That feelio when no qt mentally ill gf

>that feelio when no qt mentally ill gf

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I look at her face then her posture then notice she has a remote

Being around a mentally ill person is pretty awful. I've been absolute hell for my gf and friends recently.

Do people in psyche wards really just walk around in their pajamas all day? Shit seems like a comfy sleepover party where you're willing to take random drugs your overlords give you because they protect you from and drug up the psychos around you.

Yes, pretty much.
t. been to a psychyard

Maybe in the states, in Germany they force you to shower every morning and change clothes and stuff

They're supposed to remove all stress from your life so your brain can recover. A lot of the time the drugs they give you are just to make your head a little numb so you don't freak out about being locked in a place designed to contain you until you're ready to be let back out into society. Pajamas are comfy, so they're good for not being stressed. Also bland clothing is for not being sexualized, whether that's by others, or by you vying for attention. Hence why the girl is in all gray over sized clothing. They both don't want her to be raped/molested and they don't want her using her body to gain the favor of others.

she'd ditch you for mentally ill chad like nothing

>that feelerino when no qt dragon tattoo gf who is also an eco fascist, white nationalist, and wants to be a homemaker.
Is that really too much to ask for?

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The sex scenes in that movie were so fucking hot.

>They both don't want her to be raped/molested and they don't want her using her body to gain the favor of others.
hehe too late

tfw mentally ill, tfw can't find a lesbian who will accept me.

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I did, don't tell her at first.

A gf who used to be mentally ill can be good and have some important insights but a currently mentally ill gf especially one that has deeply rooted problems will likely drag you down with her if you catch feelings.
T. in love with a girl who can't find the motivation to get better and it's tearing me apart.

I've been in a psych ward.
You pretty much just chill and watch TV all day with no obligations other than seeing your doctor. It's paradise.

that doesn't seem like a good idea though..

It's turning out okay. She's been very supportive since I started seeing a psych again.

where I stayed it definetlly wasn't like that

Mine wasn't super comfy. Definitely a bit uncomfortable at times. I wasn't an "active" patient so I didn't have many problems but if you seemed in any way distressed or like you may cause a problem they would dive on you. figuratively

Not to mention the issue I had where a guy wanted my room and said I was trying to seduce him in hopes that I was either moved or kicked out. That fucking sucked.

>Do people in psyche wards really just walk around in their pajamas all day? Shit seems like a comfy sleepover party where you're willing to take random drugs your overlords give you because they protect you from and drug up the psychos around you.
It's comfy for people who go with the program. When I was there I did not and it was terrible.

giv dragon tattoo gf

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It's comfy as long as you dont interact with the other patients. Everyones a self centered cunt in there, I just stayed in my room on my phone in my PJs doing what I wanted. Be nice to the nurses and youre one of their favourites.

Psych wards are super comfy, but it depends on the ones you end up in. Been to 3 in total. 2 were so-so and felt locked up. Was boring, the drugs were just forced down. Doctors just did their job, but didn't pay much attention. Nothing to do all day. But 1 of the 3 was absolutely amazing. The doctors landed me on some perfect drug combos, good talks, eventually went out and interacted with other patients. Played tons of casual board games, chess. Drawing, watching tv, reading. Relaxation, massages. It was like a complete spa compared to the other two. That's also where I found my first gf ever

You were allowed to form relationships with other patients? Or was that after your time there?

Off to the closest bridge

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>tfw unironically have this feeling
>talked with a girl I liked that came to a daycare center from a psych ward
>she found her first lesbian gf just a couple week before that i nthe psych ward and I missed my chance
>she's amazing to talk to and everything I'd want in a gf,but she already has someone she really likes

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Fucking liar. They take away your phone so you can't get anyone to help you break out, also it keeps you from taking pictures of other patients or nurses.
>inb4 don't take anyone seriously on Jow Forums guy

Eh not true bro, you're allowed visitors and day leave if you're not a crisis case. Phones aren't a problem. Laptop computers are also okay.

That sounds like a really nice ward. All I could do is watch TV, read, nap, and draw. All the other entertainment options were removed because they had a bunch of fights over stuff right before I got there.

There was this one chick that walked up to me with a colored pencil and was threatening to stab me because she thought I mumbled something. This other chick started a fight just because someone looked at her.

The angry motherfuckers are annoying but, most people just tried to an hero or something like that. Most of them are chill until one ties the sheets together from the ceiling vent.

I think they were on some sort of high alert. According to the local wizard they had a lot of conflicts right before I got there.

Why wouldn't you be? We even told the doctors that we like each other a lot during our separate daily talks and they were quite happy about that.
I should add it wasn't other people touching you, but those big relaxation chairs that vibrate at various frequencies in various places against your body.

does anyone want to be friends instead? im mentally ill and a relationship would be too much for me to handle right off the bat

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I don't trust females online, otherwise I would, sorry.

I'd want to, but honestly online friendships are just horrible. Only relationships and friendships are more or less the same.
>tfw have to somehow meet the person I talk to even if it's awkwardly looking at our shoes for 30min and then "sorrygottagobyesorryitwasfunbyeyoutoo"

its ok, you dont need to apologize

they can be bad, but i personally still try from time to timesince its all im capable of

I'm always in the business of gathering friends, tell me more about yourself.

Sounds like prison.

trust me user i was in your shoes until i realized i had batshit insane girl following me on campus from time to time, eventually i confronted her about this and we dated for a while since i wasn't about to deny myself the pleasures of a 6.5/10 girl just because she's insane, turns out i should have because it was one hell of a fucking ride.

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>business of gathering friends

you wouldnt happen to be a friend collector or something, are you?

>tfw qt mentally ill gf.

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>tfw no mentally ill gf you can stuff full of meds and fuck her in the ass while she stares the wall drooling

I fancy myself something of the sort, in like a non-hannibal lector kind of way. I just like making friends with people that are down to make friends, you know? And I mean especially digital friends are like SUPER low maintenance, theres basically no drawback unless they're a real trainwreck

no thanks, i'll pass. i dont like or trust friend collectors

From my experience, no. You start your day at 8 during the week, and 9 on the weekend. They wake you up, and you got 45 minutes to eat breakfast, shower if desired, medication, make your bed, and change out of your pajamas. There's usually a small group session. Everybody then chills in the main room reading, drawing, or talking while the psychiatrist sees everyone one-on-one. It's then lunchtime. After lunch, there's usually a variety of group oriented activity. Children's wards have school in the afternoon. There's also an hour break time where you get to go back to your room to hang out, sleep, whatever. It's then supper time. You then have evening group activity, about an hour of gym time, and then it's shower time. Everybody is required to shower. After evening shower, we can change back into pajamas. On the weekend we'd get to watch a movie after showering, during the week we'd get to hang out in the main room. There's a small nightly snack while they do medication, and then it's bedtime around 10. Wake up, repeat. Some hospitals are different, and the patients aren't allowed to leave their rooms. That's largely in older hospitals.

Clothing wise, you don't wear pajamas, but the girls weren't allowed to wear makeup or fix their hair because eyeliner sharpeners have a blade, many makeup products contain alcohol, and hot irons can be used to hurt oneself or others. Even shampoo and conditioner isn't allowed to be kept in the room, and it's only given out at shower time. Any type of clothing, other then offensive or revealing clothing or clothing with metal outside a pair of jeans, was allowed.

And for clarification, this was a U.S. hospital.

I'm actually online frend of a girl with mental illness and it's a very nice and bad relationship. Ngl it's one of the most pleasing friendships ever had, but the risk of it finishing all of a sudden is very high and the distance sure doesn't help.

This still sounds comfy. It's good that there is order and specific times for everything, as interestingly enough, a lot of bad feelings can arise from not having a proper schedule. The US hospitals do sounds slightly different to EU ones, but that's always the case. Yours always sound slightly more strict.

In my experience with a hospital, absolutely not. We weren't even allowed to give out our last names to the other patients. If they found out two people of the opposite sex were getting too close to one another, they'd step in to isolate the two from talking to one another. Repeated failure to follow the rules of not giving out contact information or getting too close to the opposite sex would get your put on lock-down. You'd have to eat and hang out in the corner, and were only allowed to interact with the rest of the group during group sessions.

Is this the US?

Yeah, they found proper order very important. The idea was you'd take those habits they taught to implement in real life outside the hospital. I suppose it was strict, but not too awful. Really, the hospitals you could stay in PJs all day are way less comfy because they're the old-school asylums. You're locked in a room, have maybe an hour of gym time, and don't actually get to really hang out and interact with the other patients. Those places are usually quite dismal, and very much look like medical hospitals in setup.

Is it a downright illness or a personality/mood disorder? There are more differences among the mentally ill as they lie at the outer margins of the circle of normality, whatever that means, than among the one who lack mental issues.

Yeah, I'm U.S. user. It wasn't limited to just the opposite sex either. No romantic relationships, and no friendships outside the hospital either. You weren't even allowed to share your last name or contact information with people of the same sex either. You'd usually only get put on lock-down for getting close to the opposite sex though. Same-sex they'd just yell at you, and ask you to sit in a seat farther away from the person.

hi just saw your post i have a bit of free time do you have a temporary email ?

Thinking about it, the only part that wasn't comfy was the fact a nurse had to watch your shower, piss, and shit. That being said, the nurses usually hated that just as much as the patients, and would try their best to make it as comfortable as possible. Although, that only applied to level 1 and 2 patients. People who weren't at risk didn't have to be monitored 24/7. I was just unfortunately level 1 because I'm schizoaffective.

well, i've been in a psych ward and the younger ones (like 20-25) are usually either not unstable enough to be noticeable or fucking crazy to the point where you wouldn't wanna risk glimpsing at another girl and getting stabbed 27 times in the chest

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Interested, do add me please. Not a friend collector or a norman.

How the fuck do you get admitted to such a place?

This sounds horrible. Here in the EU stuff like that never happened. You were allowed to talk, be friends with and have relationships if you want. You were just not allowed to close your door if you have someone over to your assigned room and rooms had no locks on them etc. Also you were not allowed to have someone in your room, except for staff members, past 7 during winter and past 8 during summer.
Sorry to hear the US has it so differently, but I suppose it's a hospital to hospital and state to state thing.

>be suicidal and let other people know
>want to hurt people and let others know
>be absolutely non functional

Twice I was involuntarily committed through the E.R. due to psychotic episodes occuring in public (hence the E.R.), and once I was involuntarily committed at my own will from the therapist office. The latter was also due to experiencing psychosis, but not in public.

3 times I basically asked to be admitted. Also it was recommended by my therapists as a place that would help.

>E.R. due to psychotic episodes occuring in public
How do you end up in the ER from a psychotic episode?

Now, here's the strange part. We have roommates. Two people of the same sex per room, like a dormitory. At least, we did at my hospital. Like I said, we were allowed to hang out, make friends, and socialize. That's why I said "no friends outside the hospital." You could make a friend, but it was understood you would never see or hear from them again after leaving because you couldn't share last name or contact. (Here in the U.S., it's believed that mentally ill people hanging out with one another outside a supervised setting is unhealthy, and the two can feed off one another which makes illness worse. That is the reasoning.)

What is your psychosis like? Honest curiosity.
Sometimes I worry I have it too. I'll sit alone and get a flashback or something and say something out loud related to whatever just popped into my head. Very mild now but Im worried it could be worse. I also randomly yell out I fucking hate my life sometimes when I have these flashbacks

Because you end up stuck to the floor in public unable to move since you're now merged with it in some floating mystery space with the narration from MYST running through your head, and you keep screaming at those trying to move you that they're hurting you since... You know, you're merged with the floor. It is your body. Or, you end up going catatonic, only moving to scream about faces in the wall and poison in the water, and you don't move for 10 hours, leading to your palms bleeding from clenching so tight, except from screaming about the water. Both tend to result in someone either calling 911, or the people around you force-lifting you to the E.R. Then you get a nice shot of Haloperidol, and when undressing you they notice you're coveted stomach to knee in cuts... Because you have moments you think you're Jesus or something, and can only achieve purity through the spilling of blood on a bad day. That is how you end up in the E.R., and subsequently the hospital. Psychosis don't care that you are in public.

Woah thats hardcore shit right there

And sorry for the long explanation, but you did ask...
See , but that was only two episodes, I deal with a bad psychotic break a couple times per year. Usually it's far milder. Treatment has helped me deal with them as I got older.

That girl is BPD. They always have eyes like that. Dead and tired from the crying and the constant ups and downs.

She has and will continue to destroy many Men along with herself.

>(Here in the U.S., it's believed that mentally ill people hanging out with one another outside a supervised setting is unhealthy, and the two can feed off one another which makes illness worse. That is the reasoning.)
That's fucked up. If anything the doctors here have always told me to not be afraid in finding someone else like yourself, simply because then you are able to understand each other on a much deeper level. You find the need to improve the other, because the person is your friend or something more and you're able to do it better than any doctor as you went through everything yourself. Ofcourse there was a talk about "feeding off of each other", but as the doctors said, it can happen to everyone and in any relationship. You can be with the best and happiest person in the world and they might still be able to bring you down or vise versa. The whole point was to find someone you can understand and look for the positives, rather than the negatives.
I guess there are cases where to sick people make things worse for each other, but again, that happens in every relationship. Might aswell have the doctors brand you somehow and prevent you from talking with anyone.
But maybe I just really lucked out with good institutions and good doctors in the EU
It also seems weird to me a bit, that you're not allowed to share your last name. It's like oh boy, I can't wait to be prevented from saying my last name to a person in the LAND OF THE FREE.

It seemed to really be targeted toward those suffering from bipolar and BPD who might encourage one another. Especially the latter, one started acting up, and the other would try to best them. Partying, drug use, that sort of thing. It's also because suicidal people sometimes talk one another into suicide, supposedly. Although, it could extend to psychotic patients. It only happened once, but there was a huge fight that broke out because two people had the same delusion: they both thought they were Jesus. They got in a knock-down fight arguing who was the real Jesus. It's to avoid stuff like that according the psych. It was just a safety precaution for the worse case scenario. The last name thing was to avoid people tracking down each other on FB.

oOOoOOoOOhHH!!! head buzzing !! zip zip alien ship noises poooshhhh !!!

Take us to your leader?

nigga u crazy af

mentally ill people have zero morals

Like non-mentally ill people do. Kek.

lol thats already what I do except i'm not surrounded by a bunch of psychos and instead of mind altering drugs I take cheetos.

a person who has a job, a car, or whatever can still have mental illness.

moreso than loonies yeah
they're self centered without exception

can you guys explain why you would willingly want a mentally ill gf

im gonna bet my dick, that those places got their chads too, whos mentall illness is that he gets too much sex from all, hence becomes sex addicted.

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I can think of a few reasons, for control, abuse? She aint gonna leave, if she thinks her self worth is zero.
That way you can abuse them, like make them switch to linux.

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we can be mentally ill lesbians together, if you want..

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My gf was in a psych ward and she said it was like that basically. She loved the socks they gave her too.
She is very sweet and caring. Sometimes she tries to do too many things at once and cries but she is normally very positive and supporting. Just needs a high dose of cuddles to keep going.