How do you feel about pedophiles?
I feel like getting to know what you guys feel might get some weight off your chest.
Any stories about you or anyone else appreciated
How do you feel about pedophiles?
I feel like getting to know what you guys feel might get some weight off your chest.
Any stories about you or anyone else appreciated
What of it?
Its well recorded in history of men marrying and fucking underage girls.
Pedophilia is as normal as anything else.
I know that, I just want to hear statements from other people
Obviously it had its history making it "okay" for some people and other people have different opinions
All of them should be castrated and world would be a much better place.
You just wanna jerk off to stories revolving little kids don't you, faggot.
I fucking despise pedophiles. They're vile, and the laws need to be stricter against them. When I was young, a good friend of my dad's was a pedophile (convicted in Texas, did no time, then a few counts in Connecticut, still nothing). He tried to rape my sister, touched her, made her touch him, all that disgusting shit while she was 5 years old.
That poor kid has so many issues. He did 10 years in jail, because that's the max sentence. Learned recently he did it again and is back in jail. Who knows how long this time, but it should be for the rest of his damn life. Its disgusting.
>appealing to nature
>I am above nature
Knowing that I was a victim, obviously not why don't you accomodate yourself on Jow Forums and start making bait over there.
>humanity isn't above nature
Anyone sexually attracted to pre-sexual humans should be thrown into a brazen bull.
Don't know any personal stories but they're the lowest of the low, I hope they all rot in prison
Look at THIS homo.
You aren't a fucking victim, unless someone forcibly raped your dumb ass.
>WE ARE LE GOD'S *tips fedora*
>presexual humans
Girls reach puberty at roughly 10-12
Thats.. the... victim... part...
Yes humanity is completely constrained to natural impulses. Have fun eating raw meat and berries in your cave and killing people who look at you funny
I don't understand pedophiles. I'm actually fucking scared of children. Like terrified of them. I refuse to be near them and I will literally run away if they approach me. I don't know if this is an actual disease or not, I looked up the term and it was apparently called pedophobia, but it seemed to me to have more to do with hatred of children, not fear of them. I have a different condition.
I forgot how cancer Jow Forums is for just a moment. You're not a victim unless you get raped? Are you kidding me? I bet you like to touch little girls and boys, its the only reason you'd find reasons why pedophillia ain't bad and it's "natural."
Meme statutory rape doesn't count.
Yes, have fun not craving sex, human companionship, eating, drinking...etc
Cuz le humans create our own destiny!!!
>all these brainlets in this thread
How pitiful.
Why do you keep twosting it around rape is when someone forces you into non consensual intercourse..
This happened to me at age 9 and nobody has done anything about it
>Yes, have fun not craving sex, human companionship, eating, drinking...etc
Cuz le humans create our own destiny!!!
Are you seriously brain dead? People do all of this constantly. Do you have any idea what fasting is? Being a hermit? Vows of celibacy?
Yes, things which never happen.
>vow of celibacy
A priest says as he proceeds to diddle little kids.
I'm supposed to believe you were dragged to a bed, had your clothing stripped while you screamed and yelled and cried while you got a dick shoved into you?
Fucking disgusting. I hate that people like you breathe the same air as me.
Diddling kids is whack, jerk off to lol all you want but real kid fuckers are the worst.
>nobody fasts
>nobody has ever been a hermit
>all priests diddle kids
I feel like I've somehow always been one since i was 14
Oh you got me I havent been raped lol hahaha lmao xdxd subscrribe to my mincefratf youtoub chanel
>nobody fasts
Only under extreme conditions, if such a thing were common place the majority of people in the US wouldn't be obese.
>nobody has ever been a hermit
Only those suffering from mental illness which is not a reflection of the average human.
>all priests diddle kids
When raping someone doesn't need a bed. Gags exist, they can knock out a child pretty easily, easy to force a child to do literally anything. Go choke on a dick Kryst.
What are we talking here exactly? Pedophiles, dark sick fucks, which hunt down children. Or """"""""pedophiles""""""", beta and omega males, which want to fuck 12-17 yos like their other classmates, chads and sugar dadies?
>I'll just deny these pieces of evidence as deviations from the norm meaning they totally mean nothing
You have no idea about anything you're talking about. Typical tripfaggotry.
>knock out a child
I know you're a virgin but let me explain one important thing, this isn't your hollywood movies.
Fucking someone without lube is a painful experience for both, fucking a child who has a tighter hole would be an even more painful experience.
Yes, they are anomalies.
People with mental illness have done fantastical feats but to think they even remotely portray the average person would be retarded.
I feel good when they touch me.
Of course it's fucking painful but you dont think someone like that would come prepared? And forcing yourself into a tight hole is not a problem for all the other child fuckers out there.
And oooof the virgin insult, nice touch, you incel trash.
>come prepared
>tight hole isn't a problem
In what world do you live on, how do people like you function?
You do realize what you're stating is a very, VERY small minority, correct?
Most rapes are caused by a person the victim knows and its nowhere near as violent or as abhorrent as you seem to be thinking, you need to stop watching movies.
You're such a moron. What constitutes as 'average' changes with time. What was normal behavior 10000 years ago is subhuman now. That is why appeal to nature is a fallacy.
> That image
Wtf eww
The majority of rapes are
>she was drunk and I fucked her
>she told me no but I thought she was role playing so I pounded her
Sorry but no, human behavior has very key characteristics that wont change.
We are social animals to our very core, no amount of """change""" will change that aspect of us.
It doesn't matter how small the minority is dipshit. It still fucking happens and that in itself is disgusting.
And that's true, I'll give you that, but that doesn't mean it's right to DIDDLE KIDS. Holy shit I can't believe you're still defending it!! I don't care who you are to the kid, it's. Still. Wrong. And nothing you can say will change that fucking a kid is terrible and should land you serious fucking jail tim.
user, you can't justify it just because they're in the thelarche stage. That's akin to eating raw chicken just because the outside is seared.
>Girls reach puberty at roughly 10-12
Damn never knew that puberty was like a pokemon evolving...
People can control sexual urges. People could just rape whomever if they were horny enough, but now they don't. You can feel attracted to kids all you want, but it can never be a justification for acting on urges that one can and should suppress.
Thank you. Finally someone with some sense.
Well the minority one isn't just rape, it involves kidnapping, threats of violence, and many other things.
Diddling a kid who is very well ok with diddling is a
non issue.
If your issue is with the minority then yes its a issue but its an issue to everyone not just kids.
>People can control sexual urges. People could just rape whomever if they were horny enough, but now they don't.
That is because porn is readily available and thus they have an outlet.
Imagine if porn was banned and any sight of a vagina on the internet was removed.
I'd say majority of you guys would end up as rapists.
I feel sorry for the ones that have to live with it. the molesters are fucking scumbags and deserve to be rounded up and shot.
If a person decides to rape just because they can't wet their own whistle then they should be executed by firing squad. If someone's existence is so pathetic to be predicated on a basal desire that is not even a necessity then they they're worthless garbage.
A major part in the kid diddling process is called "grooming." Where you make threats, where you comfort, and control this poor kid into doing things they don't want to do. It's a long thought out process by pedophiles. It starts slow and then goes into fucking hyperdrive until the kid is convinced that these people are their friends and its totally okay to let a grown man or woman diddle you.
But you know all about this, right? I'm sure you've done it a few times by the way you're talking about it.
Except that is how the human race came to be and flourish.
>A major part in the kid diddling process is called "grooming." Where you make threats, where you comfort, and control this poor kid into doing things they don't want to do.
Sounds like how one normally behaves with dating with someone of any age.
>Except that is how the human race came to be and flourish.
Please explain how your pea-sized brain thought that this was some kind of excuse.
Oh my gods. What the fuck is wrong with you? You seriously have something wrong with you. Go see a therapist or something and stay away from kids.
When you think dating is all about making threats and grooming your partner into doing what you want them to do.
being attracted to teenage girls who are way into development, not so problematic.
Wanting to fuck 10 year olds is however
I don't understand pedophilia. Children are weird looking and ugly. They don't start becoming attractive until their late teens, when they shed all of that childhood weirdness. I was listening to one of the phone calls from a To Catch a Predator victim and he was getting off to how "cute" the girl's voice sounded. Her voice made me feel protective but not aroused.
I used to be a moralfag, but then I read the works of the Marquis de Sade and Stirner and stopped caring about morality. I don't give a shit.
Pedophilia isn't normal. It's not normal to sexualize pre pubescent children because their bodies aren't ready for sex. That's why children look androgynous until their teens. Now if you wanted to say it's normal to be attracted to teenagers, who have started to sexually mature, yeah it's normal.
I just want a girl who hasn't taken over 20 dicks. Not my fault that means girls under 18 these days.
>Sounds like how one normally behaves with dating with someone of any age.
thats what I've always thought as well.
I'd say being physically attracted to teenagers from 15, maybe 14, and up is fine.
But the real issue there regarding relationships with teens that age is their emotional maturity. They're incredibly stupid. They might as well be drunk 24/7. They're easy to manipulate and trick at that age, and that's why 'statuatory rape' is a thing.
>I am a retard and don't have any argument
> They're incredibly stupid. They might as well be drunk 24/7. They're easy to manipulate and trick at that age
Like every woman of any age? Holy shit, you're all are the biggest cucks I ever met. All the mental gymnastic you go through to support your normie's thoughts are mindblowing
Most of the time pedos are just really desperate/have some sort of power fantasy. Pedos that go after kids purely because they find them sexually attractive are actually pretty rare.
Have you ever been around teenagers after graduating high school? They're all fucking morons. Yeah I guess I'm a cuck for not wanting to fuck an emotionally retarded teen.
>like every woman of any age?
Wow! So edgy! Nice job!
All women are dumb, you didn't met enough of them if you say otherwise. And don't forget to go back to Jow Forumseddit
nice edge. keep it up.
there is nothing wrong with being edgy.
Yeah absolutely, there's a girl who comes into my works and if you could only see her body ou'd say about 19 or 20. Her face though? 14 maybe 15, there might be certain things I like about her and hell if she was 16 she'd be legal but using and dumping a girl that young is not something I'd do. I'm not going to fuck them up emotionally for the sake of an ego trip of fucking a barely legal virgin
The cuck state
probably should be killed