Most of you guys are ok.
If you live around portland dont go to school tomorrow.
Most of you guys are ok
Other urls found in this thread:
> Portland
Nothing of value lost
Overused man.
Don't half ass it op
Go in there thinking you're going to exterminate every single last one of those motherfuckers
Op are you really seeking attention this badly? Stop being a fag.
Show pic of weapons or kys
What does the Grinch in a ski mask have to do with anything
Rest in peace, sweet avenger
Good luck to you, user!
Knock em dead.
probably bullshit
still gonna post for a chance to be on the news tho
godspeed user
I'm goin, you're not the bossa me nerd! Wutcha gonna do huh? Nothin!
haha the news is gay
godspeed, user.
make it count.
correction: Show pic of weapons and kys afterwards
Posting in case I get on the news
Is he gonna get away with it this time?
In tomorrow's news:
>Incel in a fursuit rams his scooter into pedestrians
>Kills zero, shoots self
>London Mayor proposes a ban on scooters
>larping circlejerk thread
>oh boy i hope i get on the news !!
Hello mr FBI man
It's me user
Please don't.
They're gonna blame it on the far-right and Jow Forums again and things are gonna get worse.
Can we have a beta uprising in europe aswell?
Don't forget to kill him too op
can you at least get creative and build a bomb or something? I'm so fucking sick of gun debates.
There have been so many of these already, and none of them turned out real.
have fun faggot
What's his name? originel
make sure to scream '' we did it Reddit xD''
while going for a high score
Have fun avenger.
Enjoy it to the fullest.
Honestly the best Larp I've seen today, at least you included a location.
Kek, good one user
Make those normies pay, user.
>shoots self
Cannot wait to hear about how so-and-so misses their friend/friends. Make us proud, op. Make us all proud.
See you on the news homie
Goodspeed lad. Make them pay
Did not mean to correlate them. He said "Portland". I just expect London to follow on the measures.
stop ruining the board for other users you selfish faggot now we're going to get even more scrutiny don't remove the last comfy place where i can safely shitpost
Shitty b8 m8
make it count OP
My best friend lives in Portland... actually he is a virgin in his final year of school. He helped me through some really hard times, can I ask you to postpone your plan until after he graduates OP?
I'd hate to lose the only friend I ever made...
GUYS IM ON T.V.!!!!!!!!!!!!
I believe in you annon! that you gonna kill as many as possible.
You fuckin mean ass piece a shit I'll rip both of y'all's heads off
>im going to get revenge on the world
>i picked the most sinister target possible, a school filled with children who are very similar
>yup, these people are the issue with humanity
Holy shit, do everyone else a favor and just kill yourself instead retard lol
Don't do that they'll blame the alt right and Jow Forums and we'll get more bad exposure
Make some mustard gas put in empty milk jug my favorite recipe is just some great value bleach and ammonia
oh nooo
we will, but I don't wanna die
this is a self defense situation
Please don't. You can still make it
Make them pay.
Be sure to kill more women than men.
post gun pics
also i want to be in the news
if something does hapen guys please post a thread with the article tomorrow
Mother fugging CNN hahahaha "this Jow Forums guy does it again"
Do it op join the rest of the greats
I wont make any promises
include me in the screencap pretenderfag
great, i'm sure OP will deliver
its in the fucking pic you FAGGOT.
And so another falls
and anohter one
and so on
Everyone might be missed