Be racist and think whites are superior to the rest

>be racist and think whites are superior to the rest
>have jungle fever
how to cope with these feels?

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Just stop feeling

Stop being racist. Racism is bad.

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Not really, every race is racist to each other. That's just human nature and tribalism.
I don't hold it against blacks or asians for disliking whites because the feeling is mutual

Stop having jungle fever?
What's wrong with white girls?

Some degree of racism and stereotyping is to be expected and is pretty reasonable. It's only when you start applying value judgments which devalue a person or groups humanity that it becomes an issue.

>everybody does it, this makes it okay
way to perpetuate the status quo

Just remember it's not race mixing if it's another race's women

conquest analogy

>What's wrong with white girls?
They're whores and black girls seem more cute to me (the ones that are out of the ghetto) because black men are trash in general and treat them as such as well.
Hey, it's not like I'm hurting anyone. I'm not beating up minorities or lynching them etc, Jow Forums is the only place where I can express my thoughts. I just prefer to associate with my own people because I just don't trust the other races.

You are free to have a racist perspective and I am free to call you an idiot for having it.

>Whites are superior to everyone else but also the Jews keep outsmarting them and run the whole world

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You defeat the purpose op

This. If there is a master race it would be the Jews

Not him, but I'm a Jewish/White supremacist, but still hate Jews since they're trying to end the white race.

You're free to do so as well, to each his own. It's just the way I feel about it. Not going to have a Jow Forums sperg out because of it.
I admire jews for their cunning, that's the one thing where they're ahead of the whites.

Stop hating the other color of mnms
There is no fucking difference between the two of you fuck

What it's like to have a single digit IQ?

There is.
Blacks are inferior to the other races in terms of intelligence and achievements of invention, science and progress.

>to each his own
this such a cop out but I understand you want to let your feelings dictate your thinking.
You'll ignore the socioeconomic context for this problem and also the exceptions.

>Whites superior
>rapidly declining in wealth and power
>Population dying off

The white race are just cuckolds who fund the lifestyles of Black and Arab chads. Who else /uncletom/ here? I'm honestly tired of people pretending modern whites aren't failures. Even the left deep down has a bit of a "white mans burden" sort of motivation underlying what they do and secretly/unconciously think whites are superior. That's why they need to "save" the "oppressed". It's all nonsense, cumskins are shit.

>Jews master race

Jews are basically hyper-whites and are dying off even faster. They're a people who are literally meming themselves out of existence. Hitler damaged Jews just as much by meming them into self-destructive philosophy as much as he did by directly murdering them. Jews will die out before whites do.

How are they cute?
At best I could see some of the finer ones being lust inducing but they're hardly cute.
Is it perhaps the availability you're actually attracted too?

Show me 10 great scientific inventions by blacks.
Hell, show me fucking 5.

I'm not going to pretend like I know them off the top of my head so have this link

>First African-American woman to receive a doctorate degree in zoology
>Conducted 1940s experiments using dolls to study children's attitudes about race
>Received a patent for an improved horseshoe
>this is considered a great invention or an accomplishment to niggers
holy fuck, what a worthless race

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>ignores the exceptions
you can't even have an honest argument

Whatever ya say bud.
We'll fuckin gut ya m8, if it comes down to it of course.
The shit whites are dying off, the good ones are doing fine in private.

The idea is that Jews are more like rats: devious, highly sociable, will do anything to survive, works in packs. We are superior, but with this superiority came compassion and empathy, a trait inexistant amongst other races, our Achilles heel. They take advantage of the good nature of the European man, or rather it's recent philosophical commitment to tolerance, to destroy Western Civilisation from within. There probably isn't some organised shadowy cabal of Jews, just a multitude of Jews working for their own interests first and attacking our civilization at every turn second, it's a biological, cultural compulsion for them. They are the remnants of the Hebrews, cursed by God to roam the Earth after they refused to accept the Messiah, and as such it is ingrained in their DNA that they must do anything to bring us down: we were weary of their tricks for most of our History, until tolerance came into play.

Same. I just gave in, desu. Haven't a white girl since highschool. I just rationalize and think that I'm merely doing my part in helping elevate the black race.

>>The idea is that The human race is more like rats: devious, highly sociable, will do anything to survive, works in packs.

>jungle fever
You disgust me sir.

jews are white tho

Jews are intelligent, dishonorable, and deceptive whereas whites are intelligent, honorable, and straightforward. Not difficult to surmise why we want to destroy each other.

What about this

>Gastroscope pioneer

>Cannon, Thomas C.
>Led a group of engineers who developed the Tactical Optical Fiber Connector (TOFC), the first fiber optic connector deployed under battlefield conditions, and the ST Connector that helped make fiber optic communications affordable.

>Invented ultraviolet camera/spectograph, which was used by NASA when it launched Apollo 16 in 1972

>Led the team that developed the ISA bus, and led the design team responsible for creating the first one-gigahertz computer processor chip

Just a few that stood out to me

>a group of engineers
>the team that developed the ISA bus

"White" doesn't mean anything. It's a meaningless term invented for a continent of mutts, where it became a new ethnicity. Outside of it, no one identifies as white. You ask any European dude, if you ask him what he identifies as he'll tell you maybe his regional identity first, then his nationality, then maybe European. But not white.

So Jews may be "White", but they're not part of the European race.