Would God except me if I were gay?
Simple question.
Would God except me if I were gay?
Simple question.
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He wouldn't accept you if you were a christian.
I apologize,
>John Doe: "I fuck aborted fetuses and smear my shit on bibles for fun. I know what I'm doing is wrong and work everyday on getting better"
>Alt-right: "BASED John who is WOKE and RED-pilled, come speak at our college!"
it's that easy
Honestly I don't think god cares who you decide to fuck
Here's my problem, can't seem to stop lusting over guys.
Matthew 5:28
"But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart."
To add onto this, homosexuality = sexual immorality, which is a sin.
Here's a list of verses (granted I don't like ESV but it's there). Just a quick search on BibleHub to double check translation.
how did it fly over your head?
of course Mil-I mean John isn't actually working on not being gay, he just tells everyone that to fit in
Are you seriously asking this on Jow Forums of all places?
>everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Then literally every christian is an adulterer. This is why christianity is so nonsensical, you claim to believe in rules as above but then you don't enforce gender segregation.
Modern society is far from Christian, it's purely atheistic/masonic/Jewish in nature.
Christianity is super retarded. If *a* God excists, and cared about your existence first and foremost, then there'd be no doubt that he wouldn't mind you being gay, considering he created you to be that way.
If you're going to be religious, please don't be a retard and pick the big 3 because it feels comfortable. Or even better, just be a deist and work out your own understanding of how you think things may work.
>believing a book that's been mistranslated, gutted, and rewritten to suit the views of whoever's in power at the time is the true word of god
We'll never know god's word because men have twisted it to suit their agenda so many times that whatever truth there is to the bible is long gone.
Fuck what """christians""" say OP, live in accordance with your own morality and do right by your own beliefs, don't let others dictate your life.
No. But honestly he isn't that consistent. It's kinda like he doesn't exist.
>hurr just ignore the rules of of this religion just b urself
>Explicitly stated several times throughout the bible that sexual immorality and homosexuality are not acceptable at all
>Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed
You're as stupid as neopagans who try to construct a dead religion and claim it's exactly the same as what their ancestors 2000 years ago practiced.
He loves everyone, gay is considered a sin but he wouldn't cast you out for it. Like having a dad who doesn't like that you're gay but he still loves you and sees you as his son or daughter.
According to the Pope, yeh.
God loves you, Mac
God hates you regardless of your sexual orientation
>Using anything stated in the old testament
>Book translated into english without original words context
Try again schlomo