Do people on this board actually have Absolutely ZERO work experience?
Do people on this board actually have Absolutely ZERO work experience?
Hasn't there been reports after reports throughout the 2010s that found millennials are unable to gain work experience because too many jobs require it.
The only reason I have a job in the film industry wasn't because I went to film school or had any experience, but I had friends who would hire me if I asked.
What do you do in the film industry? You in LA?
i have 2.5 years work experience thats still going on, but its useless dead end job
The occasional cinematography (which is rare because my D-SLR isn't that great) and maybe production coordination if I worked with one of the producers or directors before. But I'm mainly just PA (which is still $15/hr. shifts that often span 12 - 16 hours). And I'm currently in the PNW.
Pppppfffffffffffffftttt, I've seen entry level applications asking for at least five years experience. Hell, when I was looking for a place in Portland, not only were the cheapest rents about $850 a month for the rent part alone, but some of the ads on Craigslist asked for you to make at least $5,000 a month to be considered. This is a shit time for people who aren't at least 35y/o.
I have 4 years work experience.
And 7.5 years of unemployment since then
>27 years old
>started first job 3 months ago
So you're in 30s?
I count votes and man polling stations for like 2 days a year if that counts
Most posters are either wagies or gradecucks. NEETs are just a vocal minority. TruNEETs even less so; most of the bums that post here are literal teenagers scrounging off their parents.
There are wagecuck threads up right now you imbecile.
i'm 25 and never had a job before in my life
the very idea of it torments me at night
i worked for 12 hours before i threw the clothes of the place at a person working counter and quite
too tired to get into, but i've been a NEET for almost five years now
i will never work again
i will die first
I'm glad I have work experience, but I really wish I never had to work. If I could just have my costs of living covered I'd just sit around eating food working out and browsing the web. Sadly I'm from a poor family so I'll basically work til my youth is long gone and my health is failing.
Does four hour volunteering a week at the local museum count as experience? Been doing that for almost two years, 21 at the end of this month.
I legitimately wish I had autism so i could rot in my room, collect neetbux, play video games and watch anime all fucking day without a care in the world and enjoy every minute of it.
No, I was born a fucking weirdo cyborg virgin. Nobody wants to even be my friend and I have to work.
Cyborg life is the fucking worst life.
I'm 29 and I have almost been working a year now. I only got a job because of my brother's friend otherwise I probably would have spent my 30th bday as a NEET.
How did you fall into that? I work but it sounds like a great way to fill your weekends.
22, no experience until recently
I have like 6 month experience and I am 30 years old. I could not last longer among the normies, they disgust me.
>I work but it sounds like a great way to fill your weekends.
You're a fucking normie and you don't belong here. Why the fuck would you want to "full your weekends"? It's just the normie obsession with keeping busy because they think it gives their lives value. I work 8-12 hours a week and 4 fucking days off in a row isn't long enough to relax, why would I ever want to give up the only time I have to myself?
Work experience is absolutely irrelevant unless its in some specialized tasks. A 5 year old can follow instructions.
personally im tried of everything that i do and too stupid to do something actually useful.
I have been wondering if I should fake a mental illness and/or maim myself to make this dream a reality
That's irrelevant, even minimum wage customer service jobs will request experience before they hire you. There's a job in my town at a cafe that wants experience in selling food, not preparing it or anything, just selling it. The job has been vacant for 10 months now.
are you me mang? let me post you fucking robot idc that its not fucking oreeeeeginal
>implying a normie wouldn't be spending his weekends doing sports, being at the bar, and partying
If I'm bored on the weekends, it's that I don't have any of those things.
And museums are fun to me, so what. It'd be like an user shitting away his weekend on a vidya.
Honestly, I literally just walked in one day and asked. Brief application process and I was in a month later. It's a pretty small museum that most people don't even know is there, but it's in Greater London and it's funded by the local council. Simple work for the most part and it gives me some semblance of a social life, although all the volunteers are 50+. Maybe they just wanted a younger volunteer?
well soon we'll have a world where the abundance isn't locked away, everyone is entertained, and I'm sure there'd be an AI designed to enjoy you if humans wouldn't.
I really wish I didn't have to get a job; feel almost unreal to me despite the matter that I've worked before a year or so back.
like how many more hopeless boring days are there left? I wish I could appreciate them.
Wanting to spend your free time doing unpaid work is as normie as it gets
It's easy enough to get work experience in any field if you think outside the box. For example, I wanted to enter communications and charted my career path from where I was to where I am now
>work customer service at supermarket
>parlay into supervisor at liquor store
>parlay into supervisor at call centre
>parlay into government liaison at call centre
>parlay into communications at call centre
>parlay into communications at member of parliament's office
Whereas most people want to cut all available corners and take the straight line from university degree to MP's office. It's just about having a plan and keeping your eyes open for opportunities
>work customer service at supermarket
You know how lucky are to get that right? I've applied to supermarkets and been told no because no experience
Yes, I've been employed at staples for 2 years and I haven't learned shit.
just turned 21 yesterday, worked in a factory and hated every second of it, spent a lot of my shift fucking around in the toilets and doing stuff like pic related.
Got a bicycle courier jod a while after, loved every second of it but had to quit due to moving, wish there were some nice bike courier companies close by to where I live now...
Fucking unoriginal
food delivery seems like shit in comparison to package deliver but I'll give it a go.
Hopefully my area isn't too quiet for it.
Think Deliveroo does anything. I hear some people have used it to transport drugs
I'm 32, never had a job and still lives in my parents basement. I'm failure, might end my life soon. Already bought a rope and shit load of ibuprofen.
user, you should probably look into the exit bag method, it's supposed to be completely painless.
Ropes, even with painkillers, would still engage your fight or flight.
Or, you know, get some psychological help if you can.
>never even filled a job application
I'm NEET now, but yes I do have work experience. My tech job allowed me to buy up rental homes and that now provides for my future
Anyone can get a mcjob but millennials all feel like they're destined for greatness or nothing at all. Being a NEET usually is just a result of a narcissistic personality.
Only ever had unpaid and volunteer jobs, sometimes for decently long term. I worked unpaid at a business for nearly a FUCKING YEAR because they kept promising me employment whenever I came close to quitting and my parents essentially bullied me (threatened to kick me out if I didn't keep doing it) into continuing with it. Eventually I quit around the holidays because they wanted me to come in around Christmas, unpaid, to do extra work. My parents were fucking furious and told me I was acting like a spoiled brat.
Can you imagine telling a baby boomer back in the sixties, seventies or eighties that they had to work nearly a year unpaid for a chance at minimum wage? Absolute madness. What's sad is that I kind of miss the "job" because it gave me a routine to follow. If I'd been getting paid I would have been doing it still. Can't find ANY paid work, even with all that experience under my belt because of how bad the economy is here.
I worked for like 6 weeks once and it fucking sucked. Getting forced to work again in like 1 week so whatever.
Have you ever though of joining a truck company user? Apparently there is a huge shortage of truck drivers in America.