Countdown to porn:

What do you think her porn-name's gonna be?

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mistress eliza of course

Positive JOI

Big Chinsy

cant wait for her findom vids

Eliza Kennedy

Jenna Tull.

Also this thread is ten minutes old so fuck you gotta weed bomb it.
You're all faggots like Zagat's. You've got to get a hold of a teensy weensy bit of that weedle-dee-deed, guys! What the heck is wrong with you?

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chill, we just help her find a cute name


if she did clothed JOI would that even count as porn?

IiteraIIy who is this?

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Loooooove Larry david he is the MAN

You'll be camming within 1 year.

not the real ciara but whatever.

I'll prove you wrong, I'll be with my wonderful boyfriend living a comfy life.

Thjs is my real trip

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>implying she won't keep the Eliza-chan brand going

>implying I won't see you taking my dick when I marry you

Tina Suckweena

one of the guys you fuck will leak a sex video eventually

I wonder who could be the closeted faggot roleplaying as the girls he stalk.

My bf would never record that

You could do tasteful nudes at least.

>I wonder who could be the closeted faggot roleplaying as the girls he stalk.


why do you hate black people
sad sad sad

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>works as a drone at Target
>covered in acne
>steals your money
>will doxxx you for no reason
>hides in private discords and behind trips
>makes art and performs it (creative job)
>decided she is pretty enough without makeup
>offers you music for free
>doesnt care who you are, lives her life without the need for drama
>will let you dance on stage
Remind me again why you all like Keera

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Oh my goddddddddd Ciara! You of all people absolutely have GOT to get a hold of a teensy weensy bit of that weedle-dee-deed! That WEEDLE-DEE-DEED haha oh my goddddddddd, namefag! Jesus man Jesus! I'm high as FUCK right now holy shit tutti fruition I'm in a fucking high ass condition! Yes Indeedle-dee-deed smoke that weedle-dee-deed every God damn diddly day you ninny muggins!

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i saw that pic a dozen times in just the few last months, you dense shitposter

because shes 10 times more interesting than clairo. clairo isnt damaged enough.

Ciara is so evil yet so cute.

Hey Ciara. Its Ben. Hope you are doing well :)

racetraitors and junkies will be the first to go on the day of the rope

Does crispy have a youtube channel yet?

very much related

clairo a generic shit

are we allowed to post her noodz on here now? do they still count as cp?

did i tell you how beautiful you are?

clairo is just a rich girl.

guess the m0ds will let you know

someday when ciara is my gf, i will chain her to the bed so she cant go outside and flirt with other guys. i want her to love me and me only. i dont even want her looking at other guys.

Haha... The day of the rope, huh? And what makes you think that you'll escape? List the reasons your neck won't get stretched on angry redneck day.

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Yes, it's still illegal.

Only her post 18 nudes.

thats not for you to decide not even in an original way


what is interesting about a drama whore who preys on beta boys and doxxxes her friends? I have known far more interesting girls irl. Girls with real damage (touchy/feely fathers, moms who break their fingers because they broke a glass, girls raped by their female babysitters for nearly 5 years (dated this one)), not this petty drug shit that probably is not true

Besides, i am sure talking to clairo is far more interesting than a chat with eliza.

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>do these pictures taken before her 18th birthday now not count as cp because she has aged
user thats not how it works

leave bait slut

im just a humble rope salesman, why would they come after me?

I'd take all of the above rather than a self entitled spoiled cunt.

Should i off myself now?

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i remember dling them from here mods didn't take em down, I had no idea how old she was lawl

Rachel Raze

>someone wrote a song about their own experience
Believe it or not, some Stacys do reflect from time to time and learn a small lesson. The song is true for a lot of pretty girls who are chadchasing
>generic trash
Never said she wasnt, but at least she is making something and following her dreams instead of dumby Ciara who just stirs up drama on a silly website

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she only just turned 18
so they are definetly illigal pictures, the fact that you admitted to having them means you're probably gonna get v&. Id wipe my hard drive multiple times to make it unrecoverable if i was you

Sunny uploaded a vid taking shot at Ciara, and she was forced to take her channel down.

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>and she was forced to take her channel down.
>implying she has no sense of agency
like ok michael told her to take it down but she doesn't have to listen to him

because she does what michael the pedo commands her to do.

Michael has blackmail material on Sunny.

>JUST a rich girl
She is rich, sure, but at least she is doing something with her time thats productive. Literally nothing about Ciara is growth

I will destroy you pussy little slut

what would you like her to do? she has a good stable job at target, shes graduating high school, going to college soon, has a nice steady bf, shes off drugs, doesnt scam anymore. shes doing great and should be congratulated

What kind of blackmail material?

Yall are dumb. You cant blackmail a 16 yo girl. Guarantee whatever (blackmail) he has will just put him behind bars with a gaping anus

ok but as a 14 year old minor she has a lot less to lose than he does as he's not a minor

his mother is a judge she knows he's a pedo too

Would a 14 year old risk the social embarrasment? She would consider it as her life over.

Judgemom doesnt stop CP charges

You can take mine fren. Lelelel

is this girl a domme?

If you are out there, Sunny, i am a man. In high school I took pictures of myself and sent them to my girlfriend. Her dad found them, printed them out, put them in a safe, and beat me up. He said if I ever told anyone where the blood and bruises came from, he would send the pics to my family and school. I thought my life was over, couldnt fall asleep for weeks. Looking back on it it really wasnt that serious in how I turned out.

attention whore and her orbiters

welcome to r9k

yeah but she can deflect from that by saying i was a naive minor wrongfully misled by a man. michael doesn't have that excuse. she can recover from what's happened but he can't. then again, 14 year olds typically don't have a lot of foresight

everyday i pray for it, that she one day will be my domme

>welcome to r9k
tripfags that aren't e-celebs are not welcome here

fren postin = based postin
you deserve those dubs, man

well she wasn't posing with her birth certificate and a calendar, she's 18 now, how is The Man supposed to prove the pics are underage?

she is obviously a femme fatale

dan THE MAN with the plan and a van schneider?

You never once thought about calling the cops, and telling them this man was not only black mailing you....but had your underage nudes? After getting my ass kicked, that would be the first thing I would shame in my game.

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Could someone start doing cum photoshops on her new photos now? Could a robot be that hero?

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>well she wasn't posing with her birth certificate and a calendar, she's 18 now, how is The Man supposed to prove the pics are underage?
her birthdate has been posted in documents from the hospital she stayed at. and chan archive data can show that the nudes were posted before she turned 18 less than a month ago

because these posts will be archived along with your ip, if gookmoot or some mod decides they want to report you to the police you're fucked because you have admitted it

also those pictures will have exif data that will tell you when and where they were taken, unless you have removed said data yourself

t. person who is no fun

can someone post some new pics, first?

just looking out for a fellow user

The real question is what will be her zooSkool name?

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Big Chinchilla

I can't find that girl attractive no matter how hard I try to.

She looks kinda better on other pics

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Youre already getting deep dicked by men old enough to be your father, why wouldnt we expect you to do it on camera for money?

dont be a meanie, if she does porn, then because she just likes to. she has the body and beauty to do porn, you incel are just jealous

>thinks thinking 18 year old fucking 36 year olds is kind of trashy is incel behavior

thats as normie as normie gets friend

Boring daddy issues roastie# 390830403898475934789387689756384342734268361942723295746827416871369435948573498573974

I mean seriously name one unique thing about her.

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just get laid, bro
oh i forgot, you cant

The character you are playing, The White Knight, is more truthfully substantially less likely to get laid than even the "Misogynist" character you think I'm playing

im just getting off pretending im her bitch, so jokes on you, for me havin a good wank later, m8

How much would you charge for the girlfriend experience? transportation paid for, of course.


plsplspls (original)

we already saw your pink asshole so...