Not being able to run a mile in 6 minutes

>not being able to run a mile in 6 minutes
>why even live?

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I used to be the guy on the wrestling team that would everybody restart the runs because I kept walking. I still never ran a full mile and it's been 4 years.

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That's pretty pathetic my dude.

I used to have asthma as a child maybe that's why my cardiovascular system is so shit?

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I'd imagine you were bad at wrestling too. What was your record? On varsity I was 3-9 Sophomore year, 20-19 junior year and 21-11 senior year.

I had a friend on the track team who had asthma and was pretty damn fast

Yeah but to be fair long distance and short distance running are different.

No, you just don't run enough to become good at running and your cardiovascular system never adapts.

I've run a sub 6:00 and I have exercise induced asthma. Not everyone will never be able to run that pace but you still should be able to improve a lot.

Best I could do in high school was 5:20.
You can't be proud of your ability as a runner unless you can run sub 5.

I never won a match. I'd just make it look like I was trying my best by driving the opponent on to the ground or out the ring. I didn't really wanna be there.

Yeah, for sure. I'm a pretty great long distance runner, but I've never broken 15s on a 100m sprint.

I was never into track but I would think I'm a lot better in sprints than in long distance. I don't have great endurance.

>implying anyone gives a fuck about your high school sports

Jfc you're retarded

What's your height and weight? Are you a scrawny fag or a fat boy or a really you just skinny fat?

Damn. Try not to be so triggered my fren.

It depends. No one is really impressed by 16 year old 120 pound twinks that can run fast, it's pretty well to be expected at that point. It is however impressive to see a 200 pound adult run a 6:00 mile.

18:00 5K times can win local street races. Running is a lot harder when you're no longer a scrawny teenager and have some muscle

I was a little fat but did lots of calisthenics so my body looked a bit solid. I first wrestled at 154 then cut down to about 135 because everyone was bigger than me. I was 5'6.

Was on cross country team. Fastest mile was 4:58 in sophomore year. I'm a junior in college now and have really lost it. I'll never run that fast again.

Damn bro. You're a mess. I wrestled 138 then 145 then 152. I'm 5 11. I was an inch shorter sophomore year.

>fastest during your sophomore year
>in college now
Are you me?

Can't remember what time I had, our track was 1 km, but I was quickest in our class. My biggest talent was high jumping though, 180 cm.

>tfw can't run long distance for shit but always out sprinted almost everyone

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>tfw absolute shit runner
I start 'running' and 10 seconds later i'm already winded and tired and my legs feel heavy
im not even fat, im a skelly. why the fuck am I so bad at running?

I wonder that myself.

>Not doing a nice relaxing 20 mile jog every Sunday.

>John Oliver's excitable high pitched onions drenched squeal

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Because being skinny doesn't mean you have a strong heart or lungs.

Oldfag here. I ran a sub three hour marathon a couple of years ago.

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>John Olivers excitable high pitched onion squeal

Im genuinely curious what this means

What's your year of birth, senpai?

Marzo 1975

Well done, user. My sister is a '73 and she's been a fat flabby fuck with health issues for a good 15 years now

You doing alright in other aspects of life as well?

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Daily reminder that you cant run from your problems

>okay class, we're going to be running a mile
>okay class, we're going to be running 100 meter sprint
>okay class, we're going to be doing pull ups
If these words don't bring you absolute dread and terror inside you, you're not a robot and don't belong here

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First two no, I love running, played DDR for like 7 years autistic-level so I have retard-strength legs. (I entered every tournament I could for like 3 years and actually won a few)
But fuck pull-ups with the fury of a thousand suns.




What's your secret? I'm having trouble with the last 5 miles or so.

>tfw homeschooled
>would probably take me an hour to run a mile but I wouldn't know because I never had to

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>tfw everyone else finishes way before you, and you're left panting and heaving and crawling towards the end with everyone watching and cringing or laughing
fuck school, fuck PE, fuck exercise

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>tfw they sarcastically cheer you up like "C'mon user, you can do it, hehehehehe"

Haha user cant run