How does this happen?

How does this happen?


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dosh, grab it while its hot

Elon likes aliens. Grimes is an alien. She locks him up in a chasity cage and introduces him to her Black Betty.

Elon is a FinCuck

He's a beta faggot cuck

Attached: 1508745101679.jpg (713x103, 24K)

Be good if someone did that to him now

On what board do you think you are?


>On what board do you think you are?
the one that needs to stop being beta cucks

>super genius business mogul and dreamer
>super genius musician and artist

I hope they make a child. Elon has 6 children already and seems to want more, plus he has sounded the alarm about low birthrates in Western countries on many occasions. He wants her womb.

>super genius

He lived in South Africa as a child. Its very likely they were just nigging out

It's possible. Is he a Jow Forumslack?

hmmm i wonderr

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Elon is the dude that got mad cuz i called him a shut skin for having delusions of purple brown eyes.

She looks fucking disgusting, like an emaciated rat, and her music is garbage.

I don't get whats funny
He's a super genius...

Only beta retards think he's some super genius and not just a good business/con man

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>NIGGeRs ChiMpInG AnD Xd xXD lFMao HoLy sSihiT LoOK AAt thesE ChIMpS
Oh boy lad if you actually bother to look at demographics he likely was bullied by other rich white kids seriously you call others stupid yet act stupider

he was still smart enough to get into applied physics at stanford

Okay it's Applied so standards are a bit lower than say hep-th (understatement) but he's obviously not an idiot.

>tfw no Grimes gf

unsurprisingly not uniqlo

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He's going to JUST soon.

He's a businessman who likes pop science and marketing himself to redditors

>tfw no elon musk bf
I want to go to Mars

all those failures are fucking badass though...

okay now that's epicly original

Attached: epic.jpg (400x400, 28K)

Hah yeah, Elon Musk is so dumb! How could he fail all those times, I bet if I got lucky I'd be able to manage a net worth of billions and run businesses that do things like resurrect the aerospace industry and make companies whose sole product is combustion engines and drive trains consider switching to electric induction.
Hahhaha what a fucking retard.


He's into a pyramid scheme, his new projects found the old projects but soon or later he will collapse when people realize he's not achieving shit.

>when he's not achieving shit
Are you saying that SpaceX, who sells launches to NASA and private industry while turning a profit just fine, and Tesla, who struggle but are successfully out scaling other automakers if judged by the same markers, are not primarily managed by Elon Musk, Chief Executive Officer?
And that they're some sort of ponzi schemes for inveators that actually do nothing at all?
Have you suffered massive brain damage at some point in your life?

>tYpIng LiKe ThIS
Holy shit go back to facebook kid

He talks about low birthrates in China too.

Compared to the average bloke...

Here is footage of one of the attacks..

Attached: south africa school fight.webm (362x640, 702K)

what does JUST mean?

What bitch throws a brick

It's short for just fuck my shit up, a reference to where someone gets a really bad haircut

Colonizers must learn.

i don't get why everyone praises grimes. her music fucking sucks, and i've actually given it a good listen. literal tumblr druggie tier.

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That could have been me in his arms. Im better than that. Fuck this gay life

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I'm so happy for her and this is super cute. I love how he could have any 18 year old bimbo but he goes for the 30 year old woman with a personality. Honestly that speaks so highly of him and she's an absolute gem of a person and I hope they're happy together. Kawaii!

i like her music tho

The bitch who's gonna lose the fight if they don't have any weapons.

lol Elon you may be rich but you're still a cuck

>South Africa