We should do a group an hero off the Burj Khalifa
We should do a group an hero off the Burj Khalifa
Other urls found in this thread:
First for no tranny discussion
2nd for our good lad Bowie
I never said i was a cute little boi or anything, i have always been a tall and broad shouldered guy who identifies generally as a masculine male.
they all call me daddy in the end.
oh but i am friend, i am.
quite a understandable but naive position generally, the use of language should not be policed sure. However the issue is that its use and acceptance can cause harm to people and groups in complex and systemic ways. Trans people do often pass very well, and a lot of the time you would not know- so there is little issues. Nobody should care about your own personal definitions of language that is not useful.
you know none of this shit is really true.
corr no better way to start a thread than a good sosj roale
Coronation street made me sad lads
>all the ads on tv feature 30 something milfy types
fuck sake man i dont wanna get hard while watching the tv
>I never said i was a cute little boi or anything
having a school girl avatar and talking about 'teehee yummy boipussy' absolutely gives the impression you're cute in some way and not some giant fat man looking for greasy minimum wage jobs.
I haven't seen trannies anywhere I've ever been. Feels good, lads. This thread probably is the densest area they populate, so i am not concerned about ever having to deal with one irl
Okay lads and lasses with also lassos about, i had my fun and will not post about this anymore.
If the meetup lads wish to continue trying to get information out of me please continue :^)
not fat tho lmao score one for the republic.
i bet you have tho.
>However the issue is that its use and acceptance can cause harm to people
not in all cases though, I mean physical harm is universal ow my feelings are hurt isn't
>Nobody should care about your own personal definitions of language that is not useful.
agree completely mate, which is why we should use the dictionary definition of what male and female are and not trannies personal definitions glad we agree
>tfw no senor benis to bend one in again
oh is it back to sex and gender and your lack of understanding of it?
also physical harm if often manifested from deep systematic inequalities and things i assume you would not thus care about? seems a bit low IQ to me.
>we should do a group an hero off the Clifton Suspension Bridge
Same here lad, I'm done for the day.
Thanks for chatting with me though lads, appreciate your time. Tranon out.
nope, never have encountered one personally
Ned a boob mousepad because my wrist is all fucked up
but you have though, you just dont know *xfiles music*
Just fucking stop lads I was enjoying the last thread before you shit it up
what's low IQ is saying the dictionary is wrong and a group of mentally ill people are right
Anyone fancy a game of noughts and crosses? I promise I won't start in the middle. You can start first.
>come into the thread
>hide jun's abomination of a post
>thread instantly better
Try it lad, just wish the fucker would trip so I could properly filter him. Also checkddd
just because one might have been somewhere nearby doesn't mean i have encountered it. Never had to deal with one and that's a fact.
We should leave some kinda cryptic message so it gets investigated for years
go on then lud
can just leave this as an inscription BGTDDGTHGF
just did a stinky poo lads LOL
>just did a stinky poo lads LOL
Nooooo not like that lad, like this.
X - -
- - O
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nice fren, well done with that arbitrary posting time.
the dictionary definition of what exactly? because i am sure you misunderstand.
but i post user 78 percent of the time.
how can you know though? they are everywhere, they pretend to be shop assistants, productive workers, fuck even could be a neighbour... its insidious.
>user's final BRAAAP before an heroing
>we should use the dictionary definition of what male and female
In terms of sex or gender? Because doctors don't use a dictionary definition for sex, so why should we? And people in everyday life don't use a dictionary definition in terms of gender, so why should we?
It sounds to me like you're trying to police how we use language for your ideological ends, as it's only through this narrow framing that your argument holds weight.
they are not everywhere because i dont live in mentally retarded land and such nonsense is not tolerated here
Wheres tilde lids? Shes gone and it worries me, Ive always imagined that'll i'll end up with her.
>they pretend to be shop assistants
bit silly of them
You looked very slight in your anime top picture
>the virgin noughts and crosses
vs the chad noughts and crosses
got sucked into the pasty making machine at gregs RIP in peace tiddle
lets keep it going originally
Thread was shit so she left, don't blame her. Still active on the blog though, nothing seems to have changed sadly
alright lads sick of these trannies trying to push their agenda, what words should I add to the filter to get rid of them?
this seems like it'd filter most of them without getting too many false positives
How has your day been laddos
>, Ive always imagined that'll i'll end up with her.
why dont you start working at her greggs and slowly become her bf
can you link her blog please lid
just getting up to cute shenanigans
tilde, ebin, jun, moni, cotswold, wifu
add all of these too
>push their agenda
Oh no they're trying to ask for some common decency in how they are referred to
it's a slippery slope it'll be illegal to say you English in England next
bloody queers
How can you know? i am trying to open your eyes to the truth, they are all around us, maybe even you?
They try to catch us out, to make us one of THEM.
i am quite tall still fren.
really nice thanks mate, how has your one been? i myself have an interview set for friday from today and did a scary phone interview but i think it went okay.
Spoons report.
One of the magners day drinkers has moved on to carlsberg. How will this affect the magners/carlsberg dynamic only time will tell.
Man who moans every day about the ale selection is drinking special offer bottle ipa doggiestyle. Everytime they order "I'll have some doggystyle... Waheyyy"
Told a girl she looks very different without makeup when she ordered her food. She replied OMG I feel so self conscious now! I look terrible.
Put me one in middle lad
yea here you go pal. it really is the same thing every time though
andddd some not so cute shenanigans
>oh no they're trying to police how you talk and make you out as a monster if you don't talk how they want you to
dabbed on lad
how will you ever recover
When lids?
Also what song would we sing on the way down
Reminder that Spoons report/'shut in' is a chad whose had sex with 'only' 20 girls and posts on /britfeel/ as poart of some normie art project
No lad, that's some trans bogeyman you are talking about. I couldn't care less about policing what you say and I don't think you're a monster for disagreeing with me, I just feel less shitty if you refer to me one way and I can't imagine why you'd want someone who'd not harmed you in any way to feel shittier over something as simple as one letter.
>Also what song would we sing on the way down
helter skelter
>a guy called me duck
We call everyone duck here in Barnsley, doesn't matter what they are.
One on left lad I've won ding ding ding
ooof he rekt you there lad
Do you think she'll respond well if I do go to greggs to see her?
>As with other spiders, the mechanics of intercourse are quite different from those of mammals. Once a male spider reaches maturity and becomes motivated to mate, it weaves a web mat on a flat surface. The spider then rubs its abdomen on the surface of this mat, and in so doing, releases a quantity of semen. It may then insert its pedipalps (short, leg-like appendages between the chelicerae and front legs) into the pool of semen. The pedipalps absorb the semen and keep it viable until a mate can be found. When a male spider detects the presence of a female, the two exchange signals to establish that they are of the same species. These signals may also lull the female into a receptive state. If the female is receptive, then the male approaches her and inserts his pedipalps into an opening in the lower surface of her abdomen, called the opisthosoma. After the semen has been transferred to the receptive female's body, the male swiftly leaves the scene before the female recovers her appetite. Although females may show some aggression after mating, the male rarely becomes a meal.
>Females deposit 50 to 2000 eggs, depending on the species, in a silken egg sac and guard it for 6 to 8 weeks. During this time, the females stay very close to the egg sacs and become more aggressive. Within most species, the females turn the egg sac often, which is called brooding. This keeps the eggs from deforming due to sitting in one position too long. The young spiderlings remain in the nest for some time after hatching, where they live off the remains of their yolk sacs before dispersing
wait we're retarded actually he rekt you lmao
Glad your day has been good! Mine's been pretty shit desu, had to go to therapy and just zoned out. Not sure how I'm ever gonna get a job when going outside for a few hours kills me
Kek. I win again! Undefeated King of noughts and crosses 2018
I've heard rumours that Tilde carries a knife to deal with stalkers like you or chavs. Be careful
because I don't think your feelings are important enough for me to change my vocabulary
Well obviously I wouldnt go unarmed.
I'd advise against that
Friendly reminder that Skyrim is for the Nords
The other lad lost because he overcomplicated it and went for a fancy move, you kept it deceptively simple and won. Congrats
why did this make me laugh so much
is he lying? Every single blog post seems to include more instances of being called affectionate names
creepy middle aged men hardly even do that to hot actual girls these days, why would they be saying it so much to some hon?
Would you say that to someone who changed name, or because a priest and now goes by Fr. instead of Mr, or a married woman who prefers Ms to Mrs, or someone who doesn't like it when you call them dickface daily, or any number of other times someone might ask to be spoken to in a certain way?
Or is it just with this one thing?
Agreed, but they don't have the military infrastructure to deal with the Thalmor for a long war
>lots of 6ft + chads in here
state of you, how have you managed to stay such losers? At least us manlets have something of an excuse
Cheers user. I didn't even cheat this time neither, let him go first.
>Every single blog post seems to include more instances of being called affectionate names
It's almost as though all of her effort taken into passing is paying off or something
who'd have thunk it
Oh well thats sad friend, though the thing about deep feels and mental health is that it always changes. You could work a few hours in a nice quiet sweet shop or something that can play towards strengths.
this is just another right to be racist/offensive argument? which ignores the harmful effects of language and reinforcing either harmful status quo or creating environments of exclusion and reinforcing harmful behaviour in people towards groups and individuals.
she always looked kinda cute, though everyone made fun of her. She does look great now though.
You'll have to speak up young man, I can't hear you way down there
to add onto that, theey should pipe down and join forces with the empire. once the mutual enemy is defeated, THEN skyrim is for the nords.
>she always looked kinda cute, though everyone made fun of her. She does look great now though.
Oo are yoo and ow doo yoo no this?
No need to shout haha, manlet rage amirite? No seriously bro, you're OK *pats on head*
>Would you say that to someone who changed name, or because a priest and now goes by Fr. instead of Mr, or a married woman who prefers Ms to Mrs, or someone who doesn't like it when you call them dickface daily, or any number of other times someone might ask to be spoken to in a certain way?
yes because none of these tried to alter the definitions of words for the sake of their feelings they made new words which have always been used in that way
>is it just with this one thing?
I'd have this issue with anything that tries to change the definition of words based on feelings
>this is just another right to be racist/offensive argument?
trans isn't a race and tons of people (trans people included) don't believe using the wrong pronoun is offensive
>which ignores the harmful effects of language
you mean like how changing the definitions of words could be incredibly harmful to autistic people, or do we ignore all harm it causes unless it's causing it to trans people?
Friendly reminder that anytime you east food (toast, pizza etc.) with your hands, you are appropriating Indian culture. Indians eat with their hands and to imitate that in some casual, "sloppy" manner is very disrespectful.
>cute woman from the village walk past with her dog
shame I know she is at the very least in a long term relationship or probably married
I don't understand how people can straight up ignore your messages to them then message / talk to you afterwards like nothing's different. Am I the only one who thinks like this?
i feel like screeaming REALLLY loud with a REEEEEEEE
what about a nice sammich?
Instead of trans, can we discuss trains?
some people have a life user
Its not appropriating Indian culture unless you wipe your bum with your hand first
Love a good 2-4-2 me
yes, why are autistic people so fond of trains?
Nothing wrong with that as long as you've washed your hands before eating.
late trains or "owl trains" as some of the old boys here call them then be very comfy, same with late buses too but only on weeknights, weekends = too many drunken normans
Tbf I've no idea about trains just think it's a more enjoyable subject than trannies.
Dunno Lad mechanical marvels weren't they back in the day.
I think its the idea of machinery and order. Trains are big machines that HAVE to follow a set path and routine. They like that shit.
I always forget to reply to people and I understand when they forget too. We're humans lad we're busy
>yes because none of these tried to alter the definitions of words for the sake of their feelings
Trans people are asking for recognition of their changed circumstances, not because of muh feels so literally. It's comparable
>which have always been used in that way
Appeal to tradition, not got much to say about it other than that. Things change and that's fine.
>I'd have this issue with anything that tries to change the definition of words based on feelings
It's just as well no one is doing that then
>I'd have this issue with anything that tries to change the definition of words based on feelings
This is an interesting argument and one I've not come across. Are you in that boat yourself? I ask as a tranon who doesn't want to upset autistic people if this is a common thing, it's only by speaking to someone experiencing it that I might be able to understand better.
also what have you got against indian culture bitch