Tell me robots, why do you hate your mom??
I would rather fuck someone else's mom then my own mom... she aged up like milk...
Smoked while pregnant with me, contributing to my autism, married and divorced 3 guys, all of whom were abusive to me, threatened me, threatened to kill my pets etc, never believed me when I told her. Tried to kick me out at 18 even while I had a job and was contributing towards bills because I was "selfish" for wanting to spend time alone and not with her and her husband, mom is a piece of shit
do you still have contact with her?
sounds fucked up
I'm 20 currently, moved across the country to live with my ldr gf, she tries to contact me and guilt me into interacting with her periodically but I mostly ignore it
She forgot the tendies
For being ugly and for giving birth to me.
you habe to punish her broski
Because she won't fuck me.
Does she have BPD. Good thing you moved away.
i wish your psycho mom had castrated you alive you normalfag piece of fuck
dude, that sounds sick
get those sinful thoughts out of your head
yes. She gave me shit genes and is neurotic. She was overprotective of me and fucked me up big time. People with anxiety, depression, or other mental illnesses should not have kids. My mother had us so that she had something to coddle and love; while this is an important part of raising children it shouldn't be the main reason. You have to be prepared to discipline, mold,and test your offspring. My parents (especially my mother) did not do this and all 3 of their children turned into neurotic messes. Out of the 3 I am the worst off, but only because I am the ugliest by far. My siblings are actually quite good looking so they have an outlet through friends and sexual activities. I have never had that luxury so I have deteriorated much faster
She did the whole "Get out at 18" thing all of a sudden and as a rude surprise. She cut me off on my own without support and then got all antagonistic and bitter about me not doing well on my own after being shoved out. Also she's a cheating whore. I got revenge though somewhat.
elaborate pls?
She has good intentions and wants the best for me, but she has a strange personality because of her abandonment issues (Estranged from her parents and sisters) which have drastically impacted how she's raised me. On top of things she divorced when I was born and while she's still on amiable terms with dad and I've always been in contact with him she's got an incredibly suspicious, bitter, and backstabbing attitude to life in general - she talks shit about absolutely everyone as soon as they're out of earshot, from dad to my sisters. No doubt she does the same to me when I'm out of the room.
As a result of this she's got some major empty nest syndrome, and as her only male child she's combined awkwardly giving me too much liberty without discipline with the desire for me to come out of university with a super high prospects career and all that. In reality it's just made me a man child that struggles to even go outside on his own outside of attending classes, and can't make any decisions of his own. The financial situation in the family isn't helping things.
I blackmailed her for some fugg, which looking back I regret but it was definitely satisfying after how much a bitch she'd been.
mmmmh very nice
because shes kicking me out - she cant control her emotions and can only see things from her own perspective
Whut kinna details u after fampai?
Because I'm 26 and she still didn't kick me out. HOW CAN I EVER LEARN TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MYSELF LIKE THIS???
please explain in further detail. What the fvuck did you do?
Tried fucking her missionary but had to switch to doggy. There wasn't any emotion to it and it was pretty gross, and she tried to get me to change my mind but I did the deed regardless.
why the fuck did you do that?
For me it was a chance to get back at her. Why that specifically, I caught her cheating which is what the blackmail was so it felt appropriate. She was a slut and I wanted to make her feel awful.
That's how I thought and felt at the time at least. I regret it now of course.
she hot tho? And what was your relationship with her like after?
Didnt encourage me to peave town for college. So now i left my home city for work out of spite and life is so hard sonfar from home. Why did they not love me enough to spend more? Everyone i know have had a perfect college life. Mine was horrible cause i LIVED WITH MOMMY.
sounds hot, sounds kinda fake tbqh
A little hot I guess but I never looked at her that way or thought of her like that. And definitely not why I did it. Our relationship didn't get better and remains pretty bad.
Cause she didn't abort me, instead keeping me to raise on her own as a single mom.
If you invested time in your future 26 would not be terrible. We both know what you did not do though.
Eh I've been here a good amount of time and posted about it before. More gross than hot but not fake.
I love my mother and would love her even more if she looked like that.
My mom is anti-marijuana because my unlce almost died from his meth addiction and i like to smoke weed and have never once though about meth but my mom still believes her weak ass genes will cause me to start using meth
maybe you shouldnt have blackmailed the woman who gave birth to you into sex, moron
Post more mommies
I like my mom, I feel like show coddles me too much. I want to move out but I need to get my finances in order first. I feel like she'll feel really bored once all her children leave, but my older brother is a huge fuckup so I don't think he'll move out anytime soon.
Wish you were there to tell me that back then desu
If you ever thought at one point, "This is a good idea" then you're a permanent brainlet. Sorry dude. There's no help for you. Jesus christ.
More details tho. Greentext this shit.
thats lewd user
always important to take care of your mommy
i lean more towards dudes but I want a mommy gf ngl
She mistreated me in many ways and favored my younger sister, sometimes I'd go days without food and a teacher at school literally had to teach me what bathing was. She never showed any affection towards me, or hugged me.
I had a dad but he'd work very long hours (Honestly, illegal) and would hardly see me.
She's never outright told me she's hated me but I can tell from her actions.
She abused me and kept me from seeing my dad for the forst 16 years od my life and i finally gained the courage to leave after she went too far and insulted my gf to my face
same desu
love them
Just yesterday she got drunk and started insulting everyone and punching my stepfather (he's pretty chill) in front of my 5yo sister, so I fucking suckerpunched her in the face
and then you fugged?
I don't, she just annoys me becuase she doesn't leave me alone. I'm a grown ass man and honesty at this age it's getting kind of fucking weird.
pretty normal when moms are a little clingy
It's more than a little. My older brother only recently got her to stop calling him every single day and hes almost 30. Plus the way she's been comparing me to my father recently is really fucking weird. I've always looked a lot like him and the comparisons are nothing new but the way she says it recently is down right creepy. I had the most uncomfortable conversation of my life with my older brother and GF about it over Easter becuase they noticed it too.
lel are you implying you mother wants to fuck you?
lucky dog
No. She's not that fucked up but there's definitely weirdness. I just look exactly like my dad did 30 years ago. I'd say she's attracted to the memory of my father which she sees in me. I know I'm not imaging it becuase I'm not the one who brought it up.
What is wrong with you? She's my mother. It's incredibly uncomfortable. I'd prefer to skip straight to the gouging my eyes out and wandering into the wilderness part of the story.
Cause shes a controlling bitch lmao, I cant do anything without her knowing about it. Been that was since I was a kid. Even now I'm convinced she has a tracker or something on me, she always knows where I go
sorry dude, already masturbating rn
>why do you hate your mom??
She ripped me off for $2000 and never paid me back.
I don't hate her but it's annoying that she is becoming deaf and senile.