Wagecuck thread

Talk to me about your job.

I'm here to listen

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Remember those posts about that guy in his 50's still working at the dollar store?
That's going to be me someday.

Have a fucking interview finally next tuesday, fucking stoked. I can't wait to actually have some fucking money.

I don't know how to start a conversation based on this alone, though. There's so much I want to say.

Where's your job interview at?

having my practical exam at the end of the month
little nervous desu, but at least my job interviews are next week already, and those shouldnt be a problem because nurses are sought everywhere

Night cashier at my local grocery store
Is pretty comfy

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With the fucking city boy this nigga is going out to clear trails. Back breaking manual labor with the lowest dregs of society.

Anyone else not poor but still pissed off and feeling underpaid? I work 3 days a week and take home ~$3.2k/mo. I have to touch butts and talk to people, I'd like at least twice this much money.

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Fuck, post that pls. I work at a fuckin dollar store, head cashier is this old decrepit washed up cigarette addict. Been working there ten years. Probably the best she could ever do wouldnt be surprised if she used to be a heroin junky desu. Point is I gotta get tf outta here, I have this terrible fear of shoehorning myself in the eyes of employers. Make no mistake im trash, there is a reason I work there, but half the battle of gainful employment is being able to be fake and act like you have your shit together.

>tfw McWagecuck
>JUST got proficient with the grill
>trying to train me for sandwich assembly
I hate this job enough can't you bastards leave me alone on my comfy grill?

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I have an interview at Target tomorrow. How do I not fuck it up?

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Are you a dr? Numbers.

Always post this but...
Work night time security. Get 14$ an hour 40 hours a week to do fuck all. Just bring my laptop in and browse the interweb all night. Getting sick of this to be honest though. It's getting too repetitive and they haven't given me a raise in two years. Gonna move to the south with my dad in a few months so I can save money. Get out of out of this rut I'm in.

I started off as a kitchen porter now I'm a trucker and I get to go to places And see cool stuff to sometimes

Like the malvern hills near Worcester (pic related)

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I'm trash, too, they just give me hours when we get our truck and some weekend stocking shifts

Just bee yourself

No no no, we need you trained on EVERY position so you can fill in the gaps when people call off user :^)
You're such a hard worker! You can cover Chad's shift right? I know you've already worked 8 hours but I'm gonna have to have you stay for a bit longer today :^)))

I worked for target. Worst job Ive ever had. Maybe it will be different for you. Just bullshit your way through the interview. They hire pretty much anyone with a functioning brain (but even hired some autists to be cart attendants so no matter what youre guaranteed a job)

Just went from no job to getting two jobs

Im going to work four 12 hour shifts at a plastics factory loading boxes with tubes and another 20 hours at a pizza place.


I feel like Im in for a world of hurt.

You know nothing, the most miserable of robots happen to be wagecucks. I'd know, I worked retail for 10 years and it was a nightmare.

Oh sweet God they're already trying to get me to cover people's shifts. I got a call on my day off asking if I could come in. I ignored that shit. On top of that, my manager said to me today "wow user you're such a good worker I've never seen anyone take the initiative to clean on their own, what's your availability like?"

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This will actually be my 3rd interview there. Don't know why they don't hire me.

I didn't even make it past the first one

Good on you for ignoring the call, you should always ignore calls from work. ALWAYS. Let it go to voicemail then you can decide if you want to return the call.
Don't get into the habit of covering shifts, tell them you're busy. You're always busy. Get it? You give these fuckers an inch and they'll take a mile. Always prioritize yourself over your workplace. Don't work hard, slack off as much as possible.

- Am design engineer / supporting project manager
- Make 60k a year
- get payed to sit on Jow Forums and help others out if the other design engineers or projectmanagers do not have time for it.
- comfy as fuck workroute with my motorbike.
- Got money to no end saved up from - how cost efficient I live.
- am 21

Who is also blessed with a good education and born in a good country?

Oh thats weird. I had one interview with one of the managers, then another interview with a manager ahead of her and then they hired me the same day. I quit 5 months after. The coworkers I had that still work there say its gotten worse since I left. But maybe yours will be different. I hope you dont hate it. I think retail just wasnt my thing.

Thank you based user for your sage advice. These motherfuckers gon' learn. I bled and sweat for my last kitchen job and I nearly committed suicide, I'm taking it easy this time.

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Also I worked in the clothes department so I think that was the problem. Mindlessly folding clothes for 8 hours a day by yourself with no human interaction besides annoying customers is pretty awful. What department did you apply for?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Wagecuck. When will you learn. Your just a bootlicker!

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Became a NEET 3 months ago. Initially they pushed aggressively for me to find a job within a week after quitting work. Now here I am, 3 months later and it's like they've given up.

What the fuck happened? I'm still looking for work (not very hard) but they seem like they accept it now. Should I be concerned?

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Not yet, saving up though. I found a place that's just 60k for doctoral degree. Then it will be much more money and way less touching butts and talking. I don't really mind the talking so much, it's mostly the talking to patients I dislike. They are always some combination of annoying and stupid.
What numbers are you looking for? I'm not sure how much the insurance and retirement costs but even counting that it's still not enough money for how much I dislike it.

NEET life is the sweet life my man. If you can find a way to make money on your own, then you'll be set. I'd rather work for myself than for others.

Atleast put forth the bare minimum effort, I'm in the same position except I'm very lightly employed.
It wont take much for them to get all pissed off again, so just be applying at places once in a great while, etc... make it look like you're still trying halfassedly

Electronics and Sales Floor TM. Since I have no experience in electronics they put me for Sales Floor. I meant this is my third seperate interview. I had one 2 years ago and a few months ago for different positions but they didn't hire me.

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Finally a man of culture. This is my mutherfucking motto right here! I always take it easy. Unless Im getting paid in those middle double digit tens. Id only bust my ass for $15+. huehuehhueh
t. worked the past 5 years

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I was almost like you. I mean I still can be. Its just going to be tough getting there

The worst thing about work is watching your co-workers all leave and be replaced by new people.
Well, unless your job is complete hell that is.
It's just so fucking depressing, I mean I'm really anti-social and closed off so the conversation is always minimal and we never get close, but it's still really hard seeing someone every week pretty much for months or longer and then them one day just being gone from your life.
Naturally, they become a constant and if you're a robot/ loser type especially that's going to make you attached very quickly.

In my case at the moment it's particularly hard because most of them are foreign workers who go back to completely different parts of the world.
I don't want to be another faggot spoting evo psych bullshit but we're evolved to spend our entire lives around the same people I don't think that's disputed. So I really think the way the modern world is structured can be quite traumatic, especially for emotinally weak people like myself.
Also, you can't help but get that self doubt about whether anyone cares about this as much as you do. Whether you'll be remembered at all.

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I work in a call centre. It's the worst shit ever I dread going in every day and I've only been there 5 weeks. Called in sick today and probably gonna hand in my notice on Friday.

Please do not be so hard on us, O ye NEET Lord, for we are not worthy of thy glory.

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I learned much through my 10 year grocery store (((career))).
I'm happy to share any advice to help my robot brothers through their slavery.
I'm just glad to have finally cast aside these oppressive shackles.

thats good money for 3 days

You are relieved for now. I shall give you mercy this time. But you must see the light and become NEET!

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The electronics section is like some super secret club that they only let certain people work in. I think its based off of seniority. I think regular sales floor would have been better than clothing. Less mess, and everything has an actual place to go. I hope they hire you this time. They might since its almost summer and its a busier time with holidays and school being out. Good luck user

The managers/supervisors/head associates are always robotic. They truly dont give a shit about the entry level workers. There are some exceptions but they shit on the basic enployees.
Are you currently working now or have you gone NEET?

Why do people post stuff like this, it's just to brag right?

Haha omg buddy exact same situation. Where are you employed? I worked at a gas station for a year and I half but quit in February

Why are you touching butts? I was acknowledging your trips, btw.

Thanks user. Where do you work now?

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That was a good little read, user.

9/10 could relate

Well im a cashier. Ive got an interview for a produce position at a grocery store coming up, so at least thats like a ((real)) job. I could move out of my fuckin parents house at least. I was asking if you could post some of that old guys stories?

just started at walmart. it'll just be good to have money but i am disassociating hard about being a cog in the capitalist machine. just need enough money to take a trip. a cross country trip in an rv or something.

>wagecucked at a grocery store
>moved my way up from bag-boy to vegetables
>cut down all my expenses and living conditions to work part time
>taught myself web programming with the extra time
>got a job as a programmer, "fake it till you make it"
>became so good at it me and another guy started our own business
>played videogames and worked maybe 3 days a month for 2 years because of keeping all the profits between us
>friend goes crazy during divorce, back to being an employee
>so good now I can work part-time, 3 days a week pays all the bills
>spend all my time trying to figure out how I can make a living actually giving a shit about what I'm doing
I stopped playing videogames, hoping the boredom will spark creativity or interest in something

Im waitstaff at a restaurant. I left target to work at Panda Express though, but wasnt getting enough hours so moved to my current job. The money is inconsistent but pretty decent. Im 20 and not in school so its just a matter of finding the least shitty job that I dont hate that also pays decent. Im happy at my current place. At least target pays decent. And I was getting 40 hours every week when I worked there so you should definitely be set.

>its gotten worse
This is a guarantee of retail. Just when you think it cant get fuckin worse they come up with some bullshit to make your life that much more of a living hell. Im a cashier, they dont let me sit, ever. I do it from time to time, but it is in secret and paranoia. Not allowed to eat at register or drink anything besides water. Have to wear shitty name tag. Constantly have to be productive. So when its slow I like to kneel and pretend to shelve things.
Just recently they made a new rule where cashiers take turns going around the store for an hour collecting things out of place and putting them back. Come the fuck on, man?

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Ahh. I worked at a fast food place for 2 weeks then walked out. It was terrible. I heard Target's starting pay is $12. That's what made me want to go there.

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Seems like fun user. I wonder how long it took you to learn the programming

I work at Sam's Club as a cashier and I hate the job. Most of my coworkers think I'm an idiot which is why they don't try to talk and hold conversations with me. The supervisors make me do way more work than the other cashiers and I get yelled at even when I'm doing things right. My shifts tend to be 5 hour and 45 minutes long meaning that I only get a 15 minute break. In Ohio, if you work 6 hours in a single shift, then you are entitled to a 30 minute lunch and two 15 minute breaks. Why can't I just get the extra 15 minutes added to my shift? It doesn't make any sense.

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Ive worked retail jobs that were terrible and also ones that were very relaxed and easy going. Restaurant jobs that were fucking hell, but also had other restaurant/food jobs that were all laughs and lounging for the most part.

So my advice is to always try to find a job doesnt wear your spirits down too much. If youre working a job like that now then try to find something better. (I know its easier said than done, but all you can do is try) Because even a job thats a little better comfy wise but pays a few bucks less is much better than a job thats way too stressful and demanding for a couple of extra peanuts.

The best way out of wagecucking and the whole rat race in general is to create your own way to generate income. Im still trying to figure that out while i wagecuck as a retail associate at some garden supplies store. Its real comfy though and my boss isnt a power tripping retarded dickhead like a lot of bosses ive had to deal with working at past jobs.

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When I worked at target I would have to cashier occasionally, but I had it much easier than the cashiers. Id have to fold clothes on the bottom shelves so Id always just sit. And theres rarely supervisors near you so you can be on your phone. I wouldve hated to be a cashier constantly. But target was cool with breaks. On an 8 hour shift I got two 15 minute breaks and one half hour lunch.

I saw one of my old coworkers recently and she had a sample stand set up in the cosmetics area and I asked her wtf that was about. She said they make her stand there all day and she isnt allowed to leave unless she sells three things or whatever theyre trying to push on people. Its absolute bullshit. I will never work retail again.

I work at Subway but need a second job any good places to waste time at?

I went NEET. It had gotten to the point where they scheduled me 48 to 56 hour work weeks, with one or no days off, because apparently they couldn't find anyone to hire. And this was after I had repeatedly requested less hours and was brushed aside every time.
Everyday I would get absolutely pissed at something that a co-worker fucked up or how a customer treated me, to the point of where I'd go into the bathroom to hit myself and punch the metal siding on the stalls. I'd also lash out and punch boxes and plastic crates, regularly got cuts and bruises on my hands. I started to leave early hours everyday without "permission" because I was so sick of it all and I'd always get the work done early anyway because I was so efficient.
One day towards the end of my shift I had a total breakdown and just lost my shit. I went on a tirade in the back room, just venting and sounding crazy in the process.
The next morning I woke up dreading work as usual, and I looked up, closed my eyes and just started to pray. I was overwhelmed by a feeling that I shouldn't go back. That I needed to quit for my own sake. So I didn't go in and spent the day outside reading.
My boss called when I didn't show up and he started saying shit like how I "needed to seek help", and I told him to fuck off and hung up.
Was NEET for 2 months after that, then tried working at a package sorting facility for 6 months. Hurt my foot one day and quit on the spot. Too much heavy lifting and I could easily see myself just continue getting injuries if I was there for years.
Now I've been NEET for another 2 months, and I plan on staying NEET. I live with my brother and his family, all I gotta do is toss em some money occasionally.
Right now my source of income is from selling my 1000+ video game collection on ebay piece by piece. I don't even mind, it's relaxing just being able to tend to my listings and then carefully pack up each game to ship off to a new owner who can then enjoy it.

>Have cushy office job
>get sick of it
>go part time so i can go to uni
>uni hard
>now office job feels like break from uni.

took a few months. I was fueled by the rage I felt everytime I had to go to work in that fucking grocery store. Just look up programming jobs on craigslist or wherever and they list what they want you to know. Take that list and study it.
It took me about 3 months before I was ready to give it a shot. I got a job even though I didn't really know everything. Arrogance and Google go a long way.

It was $10 when I worked there and right after I quit it went up (go figure). I probably would have dealt with it for that much plus my 40 hours a week. My first job and my second job (also the job I worked at the longest) were both food, so I think thats why I like food more than retail. Being waitstaff is cool because I dont have to do anything besides wait on my tables and most days its super easy. You get the occasional horrible customer but thats anywhere you go. I like it because if theres nothing going on I dont have to find shit to do and I can just stand around talking to my coworkers. They only pay us 2.13/hour so what can they really expect l0l

Thats super fucked, puff. Sorry. Try asking for longer shifts? And I guess revel in the fact that lunches are not paid? Are they? I live in hippy CA and only our short breaks are paid. Also one thing cool about Sams is you guys dont have to bag right? Only scan, saving yourself some back problems. I always wonder what do you do when someone buys like one hundred rolls of toilet paper, do you count it all or take their word?

LMAO. LOL. You god damn pleb! I scoff at you! Scoff!

I only got in a month and have of practice beforw I went back to uni. Maybe I should give it a try. I mean the stuff I was learning seemed easy to me

>They only pay us 2.13/hour
How do you live?

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>She said they make her stand there all day and she isnt allowed to leave unless she sells three things
Fuck. Thats pretty depressing, man. Ive yet to meet our district manager, thank fuck. I know hes a royal cunt, and the reason behind a lot of why my workplace is a hell. We always have thieves, guess what? Instead of investing in security, they chopped down the shelves so cashiers have more visibility and crooks feel less hidden. Cheap bastards.
Only a few good things have come from this job.

I'm the trashman's assistant, i.e the cuck who doesn't drive the garbage truck
I get paid 13,5e an hour, often timew doing 8-12 hour days without overtime compensation, due to boss giving me a day off once in a while, maybe every two weeks a day or a two.
I fucking hate this shit, but since I have a contract, I'm stuck doing it until my conscription service begins

Sounds brutal man. Yeah being a NEET or entrepreneur beats being a wagecuck. There just isnt enough money in mennial jobs to make it worth everything you said happened to you. And being a NEET is seeing through the system. Workers are SLAVES and the system fucks them in the ass everyday

>Talk to me about your job.
I do a SQL intense job.
The most SQL I'm confident with is joins.
I'm fairly certain I need to know dynamic/cursors etc.
Stackoverflow is good but I need video's

yea. programming was really attractive to me because there's so much demand for it that the profit vs effort margin is huge, you can easily get a job in 2 weeks so you never have to worry about getting fired, and you're not expected to be dealing with people you don't have to be nice or social or anything. desu, acting like an anti-social dick actually seems to help.

If it seems easy to you you'd probly be fine. programming just psyches a lot of people out, if you really try it's not all that rough

All tips, man. Thats why you gotta tip your servers 20% (if they deserve it at least. Or dont. It doesnt really matter. Just kinda sucks) I dont even get paychecks because we claim our tips at the end of each night and they take that out of our hourly wage so we dont owe as much during tax season. I also dont have a lot of bills. Only rent, car insurance, phone bill, and internet. All are on the cheaper end.

Holy shit that sounds horrible too. Target had assets protection. We werent allowed to get involved in people stealing. I felt so bad for her when she told me she had to sell three things before she could leave and hadnt sold any all day. I almost bought some from her out of pity.

you should quit, desu. as a guy who just started at walmart, hearing this story of the company i work for fills me with hope. but i'm working in the garden section watering plants and selling grills so hopefully it doesn't suck too bad and if it does i can just quit in 3 months like i always do.

I'm gonna do whatever it takes to make my own money. I've even considered growing some veggies to sell at the local farmer's market or something lol. How hard could it be to grow veggies? I'd grow weed if it was legal though...

Where I'm from there's a lady around 70 working there.

I've asked for longer shifts but no one has really done anything to address my concerns. I don't think lunches are paid but I can always find out. It's true that we don't bag at Sam's but we do have to unload almost everything out of a person's cart then reload it for them after scanning. And yes, we do have to count all of the items despite the customer's word. I remember a time recently where I had to make sure I scanned all 145 items.

really? that... doesn't make sense?
of course they don't want to exchange 15 minutes of you working for 30 minutes lunch and two breaks. It's the same reason they like to keep people just under full time.
If you work full time they have to give you all kinds of benefits

Americans will defend this capitalist pig behavior

>unload almost everything
>count everything
Ouch. I normally just take peoples word for it. I know Walmart is probably more serious about that since its such a industrial complex obsessed with profit, not to say my company is not. Really im just lazy and overworked. If I think someone is lying ill count because its an affront to me. Trust me, there is some autist working there you would click with.
Do they make you do those shitty 4 am tier shifts?

Yeah. Im that kind of guy. Seems real comft tbqh

no we won't. only the ones in power benefiting directly from this and the retards voting republican that were raised to believe "new age" values make you a communist will defend this. also fuck you.

Yeah, there is one autistic man there but he usually works the morning shifts while I work the afternoons so I almost never see him. He's known as the laughing stock of the store due to his mannerisms and how he speedwalks everywhere.

I haven't had a 4 am shift thankfully and I don't think I could. I would be moving way too slow.

Just left one shitty job for another shutty job because the other one pays more

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Well at least you get more money user.

Well done, you are moving towards even if it's only slightly.

Just keep a positive mental attitude, try to think happy thoughts and pretend youre better than people. Laugh at them in your mind sometimes. Like when theyre pissed about waiting in line just think about how much of a loser they are they cant just leave they have to wait in line like a cuck for bullshit nonessential items.
Not all your coworkers can be mean shitheads, right? I dont know what downtime is like for you but try to share a joke or something when you get a chance. Keep applying for better jobs, no future working for a Walmart, desu.

Load trucks.

I don't blame anyone for going on a killing spree anymore.

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This thread is the most pathetic shit ever.

You are right on that. I don't even get mad anymore when a customer gives me a hard time. I just laugh it off and move on. A lot of the old men who work are great and all of the black guys are super chill and down to earth. Most of the shit comes from my female workers. I think I'll connect with a few people if possible and branch out in hopes of finding better opportunities. If all else fails, I can always take my father up on his offer of working with him at his government job. It's third shift every week night but the pay is better at least.

I've never moved out and lived on my own. How will I know when I'm ready to? I feel like it's getting to that point but I'm scared. I don't want to move out if that just means I'm going to live in poverty.

I have full time work making 13/hr in the USA, I have a car, and I have about 2500 in the bank. I've never paid a bill and I dony pay for my own gas. Assuming I don't work any overtime I'd make like 420 a week. Is that enough to have a comfy lifestyle or no? I don't have any expensive hobbies or friends.

Expect rent to be over $300 at the minimum. My friends wagecuck twicr as much to get by and hate their lives and don't do anything but watch Netflix and smoke weed and they used to be active. All making between $14 and $16 hourly.

>mfw paying my parents a little over twice that

Im pretty much Homer Simpson. Ama

Do you like donuts of all variety? How often do you strangle your son?

The absolute cheapest rent in my area is 800 a month. On the positive side those places look super nice.

Even so that's half my wages, I can make that in two weeks and then the other two weeks out of the month don't go towards rent.

I don't know how much gas and phone bills and car insurance is. But I'm looking at about 820 a month outside of rent. Let assume I eat 450 a month leaving me with 370 for my phone bill, insurance, etc. How much is all that shit? If I can even break even I'll be surprised. Though I know that's not really a good thing because someday I'll need to have money for another car and I also should have some money to actually do things I enjoy and live as a human being like video games, alcohol, and marijuana. God forbid I find a girl to go on a date with.

On the positive side in three months I'll get a raise. I do have opportunities to work overtime almost all the time but I don't want to be depending on working overtime to the point where it's just a regular thing for me. In my opinion my 40 hours is the standard basic work amount and I should never HAVE to work overtime.

>All donuts are good but the pink frosted ones with sprinkles are best.
>Hes only 2 months old so I try and do it as much as possible to help strengthen his muscles

do you even need to hand in a notice when its been that long? i wouldn't think so. especially a call centre. from what i've read on here they turn over lot's of staff.

I am a debt collector for a welfare agency in my country

>takes long drag from cigarette with closed eyes
>inhales; opens eye
>squints at monitor in disgust