Why are women so narcissistic? Why can't i find a simple girl who is good at cooking...

Why are women so narcissistic? Why can't i find a simple girl who is good at cooking, cleaning and is not a angry bitch every 10 seconds if you ask the wrong question... Why are women these days so boring and shitty?

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These "what's wrong with women" posts reminds me of the Jews who get expelled from every country and then bitch that there is something wrong with all the peoples in those countries, and the problem doesn't lie with themselves.
Also this divide the goys by gender meme - it's Jewish, isn't it?

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it's because you're a sexless virgin beta loser incel

You will find her... just keep studying and improving yourself

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Unironically Instagram.

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youre probably uggo lmao

Because you're an entitled incel with a memeflag who doesnt know how to talk to women

Don't be such an incel faggot like supreme gentleman and Toronto Albanian guy

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because you are not good at sex

Women need the D, OP. It's like a pacifier to them.

Hey guise let’s talk about women! Women! Women! We aren’t loser virgins I swear! Tradcuck roastie Traditional MGTOW cuck white women asian woman
Rinse and repeat

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White men put their waman on a pedastal and got backstabbed

Never put the waman on a pedastal or you have fallen for the jewish trick

Because women are constantly comparing themselves to men. They act more like men because monkey see monkey do. They act more assertive and no one calls them out on it because they wanna get laid. Then they get confused and angry when they always get their way yet arent satisfied with their unfulfilling promiscuous lifestyles. A generation of women without children is an ugly fucking thing and its only going to get worse

>t. Dating single mom

>Why are women so narcissistic? Why can't i find a simple girl who is good at cooking, cleaning and is not a angry bitch every 10 seconds if you ask the wrong question... Why are women these days so boring and shitty?
just a reflection of your narcissist self....

I have a girlfriend. Can i criticise women now?

It has to be like 10 different threads about ''why women this?'' '' why women that?'' Do you incels idiots has got nothing to do beside hating women. Maybe, she sense that you are a scumbag filthy degenerate sexist, and they dont want anything to do with ya.

women have always been boring and shitty

no they literally just got expelled because of rampant antisemetic beliefs during those times. you rarely ever see any expulsions in the modern day. silly goy

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Sweet May May dude! Did you hear that joke on Rooshv?

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Lul... yea you can. But then you have to sleep on the couch.

You read rooshv? Then why do you larp as a woman loving commie? Pretty gay

Lower your standards in the looks department. There are plenty of 4-5/10s who are shy and waiting to wife someone.

Women have been bombarded with Jewish propaganda and their frail mines can't resist it. They'll always do what's "hip" and "trendy" and they will always fall for the TV, radio, news and entertainment Jew. They've had decades of being told they're special, they're pretty, they're this, they're that and most of it is far from the truth. Go pick up a women's magazine in the store next time you go and just look at the garbage they're spoon fed everyday. Jews have found the weakest link and it's working.

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>this post can be a retarded leftie
>this post can be somebody pretending to be a retarded leftie aiming to convince people that lefties are retarded
>this post can be somebody pretending to be a retarded leftie ironically
>this post can be a leftie pretending to be a retarded leftie, so people will think that is actually somebody pretending to be a retarded leftie aiming to convince people that lefties are retarded

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Why do incel faggots on pol argue like Jews? Constant obfuscation, deflecting by mentioning meme flag etc. stay on point, cock lover. This board is like a slightly more pathetic version of cosmopolitan magazine. It’s a gynocentric dumpster fire where virgin losers can’t help but give every woman thread 300 replies

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You have three posts in this thread, and in none of then you acted like a coherent non-mentally retarded person. Why would anyone take you seriously? You don't have a innate right to be respected, you gotta learn it.

For those of you who recognize my story, I'm proud to report a happy end.

>Known this girl for over 20+ years
>Literally grew up together and went through every high school stereotype you can imagine
>Dated for a combined total of eight years (two in during/after high school, then six now where she's lived with me)
>Always made sure she was taken care of, went full self-sacrifice mode for her, have screws in my leg and a mechanical ankle because of her
>Has slut roastie friend who once she couldn't hold a relationship suddenly needed my girlfriend around 24/7, which caused a dramatic change in behavior - meaner, bitchier, etc
>A couple months ago a total stranger comes to me at my job and tells me she's a bartender where my gf frequents and she's cheating on me
>We exchange numbers, she sends me proof
>Confront gf, fight ensues, I dindu nuffin etc
>Send her proof
>"I've hated you for months! I never loved you! I hope you die!" etc etc
>Come home to her stuff gone and the relationship over
>Deeply depressed because her and I have been through everything, when my office job closed I sold plasma and skipped meals to make sure she could still eat three times a day
>She has since come into my job twice to just stare at me
>Was living with roastie friend because the guy she cheated with and I talked and he was man enough to share notes with me, told me she was telling people I beat her, etc and that he genuinely didn't know, he was sorry and owed me a beer
>Turned out he was banging three other girls anyway
>Bartender and I are friends now, she tells me she's in the bar almost every night now crying over how she has no stable home, couch surfing between what few friends she has because her family hates her, etc
>STILL has her job here in town near me, I look at her through the window every night when I come home

I still love her, and I wish this never happened, but at least I can sleep at night knowing it all blew up in her face. There's still hope.

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This post could be a MGTOW

You’re right let’s go back to talking about women

Because they have learned that they have no societal consequences to their actions. They also have an endless amount of pussy slave white knights, as seen in this thread, to fall back on.

Incels bro. They're everywhere. And they are dangerous.

The race of your ex gf: White

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This board is truly lost.

I am indeed.

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>3 years with gf
>Same shit about supporting her financially/ emotionally etc
>Pay for her move to new city
>I also move up a few months after
>live separate apartments
>Hard time for me supporting her and myself but I manage with OT
>Loser new roommate convinces her single life is best, "your guys always working he's boring etc"
>She breaks up with me
>Tells everyone I hit her
>Total party/coke head now
Hoping I get to be in your shoes too soon, user.

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If you're an incel, I recommend that you watch this: youtube.com/watch?v=QR119DXHZSY

You're welcome. Now go take a shower.

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>a scumbag filthy degenerate sexist
amazing, even the homosexual sandpeople find their way to Jow Forums

How’d I know? Could I just sense the badass radiating off you?

It's the pirate flag, bro.

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I genuinely want to know (besides nothing) what goes through a woman's head when she pulls this stupid shit.

I have a fatherly figure at my job who told me she clearly still loves me, seeing as she's come into my work a couple times now just to watch me, and she only lashed out because she was caught. I even have a few female friends telling me it's only going to be a matter of time before she comes waddling back, and even an older woman at my job says she's guilty of having cheated on her husband, ran away for a while, and then came back loving him more than ever and they had a better relationship.

I'm a med student, for fucks sake. When I get into cardiothorassic surgery like I'm hoping to, we'll have all the money she'd want and more. I wonder how actually fucking stupid she is to think this little hissy fit was going to work. I'm still getting her mail and shit, too. I tried leaving it out to see if she'd get it, but I just bring it in the house and leave it in a pile instead.

Despite everything I'm still willing to forgive her because of the long history.

Dont give up bro, muh 14 words, white women dindu nuffin wrong

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so go and talk to her, you must know a way to get in touch with her, if you still love her and think shes worth a second shot go for it. yeah it sucks she cheated and it might take a while to build up that trust again, but people make mistakes and should be given a chance to redeem themselves.

Nope. She's the one who fucked up, she needs to come to me. You can't hide a secret relationship behind my back for almost a year, berate me and tell me you hope I die when you're caught, and go around telling everyone I hit you while expecting me to be the one to come say "I'm sorry"

Literally cuck shit, man. She has to come to me.

>despite everything I'm still willing to forgive her because of the long history

Who cheats once, cheats twice. Don't be stupid. The only thing she will get from all this, is knowledge of how to to it in a smarter way, without getting caught. They don't stop, they just get better at hiding their traces.

If you are really getting into a well paid field, just get something better.

>Despite everything I'm still willing to forgive her because of the long history.
Non-meme post that you'll probably still ignore because you're a butthurt beta cuck despite your professional/epistemological success: You're oneitising her hard. She knows you'd still be willing to forgive her/take her back so that's why she's playing these little games and throwing temper tantrums with you.

I can only imagine how you turn out in 20 years (w/r/t interacting with roasters) if you actually become a surgeon and make surgeon money.

Stop being a pussy and cut her off

Fuck her friends

Or get back with her then cheat on her

This guy gets it.

Why take her back if you're genuinely going to become a surgeon? Will she be a good wife (no)? Will she be a good mother (no)? Will she cheat on you again (likely yes)?

there's literally thousands of other women out there to choose from; user only wants to "take back" that roastie who cheated on him because his ego doesn't want to go out of its comfort zone and put in the "work" of getting to know a new woman all over again, even if she might be of a higher quality

No, you won't be ignored. That's why I'm making her come to me. I know that's more than likely what will happen. I've already had my fun sleeping around with some of the pre-nurses here at school as well as a chubby comic nerd at work, so it's not like I'm sitting around boo-hooing in my cuck shed.

I've even got that bird I always wanted. He's cute as shit and perched on me right now.

>That's why I'm making her come to me.
You dont get it, though. Even if you're the one "making her come to you", she's literally not worth keeping around in your life anymore. Even if it's "just for a quick fuck". knowing how mercurial and outright pathological she is, you can be assured that there's always the possibility she'll cry rape if you fuck her just one more time, ESPECIALLY after you start to achieve just a modicum of professional/financial success (relative to where you've been at until now).

Even keeping her around as a "friend" will be a bad idea. If she has no compulsions when it comes to lying about you to a complete stranger, what makes you think she isn't capable of doing the same thing (or worse) once she's back in your life, whatever context that may be (be it as a friend or a fuckbuddy or whatever)?

I only say this because I've known a lot of crazies in my life (so have my friends) and so many of them put their lives on pause or end up putting themselves through so much anguish simply because they dont know when to cut a roaster off

>5 years
>decided to marry
>started moving in together
>stopped talking to me
>radio silence for months
>still unable to come to terms with being thrown away
legit envy you

If you are really a relationship kind of guy, why don't you try to have another with a different person? From all of the billions of roasties you can bang, why even consider having anything with that bimbo?

I was cheated by my last gf, (last one before I finally said fuck it to serious relationships) and after the rage passed I went back to her only to have sex and move away as some sort of "closure". Do that too if you are really in that need of a final point, but don't even consider dating her again. Forgiving a woman that cheated you, don't matter if you or her were the ones who asked to come back: That's the one and only non-memetic meaning of "cuck." Never ever forgive cheating.

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social media is the reason why, i thought it was obvious? shit is like crack for women.

Quoted wrong.