ITT we post weird/fucked images

ITT we post weird/fucked images

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Hmmmm really gets the ol noggin combobulating

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Dumping, I've got loads of fucked up shit on my phone here!

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Origano origani don't cum on the baby

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Just doing some yoga in the toilet.

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This one is difficult to understand at first.

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This is really difficult to look at, like I can't tell what the fuck is going on.


Roblox autism intensifies.

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Poo in loo. Enjoy the ass.

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I wish I'd ever actually been invited to a party this mad.


really makes my neurons fire off

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I wonder, can rabbits actually get high?

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It's a picture from the future... one of the last straight white males fights for his life against a mob of gay communists.

It would be funny if it wasn't so prophetic.

schipidy doo dar

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what could this possibly mean... huh...

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Watching this thread with great interest.

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Meme past it's expiration date, warning, may smell a bit.

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Well whats the story here lads?

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They keep a silent watch, to deter normies from entering their realm.

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Nothing exciting. A bunch of bored young people fooling around.

Looks like a situation nobody who posts in this board has ever been in.

When you done cum in her bootay hole and she farts.

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I really like these types of thread but I think I unfortunately haven't saved all of my pics on my PC.

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>effeminate white boy about to suck some 56% dick
that should've been this boards banner

gonna try to scratch some together

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I think the more fucked one's are on my other location. These are just kinda weird instead of actually fucked and or gore

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>American college students

This really gets those original bognal cheese

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I don't understand
Somebody help me please, am brainlet


Bathing what's left of Lenin

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Oh fuck that's fucking nasty

What are you looking at? Oreganorigina

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rubber comrade
you are one
you are of make bathtime so much fun

>Somebody help me please, am brainlet
Keyboard is fucking filthy.

keep posting weird stuff now this is an order

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oh shit nigga I love these threads

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I'll admit that I'm phone posting and don't have all the weird ass pics I've saved

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I had a le 56% manlet teacher who did this in my 7th grade class to kids. He was obsessed with memes and everyone hated him because he had anger issues.

ahhhhhhhhhh help me, just

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In the same vein


>Horrifyingly dirty keyboard. Wash it immediately.
No! The keyboard and its dirtiness is a legendary thing

(zoomed in)
legendary thing

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I like how they're just sitting there on a pile of hay... in some guy's basement

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if the thred is still up when I get home from work I'll contribute moar

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another cursed photo, hopefully they get to the bottom of this one

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Until then I think I've got a couple more

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Yeah I ain't got much on my phone but like I said I'll do more when I get home if this thread is still up

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I remember getting off to this when I was thirteen.

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indian culture

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I've got nothing good fellas sort me out

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i think the father of that girl in the red glasses invented the lightsaber no joke. she's chloe dystra

Contribootin' what I gots.

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I've been doing this the wrong way also.

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This is the least amount I'll accept.

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This pic bleeds early 2000s culture

Look at his fucking face, you just know there's no kink you can act out that will compare to the ecstasy this guy feels even when he's in so much pain.

This is my 2 cents. Quite horrible, amirite

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