Any other fembot here sick of seeing orbiter threads on the front page? Mods should make it a rule to ban these annoying asshats.
Any other fembot here sick of seeing orbiter threads on the front page...
Will you have my children whore?
orbiter threads are actually started by the women themselves to derive validation
I want to have orbitors but, I'm to ugly to have any. How do I get them?
Why do you want orbiters? That's fucked up
Don't worry I'll be ur orbiter internet person
You are evil.
Go back to lolcow bitch.
Reminder that fembots are worse than stacies and want to milk you of your cash.
I have a whole lolcow thread of it but the chan won't let me post it
ill buy stuff for Kewy. nobody else though.
This. They need to go.
The same shit as tranny threads.
What does it feel like to have autism?
u normies dont like my orbiting because u couldnt make the cut.
whats it like to be this jealous over nothing? something thats a larp and has nothing to do with anything, but it makes ya butt it and squeeze out your jealousy.
>implying I want basement dwelling microdick manlets to stalk me
I'm good, brah
it wasnt an offer. im sure youre good, thats why you chime into every thread to complain and jealous post.
Fucking what m8 lol
>jealous post
good one user. just a reminder, you'll never get laid orbiting girls who couldn't give two dog shits about your existence. stay mad virgin, lmao
yeah, jealous. oh but this isnt about me, nice try jealousy.
>this isn't about me
You just made an announcement that you're a no name orbiter. Keep it up brah, this sure is a good way to keep yourself basement dwelling ass productive. Virgin.
Top kek, keep projecting.
Maybe that'll make you feel less lonely.
Does seeing cute girls make you jealous?
im the nameless orbiter. i do it because it pleases me. once again, ur jealous
Her bangs drop her to a 5.
youre calling me lonely, on r9k. youre very smart.
I quite enjoy them.
>implying being on r9k must mean I'm lonely
does it? i didnt think about that! very smart you are.
>Any other fembot here sick of seeing orbiter threads on the front page?
Stay mad, roast.
>ur jealous
Don't forget to sign your name
whats your name? why are you so jealous over some fun?
>this abomination unironically gets orbiters
>being this jealous
How do I know you're a disgusting used up whale?
To all the fema anons... tits or gtfo
How does it feel that you'll never be able to fuck her? She will never acknowledge your pathetic existence other than her desperate orbiter
>what's your name
None of your business
>why are you so jealous over some fun
I'm not, but you're projecting a ton here
I don't care if I get to fuck her or not.
yep not jealous.
>hating on bangs
and i will drop you
you asked first. theres a lot of talk over projection but all im seeing is green jealousy.
youre loving this actually, this is probably the most attention you managed to get from me.
This is the one and only image you ass hat orbiters are getting.
She can easily change her hairstyle, but it will take years of effort and money for you to lose weight and fix your ugly face.
im sorry miss. but here we like our orbitees with some personality.
try posting this over at /tv/ though. theyll orbit ya.
Wow you look fucking disgusting.
:( fine, I'll go spent me time elsewhere....
again, sir, no offense but here at r9k we like our orbitees with personality. the whole point of anonymous orbiting is to encourage growth.
again, no disrespect big guy.
Ia gobIina...
does the FBI ever wish they could orbit like we can?
>projecting your abominational flaws on someone else
The absolute state of orbiters
>Be pathetic beta cuck
>Larp is female
>Instantly collect (Yous)
yes of course, you did it for (You)s.
>be pathetic orbiter
Enough said.
They wanna orbit Terry senpai.
ITT: basic wannabe stacy tries to collect orbiters on Jow Forums because she's not pretty enough to get dicked by chad
make a discord or find some online game and use your sweet femanon voice to catch them
t. fbi damage control
Does anyone want to be my gf? You can dominate me and rob me of money, I don't care, I'm so fucking lonely please just whisper stuff into my ear and hold me please ;-;
Im sick of seeing this bitch posted here all the time with you guys being way too fucking generous with her. Bangs CAN work absolutely. But this girl is no better than a 5/10 at MOST. Stop being orbiters
I think its time for you go to back to lolcow. Not everyone is a shallow faggot who shits on uglies here. Most want to talk to and love the uggos but they end up being the same shallow creatures as you, is the real problem.
Muffy is 10/10 fuck off
Orbiters like you should 'go back' to lolcow where you can worship ugly cunts just because they have a vagina
I dont orbit popular girls like that, I "orbit" depressed uggos who dont have any other orbiters and tell then tell them that they're beautiful, but they always end up ghosting me probably for some other guy anyways or probably going into a manic depressive phase or something. I guess I'm a practice bf, which is pathetic, I can't help wanting to make them feel happy, I like to tell them they're beautiful, they really are.
They only talk to me because I have a dick, too, what of it?
What country are you originally from?
Somewhere from ex-yugo?
I don't even wanna know how ugly the orbiters here on r9k are..
fuck you now i feel bad for you
All women have a legion of orbiters ready to die for them these days. I refused to date my girlfriend till she accepted men and women can't be friends and holy fuck is it ever stable. Orbiters and roastie logic ruin everything.
Nice try, OP.
I only orbit east asian girls because I like their feet
You should get me a gf that actually loves me then.