Why don't you have friends?

What turned you into who you are?

I'll start:
>Sheltered during childhood and still am (I'm 21) because my parents think society is evil. (They're not wrong)
>Wasn't allowed to have girl friends because they might influence me into becoming a slut (It's a real thing).

I ended up befriending the social outcast guys in school because they were interested in vidya more than trying to have sex with me so we would chat about it all day, it was pretty comfy back in the day, they started being interested romantically in women later on though so it ended. Zero friends since then.

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Subtle attentionwhoring m8. Fuck off "femanon"

I actually sort of did have "friends" growing up, but I never enjoyed it, I hated being around other people, always felt smothered and overwhelmed and annoyed and pissed off.

Then as I got older I just ghosted everyone until I was by myself in complete isolation.

30 years old now, was diagnosed with Schizoid Personality Disorder last year.

Had to go mental health professionals because I can't even work because I want to avoid having to be around people so badly that I can't function normally.

Can't say I'm that radical but I'm pretty much the same, once I do get into a company I'm relatively fine with, I feel uncomfortable and just want to be alone again.

I know if I get a job I'll only be bullied or fired.

Repeated traumatic experiences at a young age regarding social situations, with the most permanent incident in my mind being the time I fell down a ditch/small crevice into a bunch of rocks and thorn bushes and my friends said they'd go get help, but then just forgot about me and left me there for hours until I managed to drag myself free and stumble halfway home. This kind of thing happened numerous times (even into adulthood) and lead to me having severe trust issues.

I've never actually enjoyed being around people.

I've had good experiences with people for the most part, men and women both. We did activities that I thought I would enjoy, but there's something so empty about others' company that I honestly figured I'd be better off alone. So far, I'm definitely right :)

That was you???

Man freaking crazy! You just couldn't resist those diapers in the crevice. "Had to get a better view" he said

I never really liked people, being alone seems so much better, and I'm probably the most socially awkward person people have ever met

Most my "friends" since high school have just been other people I smoke and drink with.

Never had any friends but I did try talking to people but I was just ignored. I was so ignored that I wasn't even bullied. I was just left alone in my corner where everyone just refused to socialize with me. Used to be fine with being alone. But now that I don't have vidya im no longer happy

I just stopped proactively talking to people in high school.

I don't really like other people noticing me. Besides, if anyone cared what I had to say they would start the conversation.

I went to an all girls school. I had some friends there. When I was 14, my best friend decided to tell the whole school that I have slept with her boyfriend, even though this wasn't true. I don't know why she did this. This added to my distrust of women because when I was around 5, I got molested by three different women who did not know about each other. After school, I tried becoming friends with men. That did not go well. One of them tried to rape me because 'why would I be friends with him if I don't want to fuck him'. I did have boyfriends, because they were the only friends I could get. I made one more female friend in college. She was a part of a group of people I sometimes hung out with. After college ended, she messaged me 'we never really liked you because you sometimes seem racist and we don't want to be associated with someone like you so please don't contact any of us ever again .'

I didn't really talk to them about politics, they just seemed to pick anything as an excuse to cut friendship. I don't know why.

My boyfriend goes on here. He doesn't talk about it but he doesn't have any friends either. We seem okay with just having each other. He's my best friend and I hope I don't have to pretend to like anyone else irl again, because people don't seem to bring anything good into my life


Original Cert

People from an online video game from PS3 influenced me into hating everything. Ever since then I've been a a retard and I hate everything. I want it to go away.

>Why don't you have friends?

Because people manage to both suck, and blow.

>This added to my distrust of women because when I was around 5, I got molested by three different women who did not know about each other.


Sounds like you might be my gf.

Never had friends. I remember in grade 2 the other kids literally running away from me and telling me to leave them alone.
No idea what I did to them at 7 years old to warrant that alienation.
The only other kids I interacted with were my moms friends kids, but none of them were my age. Usually too young except one that was 2 years older than me that molested me while we were hiding during hide and seek

Well it all started in elementary, had the same friend group at the same school all of my life until middle school, then when i was maturing i realized that the niggas was fake af, i was always in the backround, always ignored, eventually i left that school and went to a different one, i had really bad grades the previous year, even went to summer school for the first time, i think that's the result of being outcasted on my life, that and the fact i was the only one to had smoked weed at that young of an age. i started smoking because of my abusive enviorment, but have only stuck to weed since, pretty much i had friends that had the same interest as me (weed), and was grouped in with the "bad kids" but really they were the best and most real i had ever had, i got into a lot of trouble, mostly because i cursed up a storm, not at teachers or anyone in particular, just talking to my friends and enjoying myself, i knew they were just grasping for reason to put me in iss, and i hated it, so in my arrogance i was always an asshole to the school board, but really i was pissed at how powerless one could be, but it only got worse, along with my grades, and eventually i had earned the rep of criminal in middle school, people looked at me as if there were no hope, so i left again in late 8th grade, and went to online school, spoilers my grades were worse because vidya all day, so after two years of being dragged along i stopped doing my work, so now im a highschool dropout with no friends in social isolation, i haven't talked to my friends in a long time because my phone is broken and im as broke as a joke, even though we grew apart so much, the only friends i have now is family, but really that's all i need, i have the looks to pull a bitch, but i don't have a pool to draw from, even though all the females in my town are hoes, id still like to have some pussy every once in a while, ive never been a chad and never will, the internet is all i have, so i sympathise with you guys

I have plenty of friends, just no gf.

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I don't know. Something's wrong with my brain, I think. Maybe I was born for the purpose of just wandering around.

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I use to have friends. We bonded through video games but since I'm a NEET I couldn't get the new next gen console so we just stopped talking to each other. My friends were somewhat normal so even if I got my hands on the latest console they probably wouldn't have time to play. Video games is the only thing we have in common because I'm not a real person, I don't care about anything. When I think back about our interaction, there were always long periods of silence. I know it's normal not to be stimulated every second but still. I'm such a nonentity. I'm not sad about it, I just have burning apathy for everything.

Nature vs. nurture I guess. I always was more of a loner and stay-at-home person even as a small kid. I did have friends however but somewhere at the start of puberty I became more and more averse to be around people but still had friends. it got worse and worse, I made up excuses as to why I could not hang out with them and once I changed schools I lost basically all my old friends and was neither very interested nor capable of making new ones. Same with uni. It's a mixture of hating to be around people, inability to open up to anyone, and social retardation due to long isolation and coming from an introverted family.

> protective mother
> beta father
> serious health issues
> always the outcast and bullied in school (mostly due to my health)

I'm an aspie it was really hard for me to make friends from a very young age. However as a young kid my childish nature allowed me to interact with the kids around the neighborhood. Then they all left, and I was in my teenage years with insecurities and self awareness growing everyday I became a nervous mess which gave me a pretty pathetic reputation
at school. I managed to make acquaintances who would tolerate my presence out of boredom during class. However I did not make a genuine friend since then,. Being ostracized/detached from my peers made me feel jaded and depressed. I started to become pessimistic and bitter towards everybody because of my past experiences. I became sheltered and indifferent to others because it was the most optimal life style that I could tolerate.

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people don't like me. I stopped bothering eventually.

I have the same problem. Add me on discord fren

tfw have a club on tomorrow but have assignments due thurs and fri
>I think I'm connecting with people there but I might have to miss this week

I run out of things to talk about. Even when I was around people I wouldn't feel right, like I was just looking in and not really enjoying myself.