Have you ever caught a girl checking you out? It's the best feeling in world

Have you ever caught a girl checking you out? It's the best feeling in world.

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I don't know man. There was this one girl in class who I would always accidentally have long eye contact with and she would smile, I would ironically wink or raise my eyebrows at her and she would do the same and we would often do it afterwards. I don't know what she meant by that though so I ignored it.

We graduated, haven't seen her since.

Close lip smile or did you get teeth?
Teeth = she was into you.

Are you fucking kidding me!!?!?!
I wish shit like that happened.

I love it when girls casually glance down at your pants bulge.

We see it ladies. You ain't that sneaky.

Teeth because she would break into a smile and giggle a bit if eye contact was held for several seconds, kinda like those staring competitions you would have with someone

She was into you dude. Should have made a move.

I only get dudes checking me out because I fell for the Jow Forums meme

>be me
>sit at the train
>girl sits in front of me
>check her out
>she clearly notices it and puffs out her chest, changes her posture
>every few seconds she looks at me, and I look back
>eventually make eye contact
>I start blushing like a motherfucker
>look at her again, she's clearly flattered
>about a week later cross her on my way to uni
>she makes the same face as on the train
>never saw her again

yeah, so? they do the same thing to hundreds of guys, same as we do to girls, it's nothing special

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You chads are lucky. Every girl I see just stares at her phone and won't give a shit about my existence.

If a girl is checking you out it means she thinks you're attractive. She wanted you to make a move.

Nope. Too ugly.

no never ever nevernne ever

I made a cute girl spaghetti recently but I forgot to get her name or anything so I guess I'll never marry her

>Hey, champ, I think I saw a few girls eyeballing you while we were at the grocery store. If you were a little more confident and put your mind to it I'm sure you could get a girlfriend. That's how I met your mother!

No idea because I dont look at women.
>inb4 gay
I have no reason, none of them arent gonna be interested in me, best to keep any intrusive thoughts out of my mind and not fall to the mental pit.

yes but then they NOPE the fuck out once I say anything to them

>Have you ever caught a girl checking you out?
the eyes of women pass over me like i was a beggar asking for change

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Never noticed any doing so. Probably none ever have.

>last week
>browsing drinks at a deli before ordering a sandwich
>cutest clerk girl keeps looking at me
>catch her dead in the eyes and she smiles (with teeth)
>bring my coconut water to the counter
>how can I help you?
>panic attack ensues
>try to get my custom sandwich order out
>letterally cant stop blinking or look at her
>are you ok?
>uh, im sorry, just the d-drink please
>no food?
>no thanks
>drop dollar and spill change all over counter
>enjoy your drink, sir
>t-thanks, you too
>shart in the car

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I assumed girls never checked me out because I always thought I was ugly. I ignored girls everywhere basically.

After getting over my crippling anxiety/depression (took my whole 20's pretty much) I realized that I was actually an OK-looking guy. So then I began to hit on girls when I noticed them checking me out. I eventally became a normie.

It's nice when you catch a girl looking at your crotch.

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If you can answer "yes" or some other type of positive response, you do not belong on this board. Get out.

God I can still imagine the look of this overweight but curvy supersmart hardworking qt who was just staring at my bulge.

>be me
>be 17
>was 6'3 at the time and experimenting with growing a beard so I looked older than I was
>working summer job at Lowe's as cashier to have spending money
>amazonian black girl who's in her late twenties walks up to the register with her skinny pale boyfriend
>didn't notice when she started checking me out since I was busy scanning their stuff
>look up to smile and do the whole "Find everything you were looking for? Would you like to buy insurance for that tool?" routine
>she's giving me the "fuck me" eyes like subtly isn't in her vocabulary
>boyfriend doesn't notice and she doesn't seem to care he's standing right next to her

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Twice from the same girl. She was a stranger and I never got to speak with her

>fall asleep on bus
>wake up suddenly, see girl looking at me
>she looks away, then looks back again and smiles
>months later
>on the bus again
>arrive at my stop
>wait by exit door
>see the same girl sitting down
>she smiles as I get off
>as bus drives off see her smile again through the window
>don't see her after that
>go to different job so don't take the same bus anymore

Really regret not saying anything. Then again, what would I even say?

>Have you ever caught a girl checking you out?
never now get the fuck out normie

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Only from spics, mutts, and blasians. Probably because even though I am ugly and slightly below average height for a white man, I am probably the only blue-eyed, blonde haired person in my entire city
>tfw live in the hellhole called urban America

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>Then again, what would I even say?

>"Hi, I'm user. Here's my number. If you ever want to grab a drink sometime give me a call."

It really is that easy.

haha lol. U mad bro?

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>sit down at restaurant
>notice teenage girl with her mother keeps staring at me when she thinks I'm not looking

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I know you guys might think it's a meme but it's fucking real guys. I was a hopeless robot, one day I'm walking with my mom and she points out some girl looking at me saying she likes me, it's a girl I recognized from school peripherally. I'm like yeah right ok, and then I came across her and said the most autistic thing in the moment: "My mom saw you looking at me and said you liked me, I didn't believe her". And as you know about "Chads" if a girl likes the look of you you could say anything to strike up the convo. And I was a chubby no-confidence loser with 0 experience, it went pretty well. Please don't let the moment pass you by even if you get rejected, you never know...

I traded smiles with a cute asian girl once

uhh that's about it

Hell no. You think I'm some fucking normie? 26 years and not one extra glance from a female.

better than touching titties?

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>"My mom saw you looking at me and said you liked me, I didn't believe her"

This was physically painful to read.


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Yes. It makes my heart go pitter patter and I get all tingly inside. But then I immediately go into desperate fantasy mode, the shame overtakes me, and I regret it all.

>tfw this has never happened to you
>girls actually avoid looking in your direction everywhere you go
Why did I have to be born ugly? it's not fair

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>I think I saw a few girls eyeballing you while we were at the grocery store. If you were a little more confident and put your mind to it I'm sure you could get a girlfriend.
My mom told me this sort of shit a couple times. She was probably lying to give me more confidence and I knew it even at the time. I've never noticed a girl repeatedly looking my way. At least she never says things like that anymore, since I'm not a teenaged boy any longer and I'm just a disgusting, hairy, short, balding man, and she's given up hope.

No, I'm not a Chad, I'm an actual robot who deserves to post here and belong to a community of fellow social pariahs.

Chad fucking normie scum

It depends on where you are desu. In the UK pretty much every girl that walks past me looks straight down. I've been approached a few of times by drunken whores on the street (in 4 fucking years). Back in slavland qts make way more eye contact.

I once noticed a very young girl (around 10-12 y.o, not attractive for me) checking me hard in a boat trip, even my mom told me after the trip that this girl was looking at me the whole trip.

I pray for the day when this happens for me. I turn my eyes towards others, hoping to see their eyes looking back at me. I only see their backs as they walk away.

My condolences, fellow slavbot. Sharing an island with degenerate drunk uk landwhales is soul tearing experience. 9/10 in UK is comparable to 6/10 slavette.

Sure. Girls even turn their heads when I pass by. But I am way too shy too do anything about any of that. I only can make myself pickup girls when I had some beers

I was buying lunch at a drive through restaurant a couple of days ago, and while I was staring into space while waiting for my food, a lady must have thought that I was staring at her and started waving at me.

I wouldn't have known if it happened anyway.

Girls tend to smile at me. Some girl did this really weird thing today I just can't wrap my head around. You know when you're walking and you're start waving your head up and down for no reason? well she smiled at me then looked away and did that. It was honestly quite weird, what was even weirder was that she was a literal 10/10 and extremely stacey tier. Maybe i'm just thinking too hard. As an op said earlier, it wasn't full teeth too so it probably meant nothing at all to her. Still made me feel really good about myself for awhile, I felt like a fucking chad god tier alpha male.

And I'll go through life knowing that no female will ever think about my suitability as a partner

Yes. She wanted me. She also wanted kids.
>Oh well

She was in her car at a stoplight and she waved at me and smiled.
Does that count?

I don't have much to see.

>walk into Wendy's half awake, place is mostly empty
>only one cashier girl at the front, she's kinda cute
>after I order and we're both standing there, she stammers something
>"I-I like your shirt" and she smiles at me
>it was just a shirt with a samurai and moonrunes on it
>take my shit and leave, only process what just happened as I was walking out the door

>And it's another thread about failed normies and chad bragging about how so many girls fawn over them which are either true or they are simply deluded.

>You know when you're walking and you're start waving your head up and down for no reason?

what the fuck are you talking about

>My mom saw you looking at me and said you liked me, I didn't believe her
5 seconds ago I didn't believed that I could be deeply and intellectually offended by a phase not directed to me

Dude I have no clue how to fucking explain it. It was weird as fuck. She probably has literally no interest in me anyways, just thought i'd keep my hopes up after that shit. I'm literally loser tier when it comes to stacies, they smile at me and I think i've got them when i'm just like every other fucking guy. feelsbadman.

Well at least you got quads.

Maybe that means it actually meant something. Capitalizing tomorrow. Well see what happens.

...I don't want to be like you. Gonna talk to her tomorrow. Thanks dude.

Happens all the time at the gym. Sadly I'm too chickenshit to approach them.

idk if this means she likes me, but some qt girl sat next to me in after school classes and im sure she was copying my mannerisms. i even made sure by leaning on my hand and crossing my arms and she did the same as me. is this a sign or do i have autism?

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The only thing girls check about me is my dubs

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What a faiIure. A wreck.