daily reminder: This is how you should text women. betas need to learn that you do not text them sweet nothings and long winded paragraphs taking about how desperately in love you are with them. Stop doing that shit
Daily reminder: This is how you should text women...
make them work for you, do not work for them or they will never respect you let alone find you sexually attractive
None of this will work until you live it not just mimic it. You have to become a man worth respecting or it will never work
Wow. Autism.
>Being proud of this shit
Yikes user
You're on r9k. All you'll get is ridicule, either due to envy or justified. So, why are you telling us this?
>Being proud of this shit
>Gets results
Yikes user
because time after time i see screenshots of robots/incels messages with women and it just hurts to see. They all have this tendency to put themselves below the girl in any interaction and it is a huge reason why they are always friendzoned or ghosted on. I used to make this girl pee outside when she would visit me at one of my farms where there was no bathroom. She did it with a smile on her face. The only reason is because i put myself above her in every interaction and she respected that. I see dudes on here orbiting garbage tier bpd girls and it makes me sick. Guys have this misconception that you have to walk on eggshells with girls, you dont though
So, results are the only thing that matters? Why do you think the girl isn't also in the wrong?
Do you really think most people on r9k act too kind towards women? I beg you to take a look at most of the threads on here right now.
op here, who is in the wrong at all? I simply have her wrapped around my finger and it should be something that all men should strive for. Its what they want man, they need to be under the guidance of a man they respect or it will never work. Just throwing out some insight to anyone who might get some help from it. Contrary to popular opinion on here, alot of robots would like to lock a girl down, not just rot away as permavirigns
What do you think companionship is?
uh yeah i do, just because they talk amongst themselves in threads about how shitty women are (90%of them are btw) doesnt mean thats how they act around them irl ( i know most dont interact with them). i guarantee you that most robots are timid around girls either in private messages or school/work/society.
>just emulate chad and be aloof, bro
>also stop being autistic, get taller, lift, etc..
this is fucking gross
commit murder suicide.
fuck off whore. The fuck are you using your trip for faggot
Dont get me wrong friend i wish and am currently searching for a good girl to have real companionship with but im not naive. Even if you find a good girl virgin you cannot expect to keep her without having this basic frame in mind; she must be below you in all facets of life. It is the only way you can have long lasting companionship. You cant say i am wrong
I get results from doing the exact opposite of what you told me to do
I hate you so fucking much, you have no god damn idea. I can feel the fire pumping through my veins when I think about guys like you.
Your word means very much too me. Should they openly display their hatred of women instead? Have you never stopped to think that these sycophantic mating strategies may be rooted in the same misogyny that makes you treat women like asses? After all, you're on r9k as well. To me, you're the other side of the coin. The rest, including me, are on the heads, while you're tails.
yes but like i said you need to be it, not mimic it. So yes lift, practice socializing no matter how hard it is. I know you cant fix ugly but that only means that you need to conquer a girl in your league. ITs either that or die a virgin, and although some of you are ok with that i know there are some robots who arent gonna let life beat them like that
Do you didn't answer my question.
ciara? im pretty sure thats the name of the bpd trash tier girl that alot of you go beta-bananas over right?
companionship is a mutually beneficial connection between two people built on trust, love, common interests and shared experiences. does that satisfy your question
this is filtered autism. That's the reminder here
>talk about robots liking bi polar girls
>giving advice about girls by using a girl with daddy issues
Yes, and it really is between two people, isn't it? Aren't all humans equal?
companionship ins't real. Women are meant to be used. the reality is your alleged "companion" would ditch you the moment you lost status/money or a more handsome man came along and showed interest.
OP is the left one, take notes brehs
fuck you you little cunt im trying to help because i was once you. Completely oblivious to how to interact and secure a woman. I had to fail so many times and start actually trying things differently. After many years it became part of my nature. Are you horribly disfigured?? are you morbidly obese?? Are you legitimately mentally retarded??? no?? then become better at all costs or die a virgin, you have no other options
>>Gets results
Dream on kid and get back to the reddit cuck shed
fuck you you little cunt im trying to help because i was once you. Completely oblivious to how to interact and secure a woman. I had to fail so many times and start actually trying things differently. After many years it became part of my nature. Are you horribly disfigured?? are you morbidly obese?? Are you legitimately mentally retarded??? no?? then become better at all costs or die a virgin, you have no other options
M a d
whoa whoa whoa who said i treated them like asses?? Does her messages give off a vibe that she is treated poorly? Did i say im banging multiple women without her knowing?? no im showing how women naturally want to be under their man, pure and simple.
broad question you got there. No not all human's are equal.. maybe ask a more detailed question
So you can get women by acting like an uncaring asshole who wants to treat them like shit. LMAO, feminism, am I right ? We're all equals, breh. Women aren't inferior creatures who just want to be dominated by someone stronger.
Hahaha nice one user I can just hear his cries.
>whoa whoa whoa who said i treated them like asses??
>im showing how women naturally want to be under their man
Sometimes I love greentext.
curb your tough guy act faggot
maybe if you call people on here housecat enough someone will upload a pic of them pissing on the floor for you and moan "daddy"
It's a precise question that you can only give two answers to. You've given one of them. Interesting. Well, at least that fits, since you also seem to think that women are below men.
Do you really think most people act the same in person as they do on here?
what is inconsistent about those two statements?
>maybe if you call people on here housecat enough someone will upload a pic of them pissing on the floor for you and moan "daddy"
Are you real?
>a comb over is good enough r-right?
this can't be real
in a sexual relationship the majority of women want men to lead and to be under their man. prove me wrong without pointing out outliers like femdom and the disgusting scourge of cuckoldry. Women are naturally submissive, so when they are encountered with a man more submissive than them, they immediately disregard them as a partner other than a friend/provider/validation source.
>whoa whoa whoa who said i treated them like asses??
>im showing how women naturally want to be under their man
>what is inconsistent about those two statements?
and yes companionship is between two people. and how are human's equal as far as biology goes? The laws and a lot of societal norms put women in a position of privilege, biology puts men in an advantageous position. so no equality doesnt exist.
Prove yourself right first. Besides, whatever's right isn't necessarily what women want. Women aren't the final judges when it comes to right and wrong and healthy relationships. The girl in your picture proves that.
>tfw combs are banned in the cuck shed
Bad news for you op buddy
Ah, right, I forgot. The English consider equal and same synonyms. Well, that explains why so little Anglos grasp the concept of the equality of men. Carry on, you're in good company.
women dont know what they want consciously. Thats why they all spout the same shit about wanting a nice guy who blah blah, and then they cheat on that nice or leave him because..surprise he was "just too nice." We have all seen this play out a million times. One of the best pieces of advice i ever got when i was younger was stop listening to what girls say they want and listen to what guys who actually have women going after them say they want.
>women dont know what they want consciously
You really do view them as second rate humans, don't you?
second rate is pretty harsh but i do believe that men are supposed to lead women. You dont believe that because you are either A) a woman B) an inexperienced male who could benefit from some of the advice in this thread
sounds good daddy
Would you tell the girl that you're with everything you've told us?
i already have told her this. She embraces her submissiveness and she is happier for it. She would be miserable and or leave me if i didnt take charge.
Whatever floats your and her boat. I did this to a girl a while a go and it didn't end well. I'll be honest, you don't seem like a good man to me, and I find it hard to resist wishing bad upon you. But it's not like you'll care for my judgement.
how long did it last with you guys? ive been with the girl in the messages for over two and half years now.
ITT: Autism integration normalization
your opinion isnt worth much lol, go cry to your betas
>wanting 3dpd
Lol, I feel so sorry for you OP
Cough romance isnt dead guy cough
so you got a roastie whore to fuck you? congrats op that's actually pretty ez
why don't you teach us how to text a virgin gf who you want to marry
oh wait you can't
>tfw have a virgin gf
>she's like 350lbs and shaves her head
Kay faggot, you have fun with that shit.
I got it!
>Okay step one begin to slowly show her your dominance
>if she likes it continue it
>when she begins to get uncomfortable tone it down and say "I'm just joking chill out"
>keep it up until you figure out how dominant she wants you
Did I get it right OP?
what if you don't text them at all though
This faggot is actually proud of this retarded bullshit. Have fun getting cucked by Chad kiddo.
just curious, what do you think i look like physically? im curious what image you have