Reminder that if you're an incel and you're not /RADICAL TRADITIONALIST/ yet, you haven't got a fucking clue.
Reminder that if you're an incel and you're not /RADICAL TRADITIONALIST/ yet, you haven't got a fucking clue
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This is an interesting remix of the famous NEET vs. wagie artwork.
I love Moldbug and wish he'd write again. One day he will swoop down from his autistic Silicon Valley projects and bless us with his insight. That being said this image has almost nothing to do with Moldbug and you should read him.
Why only if you are an incel?
Everyone should support this.
>"white" sharia
what the hell is this? True sharia or go home.
Yes traditionalism where men were sent to war while women were safe at home fucking chad nice.
wouldn't chad be in the war too?
>get sent to war
>die as a martyr
>get maidens in Paradise
Pretty good deal. Well except if you're on the kafir side, that'd suck.
If you're pushing traditionalism because of better women or something, nah that's not legit. The trad ones want preferential treatment too just a different kind. With feminists it's more a government handout thing with trad chicks it's more like they want you to be a gentleman and do all that chivalry shit. I personally find chivalry extremely degrading to men and honestly I think I'd rather just have 2% of my taxes go to some feminist crap than have to treat my woman like some kind of princess I'm supposed to worship and bow down to. Oh and just because the woman is trad doesn't mean traditional marriage laws apply, lol. They can still divorce you on the spot for no reason.
>he thinks chivalry is bowing down to women
i suggest you read up on it a bit more
Not that guy but to be honest I always feel kind of degraded when doing "nice" things for women as in buying flowers for her or going to a dance.
They just feel stupid and irrational to me and I cant understand why women like it, so I have a hard time doing these things without feeling stupid and irrational myself.
well, in this day and age I don't blame you tbqh
I know. It's a custom made Moldbug pepe I created myself for another meme, thought I'd use it here. Real inspiration was Jim's Blog.
Traditional societies that want their soldiers to fight well and win wars, crack down on adultery by soldiers' wives harder than pretty much any crime except treason to the King. An example of this was Japan in WW2, and the concept is illustrated by the notorious iron chastity girdles of the Middle Ages.
It is true that chivalry put women on a pedestal, but that's not the whole story. Traditional Christian society put women on a pedestal *and chained them there*. The pedestal reflected that men will always grant fertile age women a value vastly disproportionate to that earned by their personal virtues, and the hotter and younger, the higher the value. Men will always put hot young women on a pedestal. However, massive social, religious and legal pressure was applied to make sure women never got down off that pedestal to slut it up with 100 Chads. If they did, they were fallen women, the absolute dregs of society, whom it was totally legal to rape and not even very illegal to abduct or murder.
>They can still divorce you on the spot for no reason.
Exactly, traditional sexual relations are impossible today because the state makes war on them, only somewhat successfully, much as the Communist states made constant war on private property and markets but never quite won. For traditional marriage to exist again, State and Church would have to be on the side of betas - their taxpayers - again, rather than suicidally on the side of whores and sluts.
Unironic protip: Don't. That's beta.
Enforcing laws based on religious values is one of the most retarded things ever
Yeah, it obviously makes much more sense to enforce laws based on the interests of corporate lobbyists.
Yeah, better than the church. Not saying corporate interests are always for the best of the people but at least it isn't based on a fairy tale
I'm not advocating enforcing laws based on religious values. I'm for enforcing laws to ensure that society works, grows, coheres, wins wars, and survives, and then ordering the priests to preach something to make the normies swallow it.
The biggest fairy tale is greedy atheists being fair in legislation.
I think you can skip the church. I know you think normies are stupid but using religion to manipulate the masses shouldn't be done.
That would be closer to reality not fantast
>le fairy tale meme
i take this bait i guess
>digits on the internet prove the existence of god
And these are the kind of people you want writing your laws
>using religion to manipulate the masses shouldn't be done
Spooked again!
No, seriously. Whatever works, survives, whatever doesn't, passes from history. Morality is a means to an end.
>whatever works
Ommkay let's stab every newborn baby, decapitate every male under 40 years old and nuke our own country to gain absolute power. Yes this is totally justifiable.
Do you want to know why almost every society throughout all of history has had some sort of religion? It's because societies with religions were the one's that were stronger. Religion makes a society more successful, not less.
Societies will always be manipulated by whoever is in power, and there will always be someone in power since there will always be a power vacuum if someone isn't. At least with religion it gives people hope, and generally focuses on making people into better versions of themselves.
take the white pill desu
That doesn't make it right and doesn't make it not fucking stupid. It's like getting to the right destination except you took a whole bunch of wrong turns along the way and wasted a bunch of gas. You're saying "so what, at least we got here!" Yeah but you're still a shitty driver
What's the white pill?
Religion among other things
>Kill every newborn baby
>decapitate every male
That doesn't work. Who will fight and defend your country and pay taxes? If I were an ambitious King plotting world domination, why would I do that? That's stupid.
No, if I were such a King, here's what I would do. I would establish laws and a state Church to enforce patriarchy on women. Where before the top 20% of men had been popping almost all the virgins, leaving the rest with sloppy seconds or nothing at all, whores had roamed free and fertility had been so low that our people were headed to extinction, now a woman would be the property of her father until marriage and then the property of her husband. Hardworking nice guy betas would gain the favour of the fathers of hot young 15 year old virgins and marry said virgins, instead of the virgins sleeping around with 100 Chads until 32 years old. During the marriage ceremony, the groom would swear to love and cherish, and the bride would swear to honour and obey, which she would for the rest of her life, guaranteeing the nice guy beta taxpayer pussy for the rest of his days. In return, he would raise his children well, work hard and honestly, pay his taxes, and if war came, would fight loyally knowing that his wife was chaste and his kids safe back home. Thus I would maximize male investment in society, creating a strong and successful nation. Whatever works. In this case, what works is best for betas; roasties get the lash if they misbehave and Chads have to pay a much higher price for virgin pussy. I would also remind you that this arrangement was extant during the greatest days of Europe's glory. We invented science, technology, industry and conquered the world under this system. What's not to like?
I'll take what you've said into consideration once there's been a successful replacement to religion that can also create a society with long-term survival and stability.
Idk, I might've already taken it then, is there anything else to it?
Yet another autistic meme ideology spouted by mouthbreathers on this Cantonese cesspool swimming club of a website. Great.
I can't take this seriously, even if you had the perfect marriage system that doesn't mean everything will fall into place in society as if it was the missing link.
I don't know what to tell you besides lying to people to achieve goals should not be policy.
Get a load of this scion of modernity. Read some Carlyle or something, Christ.
>even if you had the perfect marriage system that doesn't mean everything will fall into place in society as if it was the missing link.
Not the only missing link, but the biggest one.
What do men want? In one word, pussy! Younger, hotter, tighter, in the end that's the only currency that matters.
Why do men want to make money? Why do we want to acquire power and influence? Pussy, pussy, pussy!
If you want men to be invested in society and support your state, you have to pay them in the only currency that matters. Today, billions of dollars can't buy Elon Musk a chaste, virgin, obedient wife, yet that was something available to every medieval peasant.
Left to his own devices, Chad and his whores will just fuck while the city burns around them. If you want your betas to build rocket ships, invent steam engines and conquer India, then you have to give them something to make it all worthwhile. Thus, roasties get the lash and Chad accepts his one wife like everyone else.
>lying to people to achieve goals should not be policy.
There we go again! Your 'should' will not matter to your conquerors.
holy trips