Reminder that if you want to """""""save"""""""" """"""western civilization"""""" you are part of the problem. Civilization was a mistake. Long ago, humans domesticated animal. We plucked them out of the wild and instead put them in cages, pens and stables. The strong and cunning predators became weak and obedient, the mighty beasts of prey became bloated and mindless. But man himself still had to deal with the harshness of the world. But not anymore, for we too have been plucked from the wild, and built ourselves our own stables and cages. We too are now bloated, weak and obedient. The only solution is to go back to the wild, abandon so called ""civilization"", as the false savior it is.
Reminder that if you want to """""""save"""""""" """"""western civilization"""""" you are part of the problem...
>le ebin vacestomy onionboy maymay
fuck off retard
>he took the vargpill
based. Stay strong, brother
posting this on the wrong board fampai
literally everyone here is soft body onions boy who will 100% die in the next world war
most of have accepted this fate
>bro, I'm telling you, the way to fix civilization is to shit in the woods
>fuck toilets
No you absolute imbecile, I'm telling you "fixing" civilization is the mistake.
By the way, the modern sitting toilet is bad for you, the proper way to shit is squatting, so yeah, replacing toilets would be good.
Except you said we need to go back to the wild and abandon civilization.
>he doesn't use a poopbox
it's the only pill for me hehe
True brainlet.
Let me quote you, attempting to quote me
>bro the way to fix civilization
And there lies the mistake
>fix civilization
Allow me to redirect you to the OP
>Civilization was a mistake
If you wanted to fake quote me, it would have been more accurate to say
>bro, I'm telling you, fuck civilization, let's shit in the woods instead
Now do you understand, you brainlet?
True but it's still a stupid idea
You can think that, but at least quote me right.
fuck shoes
I will and next time don't present that as the solution because that implies fixing the problem.
>don't present that as the solution
I didn't. I presented the truth that the very thing that needs "fixing" is inherently the problem. I propose no solution to "civilization", only to the human race.
>The only solution is to go back to the wild
You're saying if everyone went into the wild things would be better. Anyway civilization isn't the mistake, humans are.
solution, but not for civilization. How is this hard to understand?
>civilization isn't the mistake, humans are
low IQ people like you, sure.
Yet, the domesticated animals have prospered in numbers which makes them the winner as a genetic legacy.
It's not hard to understand, it's that you call others part of the problem for not following that solution. It seems you want others to follow you into the wilderness again as if it would make things better.
>Save the white race
Ok, I'll burn down my house, run naked into the bushes, paint my pale skeleton body with mud, build myself a spear and practice a manly roar!
The "wild" chickens on the left are domesticated in our country. Best kind of chicken to use in a soup, not too fatty, gamy but not at all off-putting, and full of flavor.