This man got fined over 1000 British pounds for insulting a foreign invader. What a joke. You Brits suck. This is what you get for fighting Hitler.
Why are United Kucks such cucks?
Other urls found in this thread:
The UK and the US are both lost causes.
Shut the fuck up bitch. Speak for yourself, cuck.
Just cause you have a small cock doesnt mean shit.
I'm not speaking for only myself, I speak for you aswell when I say the US is fucked just as much as the UK.
Yet I live in the US and i say otherwise since I get pussy and my dick is bigger than yours. President Trump, retard
Yeah, the US is fucked in the long-term, but at least we have a decent amount of freedom for now. UK citizens don't even have that now.
Shut up you neigh saying cuck. The president is white. We are turning this shit around. God dammit white men. Be men.
I'm sure everyone here on Jow Forums of all places believes what you just said.
Defeatist scum like you should be executed. You're worse than a libtard. You're probably an actual cuckold.
You've still got shitty healthcare more mass shootings more stabbings somehow and the most gun related injuries let us not compare each other you bastards all you do is scream MUH FREEDOM while your president bumsucks Putin
Why wouldn't they believe that one person on r9k has a bigger cock than someone else? Is that really that farfetched? Clearly I have higher testosterone levels than you so it's not too far off to say my penis is larger.
Hey man, I like Trump a lot, but even I know that in 30 years whites will be a minority. Unless we become an Authoritarian state that actively deports/kills all non-whites from our borders, nothing is going to change in the long-term.
>We are turning this shit around
Nothing short of a genocide is going to stop the 56% face become 46% face in the next 30 years.
I swear you faggots need to stop this shit my politics l beliefs tend to be centrist and yet you scream libtards and leftists every time someone disagrees with you
>while your president bumsucks Putin
If you're going to be an ignorant retard, at least throw in a few drumpf's to top it off.
lol you retard. There's under 10000 murders a year in America each year. That means it's 1 in 30000 chance you'll get murdered. It's lower if you're white since black on black crime makes up a large portion of the murders. Meanwhile all UKucks have their freedom of speech restricted.
You all believe the white genocide bullshit seriously just kill yourselves your fucking retarded
Even I know you suck cocks and are retarded. Why don't you just kill yourself? You literally do nothing but hurting your own race with your negativety so you are better off dead.
>obsessed mutts are still making threads about this
>getting fined 1000 for posting videos with Nazi symbolism is apparently just as bad as slaughtering tens of people with machineguns
Whites used to be 90% of the US population and because of Jews, niggers and Mexicans it's dropped to 56%
>under 1000
Are you fucking retarded seriously does your shit healthcare not cover brain damage?
They wouldn't believe your bragging because it's underaged as fuck. You post like a fucking twelve year old straight out of facebook bragging about your imaginary penis and supposed sexual exploits like they made your opinions somehow more worthwhile. Not only this, but you seem to be unaware of the whole "NORMIES REE" mentality here that would make bragging about your dick or sexlife pointless in the first place.
10000 in a nation of over 300 million is not shit you cuck. The deaths from other shit like disease are much higher in any country. Murder is not a leading cause of death.
You faggots are actually braindead seriously if you ant to save your race why don't you get your faggot ass to reproduce or are you gay?
All population trend are pointing to whites becoming a minority very soon. Even if we stopped all non-white immigration we would still become a minority since white people are breeding below replacement. Meanwhile niggers continue to pump out children, even with millions of them being aborted, and Mexicans are already a large minority thanks to cucked Reagan granting a ton of them amnesty. There just isn't anything we can do aside from trying to increase white birth rates, or outright genocide of non-whites.
lol none of that means shit coming from a cuckold like you who thinks whites are doomed just cause his cock is too small and he can't get pussy and can't see any other white man getting pussy or can but simply denies it because he wants to feel like everyone is just as pathetic as he is.
You didn't read
I didn't say it was the leading you dipshit I said it's higher than other developed countries and don't even try and weasel your way out of that
I'm not hurting my own race, I plan on having as many white children as I can afford to have. I'm just realistic about the future.
I will but what does that have to do with the propaganda convincing millions of whites not to reproduce that us created by Jews?
If your becoming a minority it's your fault not someone else now go fucking breed and save our mighty race you faggot I want to see you try
You are pathetic and delusional. You're not having sex with women, you're arguing with people on Jow Forums. The closest you'll ever get to a pussy is your hand cause it belongs to one.
Actually cuck due to all their abortions blacks are not increasing in population percentage in America. They are barely on the cusp of replacement levels and when brown people integrate into American society their birthrates tend to drop to white levels after the first generation.
Have you fogotten about the countless "trucks of peace" and stabbings going on Europoor? That's of course in addition to the fact that all non-royals are just dirty peasants to your government, who have no real rights.
Fucking comments to this video... Britain deserves the shit it gets.
>By jews
keep blaming the jews always the jews not your fault
lol so I'm doing something else right now means i never have sex. Yeah that makes complete sense. How can Tom Brady get laid when he spends time playing football? He can't play football and get laid at separate times.
America deserves the shit it gets with your fucking retarded kids posting dead bodies in another shooting on snapchat OH NO BUT MUH FREEDOM
Well the Jews hate white people and want us all dead so it's completely reasonable for me to hate them
I do plan on doing that. Just because I'm aware of population trends doesn't mean I'm going to become like the rest of these irresponsible cunts.
lol yet only 10000 people in America die from murder each year and the majority of them are shitskins. LMFAO so retarded. Get your teeth cleaned, wanker.
I'm not American, fucktard
You think playing a sport is comparable to shitposting on Jow Forums? get real man, you're so out of touch with reality that I refuse to believe that you actually believe that. Even the way you write screams retard, which only leads to the possibility that you're a jewish false flag pretending to be a right winger to make the look bad. Get out, your psyops aren't welcome here.
lol yet you're here too so you are just claiming you are a loser. You're fucking retarded.
But when you preach negatib
JIDF out. Go to Jow Forums you're not welcome here.
But when you preach negativety you turn more people away from white nationalism. You need to be positive.
No that's okay kike. I'm staying here.
I guess I hadn't thought about that.
You're obviously just making nationalists look bad by acting like a retard on purpose. Get out.
blow it out your ass, nigel farooq longshanks
And still more gun injuries and more murders than us you faggots and why talk about race your white trash people are dying from a opoid epidemic but keep on blaming the Mexicans so go get checked for a brain injury oh wait gonna cost you a few thousand buck faggot
lol sure thing JIDF kike
Oh sure thing Hank just need to pay for the healthcare I can't afford after I use some heroin I've OD'ed on multiple times
Get out jew, you've been found out.
Yet I don't do opoids so what does that have to do with me?
>don't blame muh brown people
How would they have sex with your mother and sister then?
Speak for yourself cuck. I don't do any heroine and I've never tried it and never will.
heroin that is
lol go insult a shitskin and get sent to jail you rotten toothed emaciated freak.
>what does that have to do with me
what do immigrants have to do with me I rarely interact with them but they're still there your shit country has an opoid epidemic because your citizens are trash
>blames brown people be gettin muh aryan wimen
And if my mother or sister were with a brown person why would I care just as long as they were ok and happy and if a brown person is with your mom or sister and you don't like it well do something about it then you fucking bitch oh wait you can't save your motherand sister from those thuggy brown people who you've got a +100 IQ points over
Yea, I'd say getting fired for speaking your mind is much worse than having a fraction of a percent chance of being shot by a crazy person (or up to a 30% chance of being shot by a nigger, depending on where you live).
>be "united" "kingdom"
>commit genocide and oppression of whites for centuries and still be considered good because of world wars
>end up cucking your own shit up
This is great. They're finally getting the fate they deserve.
Originally this desu desu.
Absolutely. SEETHING
independent variable should go on the x axis user
Because they are stealing your land you dumb piece of shit.
>He doesn't know that commiting crimes turns you black
There isn't a 30% chance of being shot by a nigger. Niggers usually kill other niggers.
I'm black, if anything I lowballed that figure, but my shithole city is more spic than nigger, so I'm probably more likely to be shot by a spic.
This. I can't wait for the next truck of tolerance to kill more of these retards
I feel bad for the ones standing up and doing something about it, but the rest can die in a fire honestly.
You sound like this old copypasta.
Hey Faggots,
My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It's me and my bitch
Half the posts on Jow Forums nowadays are unironically more cringey than this copypasta honestly.
Normies are faggots, who'da thunk it?
>mutts this mad they're not white
Nah senpai, what you saying innit? i'm part of the liverpewl lazers innit g, say that shit around my parts senpai i'le fokin gut you senpai, i run dees streets innit and ill fokin deck you g!!!!!!11!
Please, don't take this seriously, honestly i agree with anything that goes against British people and i am one, i actually feel ashamed of being this nationality and i'm jealous of all the shit the rest of the world has done while we sit on our asses and pretend we are contributing to society.
Bullshit chart.
t. Britmutt
bump for britmuttcucks
The united states have had more Islamic terror attacks within the span of the obama presidency than the UK has had in it's entire history
really stretching the meaning of that word there
>implying America isn't the most cucked country on earth
t. britcuckmutt
America is your son ya know. It's always been the melting pot of culture anyways and is the only country that shouldn't be considered cucked if it's multiracial/cultural as it's always been that way.
You used to rule the world, and now you're held up on your isles, arresting your own people for saying mean things online while covering up for foreign rape gangs. Still believing you're the king as you turn blind eyes to the crimes of brownfolk, clinging desperately to the same five insults you've had since 1904. You've lost so much of what made your island relevant, and everyday you lose more and more, smiling all the while. Your star is fading, and you'll arrest anyone that brings it up.
I live in the UK and I can confirm this does happen.
>bitter butthurt remarks because we steal your women
top kek
(((United Cuckdom)))
>implying I'm not with a latina and give a shit about white women