Strawberry Fields Forever edition
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>have a bbw fetish
Where the fuck am I supposed to find thick+++ girls, lads?
Please remove mould thanks
3rd for The Beatles are overrated
>have a robot fetish
>no one is making sexbots that look like robots
My disappointment is immeasurable
fuck it, i'm slipping my dick out to wank harder
enny of u norf f.c cunts wanna fookin fite me?
Forgot to post this
everything after their hippy phase was quite good desu
>Where the fuck am I supposed to find thick+++ girls
literally anywhere these days
Going to play some cheeky D&D now, my big gay lizard will have a nice time with my cute elf paladin and save the world.
yeh that is pretty sad actually lad.
I seem to live in some fucked up village where everyone is fit and healthy. It's horrible.
Where else could I find them?
Revolver's the one I like the most. I was half memeing I haven't listened to all of their stuff properly
>Where else could I find them?
your nearest city centre
Why is life so boring lads
Gooseberry seethes forever
you're spending most of it on Jow Forums, that's why
I agree desu
I'm sorry, Lennon poster
>fucked up village where everyone is fit and healthy
where abouts user? i live in a fairly well-to-do little village and most of the women here are units, 2 man jobs, so to speak
I just do not find fat girls unattractive, big tush for the pushin, big milkmounds to toy with, godlike bj's, generally funny, always anxious in public which I find super cute, usually great cooks too.
It's just my fetish. I can't explain it better than that.
life is what you make it. your life is boring because you're boring.
Clubs and bars. They never get any attention so it is pretty easy.
>tfw had a few one night stands with fat grills
It is great
>I seem to live in some fucked up village where everyone is fit and healthy
Please can we switch places. Also what is wrong with you
he's just having a larp wank
Even periods where I've forced myself to stay off Jow Forums and play video games are boring as shit
You're probably right
The one standard I have is 'no fatties'. I'm a 21 year old virgin but at least I've never stooped that low
>post about living on a narrowboat, getting on a few years ago now
>now have enough money to buy one
bloody hell is it tempting, don't know how I'll make money while living on it though
Whatever floats your boat lad, so long as they have a pretty face I'm actually in to that
don't know what to do. well I do, I should do some cleaning need to get the house shipshape for an inspection next week. but I cba. so.
odds minecraft. love it
evens LA noire. I don't know, you've got to guage peoples reactions and tell if they're lying. I can't do that irl, so struggle with that part of the game. desu it should have the option for bad cop. fuck guessing what they're thinking. shoot them in the kneecap and reveal the truth
so yeah, a risky role, but he who dares, eh
I'd probably agree actually
Best band probably but people make out they did things no one else could
But dey make us all happy for some reason and that's why I love them desu
Gentleman and a scholar. What do you think of this brass, lad. She's touring London soon, I can't wait
Fuck me that was good. Now for mother 3 tomorrow
>you've got to guage peoples reactions and tell if they're lying, I can't do that irl
they make it easy, lad
This match is boring the shit out of me lads, just have it on in the background now
>punting is about shagging lasses that usually wouldnt look at you twice
Definitely the perfect match to slit your wrist to.
Man this game looked amazing when it came out now it looks super ropey. 2011 really was a long time ago
Eurovision Semi #1 lad
>tfw will never not be in a dream of the snake eater
>brush teeth, floss, mouthwash twice a day every single day.
>still get cavities
fuck my life
My face is so weird in general lads
From certain angles I look really really feminine like bloody h3 Hila
Then at others I look masculine and like some roughish slav guy
And my dad jokes I sometimes photograph like a murderers mugshot
I have a bad facial feature which i guess contributes to the girly part but Why does it vary like this?
I refuse to believe that game came out 7 years ago.
>From certain angles I look really really feminine like bloody h3 Hila
i fucking love eurovision and this lithuanian lass is not bad, just boring.
my and my dad usually keep a point score, of how many cliches they include in their performances.
great tune lid
my fave will always be this un
can't even watch that shite ironically
any lads want to go watch the baseball next june?
it's pretty dumb that you never hear about how much genetics impacts dental health, then dentists have the gall to say you don't keep them clean
with you? not a chance
>any lads want to go watch the baseball next june?
are you taking the piss m8?
Yea, she's a big girl there's no debating that..but she's a "pawg" and she's supposed to give a great service. That's the thing about /punting/ you can pick and chose
>any lads want to go watch the baseball next june?
if its with a nice fren
What's this I see? An American? In /britfeel/, of all places?
I remember the day I bought it. It was the day after I saw Sufjan Stevens in Manchester. Still feels like yesterday and not close to a decade now.
fuck lads didn't think about where I'm gonna cum's being played in London next June...
that's why I asked...
>next June
cant commit this far ahead
Only if it's over here. Already going to Yankland once this summer.
i genuinely didn't know we had baseball here
let's just all meet up and play rounders instead
mate I could get that for free
It's just how cameras work. Happens to most people. That's why we have memes like this
think I got it wrong with him. I kept thinking he looked like an old Robert de niro
Good tune lad, I love the verse which gets a bit bossa nova sounding or something around 2:30
I've always thought that song is proof they would have gone toe-to-toe with Led Zeppelin if they had continued into the 70s.
>i genuinely didn't know we had baseball here
don't think we do lid, they're just bringing a couple MLB games over to be played in London to go along with the other meme American sporting day trip events.
i have altogether eaten 18 inches of subway sammiches today boys, off for my pre /nightwalk/ nap now i think
peppercat is not for lewd
fookin souvern softies come an av a go
>clubs and bars
Those places scare the shit out of me. I thought everyone here is robotic? What year is this?
asked in the old thread like a muppet, anyone here know about gas masks? need something for working with toxic fume, undiluted bleach which would be heated
subway sandwiches/baguettes are too fucking good. The lidl near me has a bakery in it now and they sell absolutely fantastic baguettes for only 59p and it's honestly a struggle not to buy like 4 of them at a time.
dont fookin tawk abowt souf f.c like dat agen u fookin norvern pooftah, arite?
>need something for working with toxic fume
>I Want You (She's So Heavy)
Were The Beatles chubby chasers too? Fucking hell
tell me about it laddy, if i didnt get so much exercise from /nightwalk/ id be a big massive fat cunt by now, no doubt about it
just curiosity as to what gas mask I would need, that's all mate
>I thought everyone here is robotic?
oh my sweet summer child
any biologists here? how does taxonomic classification work? like how can a great dane be considered the same species as a Chihuahua
>need something for working with toxic fume
enlightenment is not something you achieve, it is the absence of attachments
hope you're all remembering to pay the toll.
both dogs innit m8
they're both doggies, just one is very big and one is very small
t. biologist
it'd need to be full face, if the fumes got in my eyes it'd be bad - but that maks lists the level of filter so I'll look for something full face using that filter, thanks
Should I have alcohol tonight?
I'm really bored and I don't really have any friends to talk to or play vidya with so I might as well get drunk and talk to my cat right?
Also, I've been talking to this cute tranny from Leicester and shit might get lewd
Thing is, I don't have anything that would go with it. It's 80 proof vodka and the only thing I have is water, I guess?
>not in the market for a phat ban
>i look hideous in those ones and wouldn't voluntarily share them with anyone
haha too busy making an activist pie
Explain pls user-kun
Well basically, /britfeel/ is a weird mix of robots (friendless KHV NEETs) and normies of differing degrees, a lot have jobs and ex-gfs and lots of sexy wexy time.
>lots of sexy wexy time.
bit of an exaggeration
My head feels like it's been hit with a hammer lads
Odds I revise
Evens I vidya and anime
here's a question for you lads:
do you consider yourself more or less mature than Norm-Es?
'Shut In lad' has had sex with 20 different women. Karen poster has probably had almost as much
>tfw the only joy in your life comes from either big sporting events or video game/movie releases
Feel kinda empty now the snooker has finished and I'm not even that much of a fan
Probably less tbqhwy me mate. I do think most normies are a bit mongy though
More mature, a lot of normies in my experience are like children. Very immature and emotionally volatile
i dunno man maybe should do some that revision unless you got some god tier vidya waiting
Kind of depends really, I feel I'm more mature in some aspects but less mature in others.
Think I'll do as the digits command, I've got a revision session set up with some people at the uni tomorrow too so I'll just conserve my mental energy for then.
Gonna be a 27 year old virgin this year lads. I remember when I was 18 and thought I was pathetic because I hadn't had sex yet.