If there was a war right now you could get killed the first few days and be remembered as a hero.
If there was a war right now you could get killed the first few days and be remembered as a hero
I fucking wish
>killed in war
>remembered as a hero
Better than kicking the bucket in your mom's basement.
At least you've done something in your life.
Nice trips but I rather die in my basement than go to war. War is fucking hell no pun intended.
Nice numeros.
>get yelled at by army dood, go out and get shot and suffer till you die
>die playing vidya, sleeping or a heart attack
Either one, everyone will forget in a short while
there was no pun in your post
>not strapping a mine to your head thus becoming the ultimate air-launched man-guided anti-personel weapon system
Plebs, all of you
>Common soldier.
Sorry we can't live to your standards, user.
The idea of getting drafted, to fight and die for a country that never really did anything for me but was once somewhere that would have been worth dying for has a certain romance to it. I'd probably shit myself though
no one would remember you
you'd probably get killed by your own squadmates during basic training
fuck off dumb sataniaposter
Make me.
Big dingus.
That garbage image is an insult to the us army and the USA
The flag has to be turned around so it seems like the soldier is always moving forward
>weeb author
Hey, at least they actually try!
you don't know how badly I want to die in combat in a juts war.
My biggest regret in life was not joining the Army and Marines when I was 18 and the Iraq/Afghanistan war was in full swing, don't care about muh fighting for the jews, I just want to die and I cant kill myself because my parents are still alive, at least then i would have died in a """honorable"""" way, now I'll have to wait for my natural death or kill myself when my parents go which could be a long fucking time.
Israel literally just called up a draft today. War is coming. This means the US will be going to war. Which also means France and UK will also be joining.
The only reason any white man should join the military in 2018 is to gain the skills necessary to defend his race in the coming RAHOWA.
You forgot to add:
>82nd Airborne
>Beach landing
Whoever drew this should be executed.
That's a river you tard
>dying for jews in some shithole is somehow an improvement over watching anime and playing vidya
get lost shill, you can try that garbage on Jow Forums where the rest of the braindead nationalists lurk
>not reading what the pic is trying to show
it's probably a riverbank
nobody would row ashore onto normandy and the 82nd saw a lot of action in the netherlands and germany so a river crossing wouldn't be out of the ordinary
It's never going to come dude, let it go.
the white race is either complacent or enthusiastic about it's downfall.
game over man
>not flying a wingsuit at the same time
fucking idiot
Post a weeb ww2 image that is not fucking insulting
If you are American, yeah, it sucks.
le subhuman zerg rush.jpg
>haha the picture you posted is COMPLETELY WRONG!!!! haha, man i sure got ya
Or could get refused entry into the military for being obese and stay home enjoying good food and the /comfy/ life with all the nice things I'm used to
t. weeb subhumans
Should have joined your glorious nippons
>people arguing over a random weeb picture found on the internet in 4 seconds
>anime (Japanese cartoon) girl fighting as an American in WWII
>America fought the Japanese in WWII
Heh, Ironic
The Japanese are very sorry for raising arms against us in WW2. If you ever go to Japan just walk up to the first attractive Jap woman you find and tell you that you demand that she let you nut on her face as reparations. She will immediately begin to suck you right there.
Wow that sounds great
God bless America
Monument to Thespian dead. Battle of Thermopylae 480 BC.
2,479 years later they haven't been forgotten.
>edgy Jow Forumstard who thinks Hitler was right and America should've stayed neutral
>also have frequent fantasies of fighting in WWII and coming home to a qt who thinks of me as a hero