doesnt understand marxism
>has read the most difficult philosopher of all time, multiple times, and wrote logically on it
>links a video made by a teenage marxist
neck yourself communist shill. peterson is just as bad as you faggots because you all have the same end goal - a godless cultureless society. instead of marxism, he wants to destroy christianity and delude people into thinking the moral code is within them and they are the king of kings.
Just another conservative cunt well versed in pseudo-intellectual sophism
His presentation feels very very practiced, even his impromptu supposedly off the cuff moments feel well thought out ahead of time.
There's nothing wrong with this.
>Jordan Peterson
>Actually believing this
Nothing says "conservative" like furiously arguing against racial preferences in white people.
Yeah, there is.
Nietzche is better
>Brainlets will never know the feeling of having a well structured mind
>there's something wrong with carefully thinking about what you're going to say before you say it
No wonder the West is doomed
>Yeah, there is.
explain why you little faggot.
I think Memerson let the fame get to his head. He has legions of beta teenagers and college students who think of him as daddy now, and he knows it, and I think this makes him think of himself as more of an authority than he actually is.
Look, it's been said 1000x before, but the guy is a psych professor. He's had a certain focus in his research, and he doesn't understand or appreciate a lot of academia outside of it. It's clear that he's made little effort to understand postmodernism or Marxism and engage with these things. But he will try to use psychology to explain ideas he doesn't like as the result of individual pathology, without really engaging with them, or taking into account their wider context outside of his psychological diagnostic interpretation based on casual observation.
I mean, it doesn't take much to see how "Postmodern neo-marxism" is an inherently contradictory idea if you're familiar with the social sciences and humanities outside of Peterson's box. Marxism proposes a grand narrative in which history is a series of class struggles between the oppressors and the oppressed. Postmodernism is opposed to grand narratives and tends to see them as biased and reductionist. But it's easy to conflate the two if you think everything that doesn't agree with your traditionalist worldview is the work of scary French and Jewish guys out to destroy the order of society.
He's nothing but good in this shithole world we live in. He's the only person I've listened to for countless hours and can't find any lies or bullshit. He just speaks truth from an intelligent, knowledgable and wise mind.
Any of the depressed retards on here would get their assholes permanently inverted if they ever tried to debate him.
Where did the anti jbp threads come from?
Jordan Bitch Peterson being a faggot.
Gosh you guys are idiots. If you don't find incredibly scripted responses to be inauthentic or insincere then your naive gullible prey-animal asses are going to end up joining cults or pyramid schemes. Now, because I know you spectrum types have a hard time thinking like fully functional humans I need to point out that non of this stand against the actual works of the man which need to be addressed on their own terms, but normal people capable of the full range of human communication that is tragically beyond your ability are capable of taking into account both what is said and how it is said then comparing them with prior experiences to form multi-layered judgments.
stupid dumb mutt
Thank you, a well thought out post.