Can you guys help me decide which to buy?
Can you guys help me decide which to buy?
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Unless you like japanese games get XBO because everythings cheaper
Pc. Seriously why even ask.
Ps4, xbone 0 gaem
because only literal billionaires can afford decent gfx cards right now
I'd get an xbox just cause pubgs on it. I got a ps4 about a month before the port got announced and everyone I know is playing pubg and I'm stuck on fortnite lol
What a huge load of shit.
Get a 750 ti for 200 and your good for a couple of years
Like, umm... try again sweetie.
Pubg is shit even on the One X dude. It's a half-assed port that struggles to run even on the most recent xBox. I can't tell you how many times I've been killed even after landing first while my surroundings are still rendering around me.
The only reason you would get either of these would the the PS4 for exclusives unless you want to play fucking Halo or something. Just get a PC, 5 year old mid range graphics card could match or beat either, no one wants to be stuck exclusively on console.
Get a Switch, seriously. Xbone quite literally has nogaems and PS4 games are few and far between to justify the price of the machine.
How much free time do you have? I'd honestly say pc if you're making decent money. Both platforms are decent I do like the PS4 controller more though. Also the one is kinda weird, they really make it annoying to unsubscribe from Xbox live so I'm kinda annoyed with that practice it's really shitty.
>Get a Switch, seriously.
Wow epic /v/ meme retard
Xbox has the best controller and has more American feel to it. Go with PS4 if you are an anime loving gook nigger.
Xbox one. State of decay 2 (One of the best zombie games) is coming out in 2 weeks and it is not on PS4. X1 has backwards compatibility too.
onions faggot nigger
If you like Halo pick up an Xbone. Halo 5 isn't bad, MCC is getting a fix soon, and Halo 6 will likely be shown off this E3. RDR 4K on the Xbone X sounds nice, too. If you're not a huge fan of Halo get a PS4. It's got plenty of exclusives worth playing.
Halo 5 is fucking dead dude
I don't think you can pirate for either yet, so neither
Xbox has the best controller.
Sea of Thieves is a pretty comfy game too.
You can still find matches easy. It's the second worst Halo, but it's not totally dead.
I don't have a lot of free time I'm just looking to get into gaming again though. I have enough saved to buy a console. The membership cost for XBox is making me lean towards PS4
Is it worth it just for PUBG though?
if a neet loser like me can afford a pc so can you
Dude. Buy a fucking PC. It is objectively the superior platform. Plus Microsoft exclusives are on PC now.
>buy a PC
From where? Anything decent under 1k?
>The membership cost for XBox
Not sure what PS4 costs, but I always get 1 year of XBL Gold for $40 online, instead of $60 from microsoft.
>everyone I know is playing pubg and I'm stuck on fortnite lol
Are you living in an alternate reality
>buying a console for halo
This should sum up why you shouldn't buy an xbox, just get the PS4. It's better in almost every imaginable way.
Oh shit that's cheaper than I thought, nvm. I read it was like 30 per month idk where I got that.
>like 3 good exclusives
>backwards compatibility for Xbox OG and 360
>multiplat machine
>weeb trash
Whatever you get make sure you get a Pro or One X.
not op but what the fuck is the difference between these xboxes dont they all play the same games
why spend more for an 'x' version
If you like halo just get a pc and download halo online (el dewrito) for free
because xbox fags can only complain about "muhhh graphics"
>implying Xbox has any exclusives thanks to MS "Xbox anywhere" putting them all on PC
>implying Xbone BC is actually usable and works for all games
>buying a console for multiplats that are literally on all other consoles
>hurr I haet games so PS4 is weebshit
Kill yourself, honestly.
Yes but they're basically overclocked versions of the PS4/Xbone, so they can run games in """4k hdr"""
You can build a PC that can thrash a Xbox or PS4 under $700 easy
this fucking thread again
why cant you fanboy faggots discuss without sperging out between two sides, both consoles are the exact fucking same
so glad I got a 960 right before the shitstorm
>tfw it was less than half the cost the same card would go for today
>tfw I can run 90% of things on at least high
xbox has no games
the basedswitch meme was invented by buttblasted microsoft fanboys for this exact reason
>playing video games
I own all three popular platforms
Have friends? Go with your boiz
No friends? Look below
Xbox One is cheaper in both online and video games
Ps4 has weeb exclusives so if you're into that go for it
PC is customizable and easily attains good frame rates and resolution as long as you have the money for the staggering costs.
Personally I prefer xbox one because thats where the boiz are for me, ps4 I barely play and only have in case an exclusive comes out that I want, PC annoys the fuck out of me because all the customization but none of the professional tutorials. Luckily my brother knows way more so he helps me out.
Thank you user I appreciate it unoriginally
Of course dude
Yeah don't buy either, they're both overpriced surveillance machines. Buy a dildo or something instead
Now there's a suggestion
Honestly, why even play new video games? They all fucking suck now. Play old games.
quality over quantity you playstation shill
Nintendo Switch if you're not some weeaboo cuck boy
I have a PS4 I like it because it gives you free games and I can play MGS.
>free games*
*with $59.99 yearly subscription to PlayStation Plus :^)