>go out outside
>70-80% arabs
>sit indoors with the window open
>only voices outside are arabic (80%) and heavy arabic accents (20%)
>ride the train
>filled with afghans and other scum
What is there even left? To slave away your whole life just to get to marry a 35 year old roastie who's "been partying and would like to settle down" and to move into a pure-White gated community, so that she can shit out an autistic kid or two which she "raises" to become either "modern urban women" just like her or autistic betas?
Just what's the point of it all?
Go out outside
just sit down and watch it all collapse.
do your part to exterminate the vermin
preferably the leftists who are responsible for this whole mess
Why not join the Muslims?
And then what? What exactly did Breivik accomplish?
Why would I want to be a traitor? They're not even Muslims, just Arab criminal lowlifes.
op living in a french/uk subburb compfirmed.
Where do you live? New York? Detroit?
Close enough.
Same but with nigs and spics.
I see, you're one of those Jow Forumstards from Burgerland who has never left his home state.
Ska vi hitta pa nat?
Hits way too close to home but here in Australia it's going to be Mandarin only in most CBDs in a few decades.
This is no way for young men to live, or anyone for that matter. All incentives have been removed, it is as simple as that. We have to put in more effort than ever before for even less than ever before.
Just fuck my shit up. I don't have much more to add, I hope things get better my Swedish friend and stay comfy.
anything's possible if you believe in yourself. including fucking a hijabi
>go outside
>100% whites
>sit indoors with the window open
>just hear kids playing or the occasional lawnmower
>ride the tra- oh wait, I have a car
Ah, suburban Burgerland.
>100% whites
Get the fuck out of iraq private john
>traffa folk fran kanalen
And why would I want them
Yeah, I guess my area isn't 100% white. It's more like 90% white, 9% Asian, 1% blacks who act white.
Hey, at least there'll be less niggers in 2050
I would leave that country if I was you. your government no longer cares about your people and only cares about the Muslims because they are afraid of them.
Oh no, different people.
What a tragedy dickhead.
What country do you live in? Please, tell me it is not the United Kingdom. Surely, things could not have gotten that bad yet?
But they arent people, dickhead
Does any western government care about it's native population? Seems like they are all hell bent on importing as many brown people as fast as possible.
Epic meme you totally trolled those immigrants
Do what I'm doing senpai, preparing for the inevitable race war :)
OP already said he's stuck in sweeden
>mixed population rises
He's obviously baiting. Unless he lives in syria or something.
t. negative nancy
And thus la creatura is born.
>He's obviously baiting.
kek no
I live in Sweden. I hear the UK is even worse, though.
Norway, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, Spain, Italy.
In what ghetto do you live? I have been to Sweden many times and it's way whiter than countries such as UK or France.
yfw youre an arab living in an 85% white, 10% jewish and 4% chinese suburb
He's probably a NEET who only ever goes outside when normal white people are at work, so he only sees the unemployed.
Yeah I wish more muslims could study and get better jobs.
I feel lonely in this white neighborhood desu. Why must muslims be poor?
Central Malmo.
I wish. At least then I wouldn't finance the utterly insane "Swedish" state.
>Seems like they are all hell bent on importing as many brown people as fast as possible.
not shit who is going to pay for your welfare ponzi scheme when your native population is not reproducing and is force to import people from counties that have a surplus of people.
>central malmo
sorry bro, I feel bad for you
/stockholm master race
If he's shit enough to live in malmo why does he complain?
The good college is lund and he isn't even there.
Not even Malmo is as bad as you describe.
A Jow Forumsfag can only hear arabic and arabic accents. He only heard what made him angry.
Maybe he lives in Rosengard, 86% non-european
If Malmo has something like 30% immigrants he will actively not see the 70%.
malmo is more than 50% non-swedish in total
You underestimate how many foreigners are actually white.
Wrong, 86% with partial foreigner background. The largest foreigner group is balkans, not arabs. OP is full of shit as usual for a Jow Forumstard.
same thing here except thers blacks with them
I have never actually been to malmo so I don't really know, just read that it is notorious for how many immigrants live there. I went to goteborg two years ago and it was pretty bad. Stockholm is kind of shitty too if you stick to some suburbs
Malmo is notorious for its immigrants, but again the biggest group is balkans, not arabs.
> Eastern Europe is shit
> the rest of Europe will be completely under the rule of immigrants in less than 20 years
> USA is already le 56% land
> going to Asia is top cuck option
> the rest of the world doesn't matter
Amazing. The future looks really bright!
Honestly, going full Varg seems like the only real option, and I hate that fucking cuck
move to a rural area you fucking faggot. Christ you guys are retarded.
You have to live among the non-whites in order to civilize them. it's called the white man's burden.
Stop trying to get away from them. You have to teach them how to be civilized.
Stop being cucks.
I've thought about going that path before, but I don't know.
Let's be fucking real here, if he wasn't a known musician and a murderer he wouldn't have his autistic wife. There's always women who go crazy for excons, and she's one of them. His advice "lol just be good and you'll find good trad wife" is shit. He VASTLY underrates how lucky he got and says it was all a result of his hard work.
That said... Most things he preaches today are at least not harmful in any way. I'm still doubtful about going "full Varg".
good bait mate, I'll give it a decent 6/10
>He VASTLY underrates how lucky he got and says it was all a result of his hard work.
I agree, everything he says is basically pulled straight out of his ass, people like to claim that "at least he lives the life he preaches," but he does the opposite, he preaches the life he lives, as in, he's a narcissist that will come up with any zany justification to prove that everything he does is correct. You can bet your ass that if he had brown eyes he'd come up with some reason for why Europeans with brown eyes are actually better, and so on, for every single detail in his silly little life.
That being said, it's not difficult to get a gf. I just don't know if I care enough to do any of it. If I were to have a family there is no way my children would go anywhere near public education in the first place, so I may as well live innawoods and so on too.
>a few illiterate goatfuckers will overthrow the white majority with hundreds of years of history in a few years
This is what Jow Forumstards actually believe. Don't you realize how retarded you sound?
there is no point. life is literally suffering then death for those not born rich or powerful
>This is what Jow Forumstards actually believe.
No, it's not. I don't think there are any doubts that they will be wiped out in any eventual civil war. The problem is that our youth, time, and resources are spent and wasted on this shit instead of something worthwhile and good.
lol. if I were a 35 year old roastie, I wouldn't even shit in your mouth, you mentally ill, useless sack of lard
Look up London demographics (for example), white birthrates, and how many kids "a few illiterate goatfuckers" are shitting out every year :) Most kids under 5 are Muhammads and Ahmeds in many Western European countries. You're saying these fuckers won't try to seize authority when they grow up? There's already a shit ton of muslim politicians in European countries.
Civil war between who?
Why don't you look them up yourself. You are literally saying the majority of kids are muslims in London. And London is the most extreme case.
>being a robot and not living in finland
Please just shut the fuck up your not even close to getting wiped out seriously how do you believe this its gone beyond a joke it's absolutely stupid
all western societies are bad and deserve to be destroyed. if they're so bankrupt that they think that only by turning themselves into Arab shitholes can their "soul" be preserved then it's time for them to go into the dustbin of history.
the arabs are a net money sink idiot. countries like Sweden import them to get EU bucks and to have more consumers to make up for Swedish roasties being too busy fucking around to have kids
How does Sweden even have an economy? It's all unskilled migrants, niggers, single moms and NEETs getting gibs, where the fuck does Swedish money come from?
>Eastern Europe is shit
Not true. I went to Poland once and coming from the UK I didn't have to worry about getting jumped. Def better than here, streets were clean and children were playing outside
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