if dubs chooses the correct pair, i dump her album
If dubs chooses the correct pair, i dump her album
Other urls found in this thread:
>only nice pair is 1
roll middle
Clearly the closest one
the very first pair
first pair only looks good because shows most sole. second pair is clearly best.
first one has stubbier toes, wide ankles, really good sole.
sencond and third have better slim long toes but last one is more on flatter arch. second one has deepest arch and long slender toes. also based off the rest of legs, shes the most fit.
>better slim long toes
>op gets (You)s of people trying to guess correct pair
>no matter which one user's dubs chooses, OP will say "Nope, that was wrong :^)
Go play this stupid 3 roastie monty over on /b/
>3 roastie monty
Lotta humor for a hired jest!
fuck it you all too slow
middle was correct answer
might as well dump a load on them while im dumping
dry soles
shit what are you doing to me?
never been interested in feet...
suddenly interested in feet.
good have some mroe while youre jerking it
>gets dubs on his fuck it post
im going to sleep,
heres the rest
what the fuck is this abomination level stuff at the end??!?
owner of the album is some creepy old man
Lmao, wtf. Footfags are fucked.
>not having an album of best feet (blue sweater girl)
what's wrong with you?
You would think that if they're into feet they'd take the pictures so that it shows off how cute and feminine and small their feet are. NO. Instead they use fucking wide angle lenses and have them shove their feet right at it so it looks as gigantic as possible while shrinking the rest of their body. It makes them look like clowns.
You're clearly someone who loves long bony toes, that's fine. But generally speaking first feet are the best, just the overall care and skin pigment and sight curled toes beat finger toes imo
If youre gonna post feet, post fuckin FEET.
any more of the girl in blue?
light 5
>shows off how cute and feminine and small their feet are
I like slender feet, with slender toes. Short stubby toes fat feet look like shit.
t. footfag