Creative Robots

If youre a creator please post your work, dont be shy! Non creators are more than welcome as well.

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never. people will only appreciate me when i'm dead.

I made this magazine cover.

Attached: roman.jpg (877x1240, 733K)

>to dumb too make things and just use apps

Attached: wnMy5LX2Gs6j2cg5hfgGHg.jpg (700x524, 92K)

already did, few people liked it. so fuck off.

made this with playdoo.

Attached: 20180429_015037.jpg (1178x1042, 631K)

>inb4 that guy that makes acoustic guitar songs on youtube with red background starts posting
dude youre literaly in every thread

I used to make reviews on Jow Forums in a /csg/ thread and I was actually really proud of a few of one my reviews. I had a few videos unrelated to reviews that got a thousands of views. The problem is and was that I'm terrible at voice-over work. My ZOGA NES-101 Clone review was really well edition stylistically and I think I got a few thousand views on it with generally really positive reception but everyone critiques my speaking.

I upload shirt designs on TeePublic now and still do. I've made a few hundred dollars with the site. Here's a link to the page if you want to see my shit better.

Attached: Screenshot_20180508-134736~01.png (1088x2076, 716K)

I sometimes make clothes under the name Harbor Lights. This is a t shirt I printed recently.

Attached: oc.png (674x623, 306K)

can you make one like thr colgate one but write suprem gentlemen instead ? would buy it for 25$

wowoe yeah

Attached: holy.jpg (1200x1600, 1.18M)

Nice origaganally

I posted this in a thread on saturday, but here it is again. Going to post more of my drawings.

Attached: IMAG1172.jpg (1836x3264, 1.09M)

I like landscapes and nature, maybe I'll do some more soon

Attached: IMAG1175.jpg (1836x3264, 1.34M)

A rare, drawn Muffy.

Attached: IMAG1168.jpg (1836x3264, 1.39M)

Sure, I'll do that

Some acoustic guitar and shitty singing

I made a new album, just put it out a couple of minutes ago, it's science fiction themed

Attached: FurnitureMusic.jpg (1200x720, 128K)

I make videos to show off my crazy life and wild adventures with my friends

Thanks :')
Originality is good

You didn't make her cute enough

where could i get this? redbubble? teesprings? paom? zazzle?

I'm currently working on an adventure game where you play as a blind person so the game doesn't have any graphics. The game uses the vibration motors in the controller to let you feel out your surroundings.

Attached: game.png (2560x1090, 85K)

What size are you? I'll just send you one for some paypal sheckles if I have one in your size
I make songs when I trip, starting to try make videos for them.
heres something I finished yesterday, any feedback would be appreciated

Attached: 20180308_021550.png (982x997, 1.65M)

i appreciate it but sorry, not in any position to accept packages and dont have much money. do you have an email or some way i could contact you in the future? id certainly like a shirt, just not right now

yeah man I feel ya I'm dirt poor at the moment as well haha. My email is [email protected] hit me up any time I'm always working on new stuff : )

Why would your death make people appreciate you, though?

That's the sort of thing that happens to great artists like Vincent Van Gogh, or to artists of middling achievement like Lil Peep.

also RIP your ears

nah that sucked here you guys go
remembered to plug the mic in this time

I made a smaller chute for my adderall to travel up my nose. I know what you're all saying.... "how". Really easily actually.

That sounds really awesome, man. Good luck.

i paint.exe my fren when he plays wows and getting rekt. after the inevitable defeat i show him my work.

Attached: jurerekt.png (1879x877, 38K)

sometimes it takes longer for him to get rektd so i haz more time to paint.exe him.

Attached: jurerekt2.png (1905x880, 351K)

this one time the bastard actually didnt get rekt and i had to paint.exe him victorious.

Attached: jurenorekt.png (1761x778, 77K)

I wish I had the time to draw more often

Attached: gold.jpg (560x564, 137K)

I draw furry shit...poorly

Attached: brushpen foxy.jpg (1010x1263, 218K)

That's a nice pair of titties dude

I can create a load of spunk on your forehead if you want



try a different font

interesting but too cluttered. try taking either the crosses out or simplifying the background

work on anatomy

comfy but you need a better mic

work on the mixing. some of the instruments had way higher volume and were out of sync

can't hear shit captain


ha thanks my dude

just made this little animation based off of a clip from my podcast : ) pls watch i worked hard on it

Attached: Gustave.png (466x262, 262K)

that's actually not bad
mute these nuts robot

Attached: do you see me.jpg (858x569, 310K)

You know that's actually not too bad.

pics? interested to see just how much you hate urself lol

I made this with turtle (a python module).

Attached: hall.jpg (874x874, 815K)

I just finished editing this god of war video

It's ok. I am just starting so, I am just enjoying the learning at the moment. Maybe someday I will get recognition for it and quit my dayjob.

You know people make a lot of money drawing furry porn right? If you invest a little, buying a drawing tablet and such you could probably get some money out of it.

Yeah I was considering it but I hate drawing tablets desu. A fan of traditional mediums. However I doubt there's a demand in the furry world for traditional art.

>I draw furry shit...poorly
Oh well.

Attached: that's kind of sad.jpg (1224x1060, 219K)

i drew my cousin yay!

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (489x650, 68K)

neat. post her feet?

Do you have anymore? I really kinda like it.

no pics of her. also she has dino feet

i made this tendies pepe

Attached: tendies.png (600x600, 595K)

fair enough. it really is a neat drawing, user. gj

them's some massive fuckin' sleeves, dud

how long you been drawlin'?

That's the only one shared with brush pens. I did all hatching before that.

Attached: IMG_20180423_173459_700.jpg (2638x2638, 1.31M)

yeah, you got a neat style dude.
I'd love to follow your work if you post stuff out anywhere.

her hair reminds me of this girl in my head (not crazy, I swear) based on this chick here.

Attached: 7bc8955d331ae96b87f04ca93ef9886d.jpg (500x749, 53K)

you draw tits real good my guy.

jump on that popular anime shit, boku no macademia and shit, go on patreon, get the fucking beaucoup bucks dude,

thnks since i was 4 i think

That really cool good for you.

I'm not even a fur fag I just like the art.

damn, that's early as shit,

seems like all the best artists start early.

you spend all your childhood time reading books and shit and you just fucking miss the train completely. I can't draw and my fucking add kicked in so my hands are still shit and I can't read dr. seuss books anymore, man fuck.

you uh...

you fuckin' kiddin' serious here, dude?

Thanks a lot anons. Here's another

Attached: IMG_20180404_194501_697.jpg (1039x1039, 115K)

If I cover up the fuzz with my hands, it's still very fappable

you should keep going, I liked it, right up my alley

Kek happy fapping then my guy

Attached: IMG_20180429_183712_315~2.jpg (2485x3432, 1.84M)

I got some drawing that I made while tripping on lsd if anyone is interested

poast it brother. how much did u take?

mmmmmmmmm makes me hungry

mi huuungry

I write crummy poems to work through my feelings, but sometimes I'll doodle in the margins.
I did this self-portrait a year or two ago, and I can still feel the expression in it. Whether or not it looks like anything at all to anyone other than me isn't really the point, I guess.

Attached: PSX_20180508_215327.jpg (702x800, 257K)

had to scale it down in paint to post it
well I don't remember if it was 1 or 1.5 tabs when I made this one, I drew more but they're at my friends house
I remember that when I was drawing this one I could see what I wanted to draw on the paper and I was pretty much just tracing and following those patterns

Attached: test.jpg (3485x2333, 1.53M)

close up of the center

Attached: close.jpg (3485x2333, 1.71M)

holy shit that cool. you should scan it. got any idea what it's possibly meant to be? i see what could either be a butthole or a sandworm from Dune

Your LSD drawing seems much more focused and time consuming than mine tend to be (pic related).
Do you draw regularly in the first place? I never do more than little doodles, and haven't drawn so much as a pikachu since middle school.

Attached: PSX_20180508_220615.jpg (617x800, 251K)

>I couldn't

i kekked, buv

>got any idea what it's possibly meant to be?
not really, i know the center part is a person with a stomach and a head blowing out smoke, that's pretty much it

>time consuming
I don't know how long I spent on it but atleast 2 hours
>Do you draw regularly in the first place?
only for fun, but people have told me I'm quite good at it

Attached: close2.jpg (2333x3485, 1.75M)

Anatomy wise I am curious why their tails are so far up their backs?

You could scan them and ink digitally

I'm not really good at much of anything but I hope I can make some robots laugh at least.
I'm also trying to get into soundcloud rap to see if I can make some shitty music too

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