If you're 30+, have a stable job and a house/condo with no room mates. You have no excuse to not be smashing college age pussy.
College girls love older guys who has their shit together.
If you're 30+, have a stable job and a house/condo with no room mates...
Other urls found in this thread:
I am really fat though
Simple solution.
Eat less, move more
Is there a bigger meme than "getting your shit together"? It's basically code for be a good consumerist and mold your life after advertisements.
Yeah. Nothing sexier than a 30 year old who still lives with room mates. Or better yet, at home.
You're telling me if a male model like Nick Bateman told you he was staying with his parents you still wouldn't think he's sexy as fuck? Get the fuck out of here.
Does he?
I doubt you're anywhere near his aesthetics. So don't use that as a crutch to stand on
Just blackpill yourselves already, guys.
>home owner in an expensive area
>ivy league stem degree and m7 mba
>lucrative tech job
>all before the age of thirty
>also work out, dress well, and speak multiple languages
Too bad I'm a short, ugly, asian-american autist
I love how this stumps normies. Some even try to go through the mental gymnastics to explain my reality to their world view narrative.
I repulse females on a genetic level. They can not even stand being in my presence. Sex workers are a completely different story.
Because on the normgroid level they still think "well at least you could lure some woman to you by being her meal ticket." This is how they think because they are still on the level of mere survival and living hand to mouth, paycheck to paycheck.
How short are you?
Unless you're like 5'4" you shouldn't have trouble dating short Asian girls
>college girls love older guys who has their shit together
holy fuck get your shit together
5'2", Checkmate, I can't even get an arraigned marriage form the old country because of my height.
The funniest thing is, no one asks if I have a girlfriend, or if I'm single. They ask everyone else but me. On a subconscious level, they know their social propaganda is false. But they keep lying to themselves.
>inb4 you must be an asshole
The people at the animal shelter and the elderly care facility I volunteer at during the weekend say that I'm a nice guy. Or maybe I'm just sooooo smart at being an asshole, I can hide it from everyone.
Do you get a handicap parking pass?
>Girls love old perves who refuse to date woman their own age
aging roastie detected, cope harder
You will never get a college girlfriend. Ever. HAHAHAHA but as time goes on you're becoming creepier and creepier. You're probably already jerking off to boys in skirts. Where does it stop? When will you ever redeem yourself?
yeah but then I'd have to put up with a chick from college. fuck that lol
give me a 26 y/o-sorta-desperate-career-woman
lolcow pls go and stay go. if you are rich and under 40 you can kill it on SA because all women are whores.
im 25, have a stable job and my own condo with no roommates. im also not smashing college girls.
i fucked 19 year olds when i was 25. you're a burned out roastie. lol.
lol you really think college age girls aren't attracted towards older men?
They'd prefer kids who who still live with mom, can't take them out to nice places to eat or buy them nice gifts.
Love when they fuck in the dorm room that they have to hope no one comes barging in.
>give me a 26 y/o-sorta-desperate-career-woman
Lemme guess. You think the christmas cake office worker you see in animes is a real thing
Well you gotta put at least some effort into it
Enjoy fucking some collage girl who laughs about you behind your back while you give her all your money. Well, it won't happen because you're a broke loser. Your dreams are pathetic.
>you see in animes
>implying I watch anime
you missed the point nigger, there's plenty of parasitic women
i graduated college, i have no reason to go back to a campus or frequent a frat house or college bar. idk ho to not be a shut in at this point. 35% of my life is work, 35% is being off in my home, and the rest is stuff like sleeping, shopping, prepping for work. How do i meet people?
If he was still living with his parents he probably wouldn't be a model.
>Enjoy fucking some collage girl who laughs about you behind your back while you give her all your money.
half of them do it for free and just want a rich guy to hang out with, lel.
also, who cares, you're paying for a service. why would you care about the opinion of someone who sells sex for money? they're just a cum dumpster. in the grand scheme of things you're paying less for SBs then you would for a wife or serious girlfriend.
>tfw an oldfag with a baby face that lies about his age
Yeah people tend to fall in love with people their own age. That's why when you see young "girls" (never woman! no that's a dirty word for you) walking in public holding hands it's with a guy their own age not some fucking old pervert.
>half of them do it for free and just want a rich guy to hang out with, lel.
So they're worthless cum dumpsters, prostitutes and apparently they're gonna do it for free because you're so rich. Okay user.
literally DYOR on seekingarrangement
>That's why when you see young "girls" (never woman! no that's a dirty word for you) walking in public holding hands it's with a guy their own age not some fucking old pervert.
kek, she holds hands with her "boyfriend" then goes and does anal with a rich guy for new earrings once he goes to sleep. all women are whores.
Okay well like I originally said, go pay someone to laugh at you behind your back but it's pathetic. Nothing you do will ever take away from the fact that you are creepy, no amount of money you make will ever make anyone love you.
Okay go buy those nasty whores some jewelry. You're some weird cuck and you need therapy. So your mother is a whore? God she must be so happy you refuse to move out.
Why do women produce biblical levels of salt on Jow Forums? I thought they were equal and just as strong as men?
he doesnt care if they laugh behind his back. nothing is better than fucking a tight, young pussy, even if they're only doing it for his money/status. stay mad, roastie.
>Okay well like I originally said, go pay someone to laugh at you behind your back but it's pathetic. Nothing you do will ever take away from the fact that you are creepy, no amount of money you make will ever make anyone love you.
lel tell that to basically any multimillionaire. also you are right about money not making anyone love you, women do not feel love in the first place.
>Okay go buy those nasty whores some jewelry. You're some weird cuck and you need therapy. So your mother is a whore? God she must be so happy you refuse to move out.
she was unironically a heroin user LEL, so in all likelihood she was a thot. it's so bizarre that somehow having a girlfriend/wife who will later rape you in divorce court is socially acceptable, but isn't acceptable to pay a tiny percent of that for a hot 18 year old.
women are meant to be bought and used. that is literally what marriage is, a contract that lets a man pay a portion of his earnings to ensure that he can have children that are biologically his and a wife that will do her share of childrearing. Of course this is now impossible because she will take at least half of your money, and children and then neglect them so she can go to sex clubs or something. in the long run the 18 year old SBs make more sense financially.
Maybe because this is a website dedicated to telling me I need to have my head ripped off and then my body nailed to a wall so robots can use my holes (my only worth) ?...
Okay please stop complaining woman only want chad when you're entirely superficial, thanks.
The marriage rates are going down because woman are financially independent so no longer need to put up with your shit anymore. Your personality is too garbage to warrant having you moping around the house being a pig, littering porn and backpage advertisements around the house
>If you're 30+, have a stable job and a house/condo with no room mates. You have no excuse to not be smashing college age pussy.
How am I supposed to approach college pussy when if I even approach this sort of girl they look at me like a pedo?
It's got to the point where even women I know for 1 year or more act like im going to rape them.
Even 25 year olds act this way, how the fuck am I going to approach college poon?
Having said that, I do tend to get attention from 18 year old girls when I go to festivals, so maybe going younger is the key (before they learn the ways)
I could be smashing college puss right now If I had a big enough dick and the confidence that comes with it. Every time I go out to clubs, girls always come up to me and start grinding on me.
>Maybe because this is a website dedicated to telling me I need to have my head ripped off and then my body nailed to a wall so robots can use my holes (my only worth) ?...
So then why do you come here
I have my own mobile home and fulk time stable job with my own car and no roommate. And my own dog.
Kill me.
>Okay please stop complaining woman only want chad when you're entirely superficial, thanks.
make no mistake, this is purely a reaction to female superficiality. men are problem solvers, when you pose the "modern dating/marriage market" problem to a bunch of autists, they relatively quickly discover 80/20, theories of looksmaxing, plastic surgery, SA, etc.
>Maybe because this is a website dedicated to telling me I need to have my head ripped off and then my body nailed to a wall so robots can use my holes (my only worth) ?...
no, what men want from women is very simple:
>do not be fat
>do not be a whore, it's an embarrassment
>do your share of child-rearing
>do not rape him in divorce court because you were bored one day and wanted fresh dick
not really a demanding set of conditions, but still too much for modern women, I'm afraid.
>The marriage rates are going down because woman are financially independent so no longer need to put up with your shit anymore.
this is unironically true, the rise in bullshit jobs for women, tinder etc. leads to runaway hypergamy and harem culture, which you can observe on any college campus, since women don't "need" anyone to provide for them, which brings us down the road to neomatriarchy and/or 1.3 TFR, after 4 generations of which almost all our time will be spent on elder care. Independent Women still of course deserve alimony and child custody despite the demonstrable badness of single moms. ZERO incentive for men to get married, which is why men are turning to shit like SA instead. Plus who wants to marry a collective of women who are largely STD-riddden prostitutes? Many, many women have traded sex for money.
I'm allowed to do whatever I want because I have human rights now.
Okay what woman want is a man who spends his time posting online about how he wants to fuck 18 year olds but everyone looks at him like he's a pedo because he's too superficial to ever date his own age Honestly you write so boring it's hard to read. You think you're smart because you base your worldviews on r/redpill infographics, I find that embarrassing, much more then a woman enjoying her sexuality. Which you would do if you could, but you're jealous. Time to take the leap and take hormones, buy a wig and some skirts so you can live out your fantasies.
>I'm allowed to do whatever I want because I have human rights now.
>suffragettes in Britain bomb people's homes and shame men over not wanting to go get gassed in a fucking trench in world war 1, while in all likelihood cheating on the poor Bong while his lungs burn choking on mustard gas
>men feel bad and allow you to have rights
>keep pushing the envelope anyway, you need to be able to financially rape them and take their children too along with giving them oral cancer as a parting gift from your previous days as a whore
>to put icing on the cake, always vote for further third-world invasions to financially crush men even further
Where is the good here? Not seeing it.
revealed preferences show that what women actually want is a few hundred dollars, at which point they are up for anything.
>Okay what woman want is a man who spends his time posting online about how he wants to fuck 18 year olds but everyone looks at him like he's a pedo because he's too superficial to ever date his own age
first of all, no one except Wall-tier women think this, least of all men. Second, women are at least as superficial as men if not more so, only social shaming keeps runaway hypergamy in check, or else we would have most women openly opting for harems.
>Which you would do if you could, but you're jealous.
Just have money. It's easy. Women will do anything for money. Most men have to actually, you know, work if they want to be able to have the ease of access to sexual pleasure that the average woman does. 80% of men are ugly by women's own logic, so you either need to be genetically gifted, willing to pay up for plastic surgery, or willing to drop money on SBs. Think about it this way if you're rich, say 100m. Your future wife will get bored and take 50 of that, but you could've fucked probably thousands of 18 year old college girls for the same money. Neither one will love you, as women do not love. Which one makes more sense?
>You think you're smart because you base your worldviews on r/redpill infographics
At what point in my comment did I claim to be smart? It's actually far from that. And the closest thing to an infographic that has been posted all thread is your image.
>you base your worldviews on r/redpill infographics
No, everything I've typed is based on experience, I think you just aren't used to talking to people over 35.
Don't expect any more replies.
Too long didn't read. I don't want to join a harem though. Not sure about the bombing references.
read about the suffragette movement in Britain, they among other things bombed the Prime Minister's house I believe, then, they gave white feathers (I think?) to young men who didn't want to go get gassed in WW1 to shame them as cowards.
also lel at the idea that women don't cheat more than men. women lie on such surveys. most divorces are initiated by women and all of those women have another man they've already seeing once they demand a divorce. i can't even remember the last breakup I've seen that was from a man cheating, but I know quite a few where the woman cheated.
Okay well who instigates the wars? Who funds the wars? Who drafts you to fight in wars? All men, why do you have to rope woman into this like it's ANYTHING to do with us.
That's colloquial evidence. My fee fees give me a bias that makes me pick out things in my environment to prove the opinions I already have! Also woman shouldn't have rights because of feathers! The state of you.
(Not Him)
TLDR: an aging roastie lost an argument after getting triggered at the male preference towards younger women who have had less sexual partners.
I almost feel bad for you. Maybe you should have taken some time to develop some personality, you vapid cunt.
No I just didn't read it but now that you're bringing up looks which of these are you?
>Small dick
>Bad hygeine
And now I guess you say you're actually a rich chad and you're just passing through?
Just stop embarrassing yourself roastie whore. Tick tock, better find that beta provider now before you loose your looks and you're worthless forever.
It's pathetic to shame men for being cowards for not wanting to die choking on mustard gas in the most pointless of all wars that was basically the death of Europe. Women can't even take being shamed for being a prostitute, as in, acting according to their nature. LOL
Either men can have power or women can have power. It cannot be both ways. Currently, women have power. If you do not believe this, I encourage you to work at a major American corporation or university and unironically defend patriarchy. You will be out of a job and on 10 Silicon blacklists within a week. Fortunately there are many existing examples of matriarchal systems for us to choose from. They are all shit. Most never made it anywhere past the tribal stage, and in many such cases people of both genders live lives of horrific violence. The long-run trajectory of women is to reduce us to tribal matriarchy so they can fuck around more while being paid by men to do so. This cannot be allowed. The system of male power is objectively superior to the female one. Again, on the current trajectory of female power we have out of control government spending, revival of harems, endless third-world influxes, massive government and corporate inefficiencies due to misguided attempts to include more women, and 1.3 TFR so that in 3 generations we will have a population reduction of 70%. All because women think 80% of men are ugly and want to spend all their time fucking.
No, I diet and work out three times a week and carry a fair amount of muscle mass compared to the average person
No, not yet, although I probably have the genes for it
>Small dick
Wrong again. It's a bit too long and I jab women in the cervix. I could use some more girth, like everyone else.
No, I can only manage to grow about five chest hairs, which is fine by me.
>Bad hygiene
I mean, I don't shower every day but I'll never be as unhygienic as someone with a festering wound that won't close.
I'm also 6'2, believe it or not. I don't see why you're so amazed that attractive people also think you are a resentful whore. You could have dated up when you had the chance and been married, instead you fucked around so much and are now angry that men your age want to date down.
Keep coping, it just makes you even more obnoxious and unwanted. Maybe you can hit up the bar tonight and find someone that will want to be with your aged festering hole for a whole 30 minutes before fleeing when you open your mouth afterward.
And what's your worth huh cuck boi? Jerking off? HA, that's not a skill.
Just stop replying to her. Why are you feeding the troll? She's clearly deranged and wondered over from the mental ward with her panties trailing around her ankles.
I'm bored and taking a break from studying, and hoping to make some more men wise to the depths of the woman problem. This thread is proving to be good instructional material.
I don't know, I think it's pretty funny and I want to see if I can make 'her' understand that she is basically the Fox and the Grapes on this issue.
Yes but who MADE that war? Woman? What's wrong with you. It's created by men and most woman are pretty fucking pacifist. Men had ALL the power for eons and the moment you can't literally buy a woman as a slave you kick up a fuss about being blue balled. No one's going to want to be with you if you're so misogenistic. Get up with the times, geezer.
Stop replying to my other post it's confusing.
We wouldn't even have a civilization with which to engage in civilization-shattering wars if not for male power, though. Almost all matriarchal systems basically never made it past the tribal stage. Patriarchy is unironically an innovation, in that it gets men to invest in society in exchange for having a wife who will have a kid that is in fact his, thus making him less likely to act like a nigger. Coincidentally, here in America we effectively allowed our Black community to revert to matriarchy starting in the 60s, at which point they devolved into, well, niggers. This is the end point of the female power grab.
fuck that shit you have more to lose if you have your shit together. women are emotional children that will cry rape if you don't commit.
You've been drinking too much of the kool-aid
I'm not asking about the technicalities of you being able to (i.e., CAN you come here), but the emotional reasons (i.e., why do you WANT to come here)
I don't really want to turn this into a race issue. Crime is done by males, period.
>Men accounted for 80.4 percent of persons arrested for violent crime
>Males were more likely to be murder victims (76.8%).
Same thing with your war argument. You guy's kill each other then go online and advocate raping and beating woman.
It's not a true patriarchy in the sense of the word. Men don't have all the power, a very selective group of men have all the political power. Most men weren't sitting around trying to start a war with the Germans. They fought wars because they wanted to protect their family and country.
If someone is going to make the point that men are violent, why don't we take that further to minority groups of men that are much more violent than white men, like African Americans. The reality is, only a minority of men are violent, usually people low socioeconomically with low agreeableness. Women with the same trait are also pretty violent, it's just that men are more likely to be low in agreeableness in the first place, due to our evolution, so there's more violent men.
Also your stats are off. Some crime, like embezzlement and poison is mostly done by women. Women also get men to kill other men and the stats don't reflect that.
I'm getting tired of this thread. I come here because I'm a NEET with no life and it's a bad habit. Why do you come here? It's a garbage board and it's infested with /lgbt/ psyops
The point of feminism wasn't to take all the power it's about equality. It's about woman being treated with equal rights, not like property. Some woman don't want to be at home getting beaten or cheated on, or yelled at and abused with no way to escape the situation. It's dramatic but the 50s wasn't all sunshine and daisies and being a domestic slave for a tyrant isn't everyone's ideal. Also some woman don't want to pump out babies, just like some men don't want to. Maybe they want to go to university, maybe they want to buy their own house. All things you find totally fine for a man to do. Focus on improving yourself and being a great "husband" and then bother looking for a perfect non-roastie whore virgin 16 year old asian waifu. I'm too tired to reply more.
>Men had ALL the power for eons and the moment you can't literally buy a woman as a slave you kick up a fuss about being blue balled. No one's going to want to be with you if you're so misogenistic.
kek, when has misogyny ever stopped a man from getting some? If he is rich or handsome he'll be fine. The next time a woman leaves a boyfriend or husband who beats her and doesn't apologize for him constantly will be the first. I already know no one will 'want' to be with me, as I am not in the top 10% of male attractiveness, so money is my only option here.
She's a woman from lolcow. Women become deeply distressed when others criticize them.
It's not a race issue, the point is that the sort of social arrangements advocated by women have been tried many times, both by primitive tribes and even here in the US. In all cases they end in societies wracked by extreme violence, despair, illegitimacy, etc. Seriously read about how many of these "noble savages" live, it is fucking brutal. In proper patriarchy one has a two-sided partnership. Women give man some justification for investing into society, namely that he can have children that are in fact his and a wife to help him raise them, which prevents him from degenerating into a nigger. Women are expected to adhere to a double standard and be chaste. This arrangement curbs the dark side of both genders - men's tendency to engage in nigger-tier violence and degeneracy and women's tendency to devolve into sex-crazed thots. Now that women are getting more power we're seeing the negation of this as women are becoming thots again and males are becoming more violent and are starting to be considered a threat by the State.
>tfw almost hitting 30
>still lives with parents
Actually-existing feminist society doesn't have any incentive structure for men to buy into it. There's nothing strictly wrong with women owning property, going to university, etc. and beating your wife is in fact bad and nigger-tier. However, the reality is that men have everything to lose from attempting to buy into the current system, as in, at least 50% of their wealth and their children, for very little gain and a high level of risk, considering that the fickleness of female attraction is well-known. If women aren't going to be financial dependents and thus encouraged to stick to a marriage and not be a whore, then the obvious solution is to give men preference in child custody, as we all know single motherhood outcomes are bad anyway.
You can't just say feminism and not specify the wave and then imply that modern feminism is still fighting for equal rights, when they are already have more rights then men if you include things like the Violence Against Women Act, where men get arrested on sight despite women being more likely to abuse their partner than visa versa. It's to the point where you are arguing against people making sexual jokes and deciding that women are going to get all the top jobs that men have but they are not going to do any of the dangerous ones. By the way, men account for something like 99% of workplace fatalities.
Women were perfectly happy being house wives when it meant not dying in war, in a mine, drowning while fishing, and the millions of other dangerous jobs before the swing of the industrial revolution when the wealthy decided jobs were safe enough at that point and they could effectively double the labor force overnight.
How does anything you say refute that men would prefer younger women, by the way?
>Focus on improving yourself and being a great "husband" and then bother looking for a perfect non-roastie whore virgin 16 year old asian waifu.
You're seriously giving me advice when you're obviously unhappy and can't find a proper mate because no one likes you and you don't have your youth to stand on? Fuck off with that shit.
Shit, I should mention that I already improve myself so I have the pick of the litter of various women, someone who isn't completely ugly inside and out, not so I'll become a "great husband" for some cunt out there. I'd rather be alone in that case.
Yeah so basically you want to maintain all the power because it's in your best interest. But there's no other argument except: I'm a man and I want men to have more control, because that directly benefits me. And? That doesn't benefit the other 50% of the population either. What if I said you shouldn't be allowed to own property that would be entirely absurd. I doubt you contribute anything exciting to society.
I'm not well read on feminism admittedly and I'm not sure what else I need to know about it, or the history of it. Like I already said war is instigated by men, men are drafting you, men are making money and it's very little to do with woman. Also men are attacking and killing each other and I highly doubt you yourself would go work in a mine considering you're a fancy, pancy soft woman-like whiney brat on the internet. I'm in my 20s but you're right there is no man I want to date currently.
I agree. Being alone isn't so bad.
Like if you guys want to claim that anything a man has done in the past, regardless of how you would never do it yourself then I'm fucking Mother Teresa. I hate you robots. I fucking hate you, from the bottom of my souless, whore heart.
I got a global ban for saying I trip manlets over in public. I STILL LAUGH ABOUT IT.
>Yeah so basically you want to maintain all the power because it's in your best interest. But there's no other argument except: I'm a man and I want men to have more control, because that directly benefits me.
It's in everyones' best interests. There are essentially no successful matriarchies except our rapidly-imploding post-60s one. You can have either a matriarchy or a patriarchy. Matriarchies are bad, evidence: the real world. The key point is that feminist society must, at least, be modified so that there's some incentive for men to buy in and women to behave themselves. The most obvious solution is to give men priority custody of kids.
It's about long run outcomes. Does violence against women exist in patriarchal society? Yes. Does it exist in matriarchal society? Much more so.
The worlds going to shit man. We have massive resource depletion. Consumerism and over population has ruined everything. Maybe if we kill off all the incels we'll have more fresh water to go around in the future?
>tfw 30+
>tfw own nothing
>tfw haven't worked in years
>tfw still occasionally smash college age pussy
>tfw would happen more often if I went out more
Why do you think all this great society that's doomed the earth is so great? Did you ever read that guy who used to mail bombs manifesto? The industrial revolution was a mistake. Thanks you dicks, fucking assholes
>You've been drinking too much of the kool-aid
I wish but that was the story of mattress girl. she was mad at chad for not committing and she cried rape. I am not risking my fortune when women are desperate for settlement money. if you want to be the next bill cosby then be my guess.
>We have massive resource depletion.
Well, many of those surplus populations are in poor third-world countries that receive a lot of food aid, much of it from women who feel bad for them. Then they move to our countries, also because women feel bad for them...
>Consumerism and over population has ruined everything.
Consumerist messaging was originally targeted at women, and women buy more shit in general.
>Maybe if we kill off all the incels we'll have more fresh water to go around in the future?
The easiest way to reduce the population is to stop sending food aid to Africa. I don't think most women would go for that one, though. Then they'd demand that we take care of all the poor starving africans by moving them here instead.
Ted has some good points, but imo many of the problems he diagnoses are pathologies of liberal society in particular.
> I highly doubt you yourself would go work in a mine considering you're a fancy, pancy soft woman-like whiney brat on the Internet
If it was my only option, I would. Quit projecting your own weakness onto me. My whole family one generation ago was mostly either miners, soldiers, or fishermen and we are from one of the most barren parts of the world.
Saying war is instigated by men is like saying humans are cannibals, it doesn't hold up when you actually look at it and is logically incoherent. Some people are cannibals, a very small minority. Some men instigate war, a very small minority. You're so privileged that if a war broke out, you would be ducking and covering while someone else fights it for you. A culture that truly hated women would use you as cannon fodder, if you weren't useless in combat.
>here is no man I want to date currently.
That's no wonder. You're like every other feminist women who hates the weak men that she believe she should want. Anyone that would agree with your terrible understanding of the world is metaphorically dickless and undoubtedly turns the most reverent feminist cunt's vagina into the Sahara.
So I need more or less dick which is it
You need more perception and knowledge, something that likely only men could give you. I never stated you should have sex with men, that won't solve the problem. You should understand that people have made women out to be something that they are not and it hurts both sexes. There's more men better at leadership than women, therefore there's more men at the top. Men are more dispensable than women, therefore there's more men at the bottom.
You don't want the type of mate that you think you should desire, so you're lonely even in a world with a bunch of faggots pretending to be male feminists. You don't even understand your own biology or nature, you're just unhappy and are trying to pin the blame on us.
Can confirm. I have a 19 year old girlfriend, she loves my car and she say's I'm mature.
I've never spoken to a male feminist before. I wouldn't really say I'm one either but if you say hey maybe woman aren't sex objects...? You get called an old, fat feminazi who's dying alone surrounded by cats.
>you're just unhappy and are trying to pin the blame on us.
Pretty much r9k in a nutshell isn't it
>have stable job and have shit together
woops lol
Sorry here's your (you) user. I'm going to sleep.
I am poor, also pretty fit but not a great face. Fat guys with better face and average job get more pussy than I do
>Pretty much r9k in a nutshell isn't it
No really. Men of r9k are unhappy for a lot of perceived reasons and most of them are correct. We see the end of society due to terrible self serving behavior, a world where nothing matters anymore and all that remains is topical bullshit. There's no place for us, we're not even allowed to speak freely or interact with each other without offending the masses, and while pointing it out, we ironically get called out for being too emotional and not sucking it up like a man.
>I've never spoken to a male feminist before
They're called liberals. They just didn't figure out that calling themselves a male feminist could possibly get them laid.
> hey maybe woman aren't sex objects
How about you gain some personality instead of reading shitty woman magazines and bitching about men leaving the seat up? Women treat themselves like sex objects, it's no wonder why some men believe it as well.
>You get called an old, fat feminazi who's dying alone surrounded by cats.
All of that is true. Your resentment of men has grown to the point where you don't even like the men who agree with you. Instead of improving yourself or settling down to make up with your failing youth, you blame men for their hardwired evolution and maintain that it doesn't matter that you're now obese, slept with a dozen guys, and expect a fit man with a good job and a personality that you won't find in anyone that would actually date you.
Money is actually below appearance and personality(As in natural game). There's countless men with 100K jobs that cannot land a single date.
Fat guys overwhelmingly have tremendous trouble with women.
Not when you are 30, a man who is 30 or older and has no money is a complete failure
Your age isn't the problem, women still date attractive 30 year old unemployed men with good game. Not all of them will settle, some will, but the point is money is pretty far down on the list.
Old whores who can't do any better and want an easy life will pick someone with money and not much else, but most women won't, which is why there's the Elliot Rodgers of the world and lonely millionaires.
Watch this part of this film where they brig men into a room and adjust their jobs, salary, status and see how the women view them.
On second thought no sense in watching the whole movie, just watch this:
and the opposite is essentially being a socially crippled internet addict, a good little slave to the glowing screen and e-commerce. in b4
>ad blockers and vpn
>implying they do anything to protect your data or protect you from shilling