I wish I were an incel
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Lmao into the mind of a normie. You normies live wild lives haha.
Creepy as fuck.
homos are obsessed with sexual gratification, like fucking fanatical.
Show more of the convo op this shit is too fucking gold
Jesus normalfags really are deluded aren't they
>I said it wouldn't be your thing
the burn
>sex clubs
Is this normal?
This is it so far. Conversation is ongoing. This is fucking disgusting.
That shit would actually feel like a physical punch in the gut if someone I was dating said that.
I hate so much that I'm too old now to find anyone who hasn't spent half their life doing terrible degenerate shit
Going to go shower and possibly throw up. Will post whatever else she says in a bit
How long have you known this woman OP?
She's clearly holding back and hiding something
>only 3 times
kekoroni with oregano on top that's hilarious
Whats your relationship with this person op?
Aim for small town/country women. Doesn't mean they don't have it in them to do nasty shit, but they haven't had as much of an opportunity to do so.
>fucking disgusting
What is? That she went to a sex club and literally DID NOT have sex. Grow a pair, OP, and appreciate that you have a gf with a little bit of a kinky side.
>She's clearly holding back and hiding something
Yeah. That's kind of why I was only asking short questions to try and get more information out of her. I didn't really want to reply at all.
>Whats your relationship with this person op?
Girlfriend. We were talking about kids and marriage before this.
>appreciate that you have a gf with a little bit of a kinky side.
I'd rather have a gf that doesn't make me want to vomit when I think about her.
All of this is fake.
That ((((girl)))) is sounding more and more like one of you asperger kids on this basket weaving forum.
I will just assume that the guy you are bating us with doesn't grasp how women talk too well so this is the best you two can do.
Pretty funny though.
How long have you known her mate?
God damn that's disgusting. Block this whore. She's too degenerate.
>making me nervous here
This is giving me PTSD, OP. You're hurting me.
christ m8, I thought as much but didn't want to believe it.
At least if you're normal enough to get this gf you can find another one.
Tell her to go and have a nice time, and to never come back.
>All of this is fake.
this is great! you get to fuck used goods....
RUN! this can only end in cheating
Thank god i went full 2D and removed women from my life.
This is disgusting.
You deserve this
>I love you
>Jow Forums filenames on all the pics
Looks like we all got bamboozled.
>I went to a orgy not once not twice but THREE times but nothing happened lol xD
You HONESTLY believe this shit holy fuck
Damn op i just wanted to laugh at you, but now i feel for you my man
Time to go /2d/......
The date isn't even right...
> That shit would actually feel like a physical punch in the gut if someone I was dating said that.
The same shit happened to me when my crush told me of how she kept track of every dick she had hopped on in her diary. Disgusting.
pic related
What date? It says 12:01pm for this conversation because it's from today. The other dates are for other conversations that I have blocked out.
oh lawd.. op i.. im sorry but she is trickle truthing you here. She tells you she went to a sex club and didnt have sex..? Maybe thats true but she was sucking dick and licking pussy that had been pounded out by randoms. How old are you guys?
Also she went 3 times is something to hmm about
Those look like other conversations with different people (bar on left hand side with the latest person he talked to being the whore and someone else).
>tfw crush tells you she's going to get married to someone else
>Maybe thats true
>she was sucking dick and licking pussy that had been pounded out by randoms
>How old are you guys
24 and 25.
She went ONLY 3 times(as if that were a low enough number not to get shamed of).
That means she actually went at minimum 6 times.
>guilt trip
Reccommend Mission Abort
>Maybe thats true but she was sucking dick
This. she said she didnt have penetrative sex
Ask about oral sex with men op this is the true test
She's using advanced roastie-fu on you, ignore ignore ignoreeeee
>only told you some of my past.
fucking run to the hills mate. it's over. leave as soon as you can. try and get tested if you have an STD aswell.
heres what you do op if you can stand it ( i understand if you cant) but ive been in this position before. I would keep her around for the sexual release but mentally i would break up with her and demote her to a fwb in my mind. If you wear your emotions on your sleeve then this wont work for you but im pretty stoic so it works for me. Start looking for a good girl while keeping this thot at home as a wet hole. IF YOU CANT MENTALLY BREAK UP WITH HER THEN JUST GET RID OF HER OR SHE WILL DRAG YOU DOWN OR TRAP YOU WITH A KID
why are you bothered, you weren't together ?
I don't want to have sex with her though. She disgusts me.
Remember: this is only "some" of her past.
Just drop this whore, she will find a beta provider in the future.
>Only told you some of my past
Holy fucking kek OP, she's taken miles of dick and licked tons of pussy
>SOME of my past
I still have not replied since
tell her to explain what she meant by some of her past? Do it cool calm and collected so she feels comfortable enough to tell you. She is really nervous at the moment so you have to message carefully but right now is the time to strike while the iron is hot or she may decide to keep the rest of her past hidden from you. Do it now
No, OP said that they're dating and have even talked about marriage, and NOW she's coming out as a total slut who rode the cock carousel
>hurting me
Holy fucking shit roasties will always turn things around
Just ignore her and never talk to her again, she is a whore and lacks self awareness.
even better, you are a good man. Drag out the rest of the truth from her though so when you do ghost her you can let her know that she fell for the womyn's lib meme and will pay the price by being a used up hag that will either die alone or have to marry some chump she doesnt love
Good, good OP. You did the right thing. Keep it up.
>ignoring me isn't the right way to deal
The only winning move is not to play.
Let her reflect about her life choices
This is so fucking disgusting I almost spat on the floor. Bro, that bitch is a minefield of degeneracy.
I feel so bad for you man, this is exactly the kind of shit that nightmares are made of. And all this trickle-drip "my past" bullshit, woooooooeeeeee boy, if this is like what she thought was 'safe' to tell you, imagine what shes hiding.
Oh I take it all back now when I can see your computer.
It isn't like you and your friend are role playing this in messenger to begin with.
I'm stupid sorry.
OP, ask about the rest of the past now, she saw that you reacted badly and won't reveal anything in the future. Seize this opportunity
>She is really nervous at the moment so you have to message carefully but right now is the time to strike while the iron is hot or she may decide to keep the rest of her past hidden from you.
As much as I know this would be entertaining for everybody, I really don't want to know and it doesn't matter to me because we no longer have a future together. I'll keep posting updates because I can see the humor in being cucked and becoming a shameful living meme, but I don't want to talk to her anymore.
Ask her if this is the worst of it? I want to hear more of her slutty past
Ahaha, best thread on r9k right now.
Thread theme:
whats wrong reddit fag? Cant believe that your precious womyns could ever be degenerate slags?
>hurting me :(
It's always about her isn't it? She acts like a whore and a child.
>Roastie apologist
> if this is like what she thought was 'safe' to tell you, imagine what shes hiding.
Not even OP, but I feel like puking. This is giving me flashbacks.
Sorry dude, shit sucks, and it's not much consolation but you dodged a bullet
>this is exactly the kind of shit that nightmares are made of
>imagine what shes hiding
what's the hidden level
well good. Most people would forgive her for being a whore and say "babe, it doesnt matter what you did in the past, what matters is the future we will build." But you should figure out what else she did because: yes it would be entertain but it would also be a good eye opener for beta fags on this board and would make absolute sure you wont take her back
i'm average at best looking, but am tall
i have turned two girls down who went out of their way to ask me out
i have never asked anyone out
i am in my twenties, i am a virgin
i have no reason to hurry this "losing my virginity" thing along because i honestly cannot be fucked asked about doing anything other than masturbating, or caring about another human being for that matter
so, in my opinion, they're a whore, why would you bother
Here's to you, Jow Forums
like w.t.f.
not even a christcuck but we step further away from righteous existence everyday. i don't know why i should keep living.
If you truly don't want to see her again, you should tell her bluntly, and your reasoning. This will make her think more about her choices than if you just ignored her. Don't sink to roastie-level, user.
Major keks pepperoni
Since we are born we deserve nothing, we should thank to live in this shithole in the first place.
The silent treatment always gets to them.
Keep it up!
Lmao she still thinks she deserves to be treated like a princess, this whore is a walking meme.
If it is real, then ditch this stupid whore BITCH
How can you rest knowing what happened?
I agree with this, OP you should at least give her a detailed response about why she makes you sick.
She'll never learn if you just ignore her.
I don't feel anything for her anymore, and I don't owe her a life lesson. She knows why I'm not talking to her.
Tell her what you're feeling.
>It's shocking to me that you went and visited sex clubs and did all this stuff, and the way you're talking about is kind of hints that you did even more. I had an imagine of who you were in my mind and this changes that completely, so naturally it's taking me some time and effort to re-calibrate my perspective.
What does she even want to hear?
>OwO you went to a sex club??? How cool and positive!!! I can't overstate my satisfaction over hearing about your previous sexual encounters. I'm glad you didn't invite me, I'm wayyyyyy too square for that :DDD
>not even a christcuck but we step further away from righteous existence everyday
I get this feel.
>She'll never learn if you just ignore her.
She understands why she's getting the silent treatment. She doesn't deserve any more replies.
>its really hurting me..
god fucking dammit drop this bitch already. She sounds so fucking retarded in all these convos and I hate how shes literally trying to flip this shit on you. You werent even trying to hurt her. god drop this bitch for me please
>She'll never learn if you just ignore her.
you don't understand
she'll never learn because she doesn't have to
because she's a woman
she just as well can choose not to
it is the easier choice, it is the funner choice
therefor, she won't
You cannot be sure of this unless you tell her.
But whatever, it's your choice.
>What does she even want to hear?
Irrelevant. It's about OP bookending something. It has nothing to do with response, but that silence isn't always clear, since it's non-communication. Telling her bluntly is the right choice. You fell in love with her, and now you have to end it as well.
Totally relevant. OP should reflect on the situation before responding. This is an outlier, a situation that no one considers, and as such should be given proper thought and emotional processing.
If this conversation was face to face then the silence would be worse, but the ability to take time a come up with a well-thought out response is the main advantage of messaging
I have to agree with the user here. OP should tell her, and then end it that way. It might be hard, but it will be over quick.
Also the part about her saying "it didn't seem like your thing haha that's why I never invited you or told you anything about it haha" is kind of a second gut punch. Like what the fuck? "Oh yeah haha I'm having sex and hanging around all these beautiful people and having a great time, that totally sounded like something you'd hate though haha."
What the fuck? You cannot put a whore back in it's bag.
At least if OP doesn't say anything she may chalk it up to it being a personal issue he had. If he explains it in detail it only increases the chance that she won't tell the next guy she meets and some other poor sap is stuck with this roastie.
wait are we all missing something here? She didnt invite you to the sex club? Did she do all this shit while you guys were together???
So what are you planning to do, OP? Ignore her and never talk to her ever again? If so, then you're a good smart man. Don't let it get to you, I know that it might hurt a bit, but never give her the satisfaction of your attention. Act as if she never existed. Don't fall for her tricks, bro.
I'm sorry what happened to you, but at least you found out before getting married and having kids with this slut.
hahaha get fucked normie
OP you're being a bitch. She said she didn't do anything. If you dont trust her break up. Otherwise get over it.
Thanks for the (you), but I'm not OP
as per the screenshots op uses memebook. he should make a public post "trying" to be funny outing the whore in the lines of "you think you know someone but you never see it coming when they are a regular at sex clubs" or something
>forgets to mention she attended sex clubs
>plays down what she did at those clubs
>attempts to turn the tables by making it your fault for being upset at her
>does this all through the internet
You know if she never mentioned this stuff, she obviously feels like you might judge her over it, or she judges herslf over it. So there are better ways to bring this up.
No. She told me that her friend asked if she would take me to the sex club she went to before we met.
>Ignore her and never talk to her ever again?
That's the plan, Stan.
>She said she didn't do anything.
Uh, no she didn't. She admitted to having sex and fooling around at a sex club multiple times.