Who /getting dumber/ here
My mind feels so slow these days. My short term memory is gone. I can't focus. My coworkers think I'm retarded. I'm pretty sure I'm nowhere near as smart as I was in high school. It's such a weird feeling knowing that teenage me would run circles around current me in an intellectual contest.
I was a pretty smart guy in high school. Everyone thought I was going places. They thought I would be a very successful scientist or something. So much for that.
Who /getting dumber/ here
use it or you lose it
You're depressed
Pick up a physical hobby
I drank myself stupid.
Same here. Exercise can't fix this
Yeah, I've become a.heavy user of alcohol, tried heroin, and been beaten on my head. Feels like I can't remember much anymore, and I have constant anxiety. I fear I may have schizofrenia. It would be a relief since it would mean that my fears are only delusions...
play some games, try to learn something new, and the best of all: move your ass and do some exercise
dude, weed! lmao
I have this same problem; I think it's mind control via electronics.. like in the movie They Live - I seriously think someone's gonna flip a switch and everyone will wake up and realize how to love each other.
I'm pretty sure I was depressed in high school too, but I was smart back then.
don't trust the people that tell you it's diet and exercise; they think all depression is grief and being lazy, I certainly wouldn't expect them to know any better memory loss.
if reality is so boring it fades from your memory then why not forget it?
who needs childhood memories or even the ability to recall your goals and aspirations??
I don't.
I exercise regularly and I'm im good shape but I'm still extremely depressed. Exercise is good but normies act like it's a magic cure for depression, which it isn't.
>I exercise regularly and I'm im good shape but I'm still extremely depressed. Exercise is good but normies act like it's a magic cure for depression, which it isn't.
your fucking liar, don't discourage other with these bullshit
regular exercise, even a few minutes can fix several health problems
i'm not talking only about get fit to get muscles, pussy and shit, but to inprove your memory and mood.
run like a nigga escaping away from cops and tell me if you continued depressed after that
You have been muted for 4 seconds, because your comment was not original.
after seeing your post, i went for a run
youre wrong, im still depressed and not only that, i realized that even when i had to run daily in high school, i was still depressed
(not the individual youre replying to btw)
>lying on the internet
pic related
Not that guy but I actually do feel somewhat more optimistic after a good run.
haven't been running almost a year now though. Too afraid actually because I don't want to get stared at by normies.
You know what fuck it, you've convinced me to go out and do it anyway user
nobody cares, believe
and so, you can exercise even in house
most people here are on the shit because they selves
i don't feel sorry for them, but i truly want they get better life
nigga get your testosterone checked
pretty sure this is low test
>Tfw memory is worse.
>Tfw forget how to spell words all the time.
>Tfw forget what words mean.
>Tfw lose concentration out of nowhere.
>Tfw can't care about anything.
This is fine.
same for you my dear
get your T-levels checked
Seems like a lot of work, and I'm fairly sure it's that reason anyway.
Oh well, I'm too lazy to fix it.
then quit complaining
I was always a stupid fuck, so I can't tell really if I'm getting dumber or not. Kind of hard to fall anywhere if you're already at the bottom. Never finished high school either, but that was due to lazyness than any difficulty with the material. Still manage to earn a decent living though, so things could be worse.
So testosterone is what makes you smart? Is that the reason women are dumb?
I wasn't complaining.
Notice how it says "this is fine" at the end of my post.
No that's not how it works. Different androgens have different effects between men and women and adults and children. Just like how having high estrogen doesn't make men have periods. Though low testosterone in women (compared to normal levels in women, not compared to men) does indeed impair concentration.
Testosterone is important to the male body and brain. Loss of concentration and impaired cognitive functioning have been demonstrated as an effect of low testosterone in men, as well as plain old depression. The first thing doctors often do after diagnosing depression is checking hormone levels.
anime nigger
But I was smart when I was in high school. I don't think teenage boys have very high testosterone, especially not a dweeby kid like I was.
>Anime nigger.
Also I forgot to mention I'm somewhat bigger and stronger now than I was back then. I'm not sure if I had more testosterone back then.
Do you have any friends that you talk to regularly, or any kind of regular positive social interaction? I'm guessing no, since isolation is what tends to cause intellectual decline.
If you dont use your brain you will lose it. When was the last time you mentally challenged yourself?
Not trying to be a cunt but you really did lose your smarts did you?
Teenage boys are in puberty during which T-levels spike and teenage boys are different to adults endocrinologically so they need less Testosterone. I really do recommend you to look into this yourself because I'm no expert. I know i went to something similiar to what you're going to and increasing my T-levels helped tremendously.
My dick should've fell off a long time ago if this applied to everything.