I did it Jow Forums
I bought a realdoll
So far so good, the sex was much needed and she is beautiful, its going to be nice to no longer want porn when I masturbate as I have a lovely companion!
Lets talk about real dolls here then
I did it Jow Forums
I bought a realdoll
So far so good, the sex was much needed and she is beautiful, its going to be nice to no longer want porn when I masturbate as I have a lovely companion!
Lets talk about real dolls here then
Why didn't you make her thicker in the hips, ass, and tits department? Also are you strong enough to do standing missionary with that thing?
Too soon man... what the fuck is your problem?
If he makes his own money he can spend it how likes?
This guy gets it
Sauce on the girl in pic ? She cant be a doll
explain please for the retards here like me
Are people really this new?
OP answer the fucking questions you giant faggot.
I want one to an extent so I can practice making out with a girl and fucking a girl. I would also love to use one to develop the muscles to lift a girl up while fucking her, practice squats while carrying one or something.
Just forget about, you don't wanna know newfag. It'll traumatize you for life.
too soon wtf user ???
Can someone tell me who that is? Orbfhfjd
Board is fucked beyond repair x 197
Girl in the picture is real, and dead
Oh cmon OP you took it too far, these jokes were never funny
Yes, yes, faggot, now tell me who this is, I don't even care if she's dead, just tell me.
thats all?
man i was expecting a lot worse
Really op now u joke about it? Ur a massive faggot.
kys faggot. just forget about it.
Just be glad user stopped where he did...fucking worst story I have heard on the Internet
that's sad. how did she die?
Please plz tell me the story. Was she raped to death or something? How did she die? There are no visible wounds on the body
She is dead in that picture. Like the most beautiful corpse.
too soon
not original
But who is she and how did she die?
Was about to say looked too realistic to be a doll
Well, technically its a doll now...
yeah i got that but i know there more to the story that people arnt telling
>real dolls
pic related
Stop while you can. There are some stories you shouldnt ever hear. If this was a map, ahead would warn of dragons
So why didn't anybody post the rest of the photos yet?
I really want to know even more now. Can you guys stop being drama queens please?
Here's a third one. I don't have any more saved.
How did she die? There is no damage on her body.
IIRC she drank alcohol with methanol in it or something like that.
she's not dead you cucks, she has some kind of condition, her name is Mary-Ann Rialeb
But if we lurk and no one speaks of it, then how am I supposed to learn the depravity of the human soul? Please tell me, I can take it.
I agree with this fellow. Please enlighten us as to what befell this poor maiden.
Go to the archives. No one in their right mind talks about it anymore
Nigga that was debunked years ago. Bitch in the pics is dead and her parts in at least 2 countries. Some real sick fucks out there
What do I look for in the archives? Snuff film? Kidnap and rape?
If you want to know so fucking bad, just reverse image search any of the photos.
I will give you a hint because you newfags need to shut the fuck up
>3 pics of this girl
>she is dead in 2, alive in 1
>find what is different between the pre and post mortem pics
She drunk anti-freeze mixed with alcohol, died, and then some faggot took photos and made her pose, but didn't realise she was dead.
Did I stumble into a twilight zone where people on Jow Forums are faggots or something, not even that big of a deal.
A big part of the joke is posting stuff like "too soon" and acting like it's a big deal.
That was debunked by the coroners report dumb dumb
She's not dead, she's a model. This meme is so shit
Everytime thats posted some one says too soon
Saw it a few years ago on b and still dont know what it is.
Everyone was a newfag once.
That doesn't excuse op from posting this distasteful image. Have you no compassion for her poor family?
Long story short for those who aren't familiar: it's a hoax, just do a reversed image search, it has been circling around since 2012 as a method to scare away new visitors and most importantly repel those who aren't ''worthy'' of partaking in Jow Forums, usually those who are intrigued by it and it doesn't scare them away are already messed up, so they just further act out on self-destructive behavior until they end up adapting to the old visitors, that is how basically how 4channers preserve their collective spirit
Oohhh and that's why there are multiple so-called "legends" that are actually made-up stories like the mary-ann antifreeze one
Cause I honestly never bought the "you didn't respond so I'll just continue like nothing's wrong" scenario
show us the poontaqin
Fucking stop it, this completely destroyed her family.
You know you're old when the people that are using this site don't even know the too soon meme
Jow Forums has been taken over by normalfags
kill yourself spoonfeeding redditor