>you can have absolutely anything and everyone you could think of
>date Grimes
True robot there with zero self-awareness. Why don't we have a clue about who we are to the outside world?
>you can have absolutely anything and everyone you could think of
>date Grimes
True robot there with zero self-awareness. Why don't we have a clue about who we are to the outside world?
Other urls found in this thread:
cus he cant date Kelly
robots are actually incredibly self-aware, chad never is
this is unclear
he shouldn't have what he wants?
something self awareness. outside world?
Maybe I am using the wrong word. Like he doesn't know his subjective 'worth' to the world.
Not what he thinks and fantasizes he could do like autistic robots.
musk has EQ; he knows what people's feelings are worth.
Makes sense. Good for him.
She'll leave him in a few months. Maybe even faster. He's one of those people that have false impression on roasties so that they all want to settle for him but then they realise what he really is and they run away.
And Grimes. Lmao. Weird musician chick with amphetamine abuse history and sparkling personality. Unless she really wants to settle and become a grandma she will leave him in no time. But there is a chance she wants to become a grandma as her clock is ticking too. Maybe she'll birth him five more kids.
I've seen this ugly cunt get posted for years
I still don't know who the fuck she is and honestly don't care
But how the fuck did she manage to get with Elon Musk?!?
grimeth is a cute.
>yfn grimes has been your celeb crush from relative obscurity into normie exposure and now literally everyone knows her because of DUDE SPACESHIPS LMAO
Not sure and won't go into more research. They just appeared together at an event. Maybe it was Met Gala..
Her nose is disgusting. Her hair color is fake. She has a manly jaw.
What the hell is wrong with Elon?
Yeah and he also cries in half of his videos when talking about space.
She has cute moments. And from just cute to Musk-mode is a huge gap.
Look at this and tell me you don't want to tickle her
i stopped orbiting Grimes a while back though. i enjoy her music very much.
I used to have a Roland Gaia. What a fun little synth to play with. I miss it.
Now it's time for Aurora to settle for Jordan Peterson
She reminds me of a slutty roastie I knew, typical modern "party girl" who drinks too much and does drugs then gets fucked like a common whore. I mean she's "cool" for a girl, but "cool" also means "total degenerate whore".
she was busting tunes on that in Nightmusic
>tfw you'll never be an autistic musically inclined grill
>robots are actually incredibly self-aware, chad never is
You're silly. There is no 'self' what you and other fedora tipping neckbeards consider 'self awareness' is just a coping mechanism to your frail ego.
Chad doesn't need 'self awareness' because he just is in this world.
It's pathetic how so many fags here think that Elon Musk is some sort of alpha Chad. He's clearly just a brainy beta with tons of money that needs constant validation
I hate both of them so goddamn much
It's obvious he's a cuck when he's getting with some blown out whore. You just know Grimes has taken miles and miles of dick.
Why can't he find a virgin with all the riches he has?
maybe he is going full Leonardo DiCaprio and just has casual sex with them. He has to be redpill after all of the terrible divorces he had. He has to be brain dead if he wants something long term.
>tfw I didn't want to be muted for 2 seconds..
..lel wtf.
Fun fact: She's 30 years old
Elon is dating a roastie who has just hit the wall
GG no re
Please tell me those are prosthetics
she is not pretty but she has cute manners.
>30 years old
Jesus fucking christ, that's pathetic.
Because he's a pathetic bluepill degenerate faggot. He could literally be fucking 18 year olds who are medically tested to be virgins, instead he goes for a 30 year old roast who's taken tens of cocks. Can you imagine hating yourself that much ?