What are your opinions on bald girls? Would you date one?
A-asking for a friend...
What are your opinions on bald girls? Would you date one?
you got booty?
If your balding you might just want to shave it all off
You're still gorgeous mate. Have a great day!
only requirement from me is white blue eyes and vagina, do you qualify?
if you're ok with wearing beanies and bandanas everywhere sure, otherwise too gay
I am just passing through since this place has been torched to the ground with reddidiots, but yeah, I could picture dating a bald girl. My head is shaved from recent chemo so I can understand the stigma a little bit, especially since hair is a big feminine trait of importance. So yeah, I could picture it.
Does your friend wear a wig?
I do love long straight hair alot.
On a related note would your friend settle for somebody shorter?
A-also asking for a friend
I'd say it well proportioned.
It's shaved.
What did he mean by this?
I do, but I don't have blue eyes. My eyes are green.
I already wear things like that in public, not at home though.
Great to hear that. Why did you have to do chemo?
I used to date a chick with hair thinner than pic related.
She left me when she got a new job and started fucking her boss.
Bald girls can be pretty cute if they wear glasses
I was just giving you a compliment dude. Everyone has image issues, no need to be ashamed of them. Wear your bowling ball proud.
Why did you shave your hair?
Do you wear wigs?
No wigs.
Depends how short.
Good idea, I could buy some of those fake glasses.
Sad patchy pretend hair bald or fully embraced and shaved?
desu you need a very aesthetic face to pull off a shaved head, man or woman. and neither looks good with thinning hair.
How old is your friend, OP?
send a pic for us to determine this
Probably not desu. Either it would mean that they're an edgy anti-traditionalist, or they have cancer, both of which I wouldn't be interested in.
I would absolutely date a chick with a shaved head. Something really kinky about it.
Acceptable. I will date you now
Has anyone ever cum on your scalp?Or randomly slap it for shits and giggles?
Against the rules.
Prefer not to tell.
I would, if your "friend" was in my age range, had a good personality and wasn't a hambeast.
Mods are lazy and barley enforce rules
Post pic
Speaking of personality, what are your interests OP? This is pretty important to me
my ex had slightly more hair but still looked like shit. she was in denial about the whole ordeal.
but girls with shaved heads can look hot.
ok then upload pic to imgur and post link, i must lay eyes on your weird head.
Give us a pic, OP.
It's the only way to know for sure if you're a qt
Just fucking shave that shit, bro
i would rub your head while you sucked me
bald girls are the sexiest ones
>>All these horny orbiters
I hope the chemo kill you like the cancer you are.
I'm too insecure about it to post pictures of myself on the internet.
not nice, user. maybe this is the reason you can't find a soulmate. just saying...
>implying thots are the cancer and not the thot-enablers
No pic. Thread is dead.
Good luck with your bald head. I suggest shave it and own it or get a bunch of cool wigs and change them out daily.
l i s a
Only if you dress up like Billy Corgan in the music video for Ava Adore.
Roastie ass kissing faggot,kill yourself
>>Implying being a volcel is related to telling this roasty to gtfo
Op could just wear a wig and no one would have pay attention. But no, she decided to be the attention whore she is and reaffirm her status using these cucks.
yeah idk why she doesn't wear a wig. if a girl was bald and wearing a wig idgaf. i'd prob still love u and your caillou head though if i was really into you but the wig will look better aesthetically
It'd be hard for me because I identify a lot of people through their hair, but I think I could fall in love with anyone given time and discovery of their good points
Men have it easy going bald.
Women is where things get fucked up
bet she kicks that dummy a lot between the legs
bald spots are gross, but completely hairless is kinda cute
Hair of any length is fine to me.
I can't say I'm used to bald women though.
But i'm sure it could grow on me too
>be me
>go to the mall one day to shop for random shit
>go into a Hot Topic
>See the most beautiful bald girl ever working the register
>want so badly to ask for number
>trying to summon courage i walk around the store pretending to look at stuff
>she goes into the back room
>figured she clocked out and left
>never get her number
One of my biggest regrets in life.
>green eyes
Not that guy but that sounds even better
May I ask why you shaved your hair off?
haha why are all girls so fucking ugly on Jow Forums
all girls from r9k are so fucking ugly loool
I assume bald women are mentally ill sjw cunts if I'm being perfectly honest. Either that or are dying of cancer. Both make you undatable desu.
I would date anyone, I have no friends, and am coming out of almost 8 years of depression. Having no hair kinda sucks because I like to smell it and pat your head, but it doesn't matter to me, but you just made this thread for attention and don't actually want someone in your life, and you're just like other women, bitch bitch bitch about how you're so ugly yet ignore other people who would try and make you happy .
>added 3 girls from here
>expected ghouls and ogres, didnt care either way but still low expectations
>after getting to know them we exchange pics
>they're all easily 7/10 on a bad day
You forgot the part where they ghost you because of some superficial bullshit despite the fact that you try to ignore superficial bullshit or even met then because they were worried about being judged.
Its like pottery.
I've been talking to two of them regularly for like 8 months now. The other I just added about a week ago but we've been talking most days, despite our time difference
Honestly I dont know why you guys have so many issues with fembots on here, they're pretty nice
You're probably chad, user. I've had a 28 year old goblin ghost me after a few months without a word. I really liked her desu, I've gone out of my way to comfort her and do stuff with her despite several hour difference and the fact that I have a job. Its just not worth it, most of them think men are just toys.
Lol thanks for assuming I'm Chad, I'll take it as a compliment, but I'm definitely not Chad. I just talk to them and listen to them. I'm sorry if you've had bad luck, but not all fembots are the same, some are pretty great!
It's just like when fembots say all robots are the same, bitter virgin assholes, even though we aren't. It's worth giving people a chance! I promise.
>It's worth giving people a chance!
Tell that to any woman on this planet
You didnt read my post did you user
I know how to talk and listen to women, user. I'm depressed, not autistic. Yes, it definitely cuts both ways, but its hard to not be bitter when they tell you that they're not going to ghost you and then proceed to ghost you. My heart can't handle this, I'm not needy, I just want you to not be a cowardly piece of shit and tell me that you're not going to talk to me, and hopefully whybyou aren't going to. People are so fucking pathetically cowardly and don't hesitate to treat you like you're a subhuman that they can just discard.
honestly, not into it
good luck user
I wasnt trying to call you out or call you autistic, I'm sorry if it came off that way.
Bitterness will only make things worse, user, you should try to let that go. Dont blame a group for the misdeeds of some individuals.
I understand your pain, I probably havent experienced it near as much as you have, but I do know the feeling. Just try to channel that into something positive, and make yourself better, instead of letting negative emotions take over