Any robots here who were formerly Jow Forums?
What happened?
Any robots here who were formerly Jow Forums?
What happened?
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she found out i was weak and humiliated me into oblivion
Realised that it was all pointless and I let myself go. Being fit is pointless when you're ugly
i graduated college and all my good hygenie haibts stopped
>was skinny before training
>stayed skinny but at least muscular after training
>realized those gains don't change anything unless I eat more
>give up
Oh yeah I started training to become attractive but no gains can fix a bad face.
Sort of, briefly. You know when I lose enough weight that your bellyfat doesn't jiggle around when you jump? I was like that for a while then got bored and realised I might as well look like the loser I am on the inside.
i used to be a vegan and i played school sports, like soccer and tennis, i was in the best shape of my life. this was middle school. now im a fatass pescatarian and im too lazy to lose weight again
Muscle is easy to lose. You spend 6 months on trying to get the power lifting numbers up, then you take a month off cuz tracking meals daily is hard af. Some dudes have the "love lifting and calorie counting" gene. Others do not. So stuck in a forever loop of noob gainz, losing noob gainz, reacquiring gainz
This, except I have a small dick. Getting Jow Forums was a mistake because I would get to much attention and it gave me anxiety for weeks. I stopped going and reversed back to chubby/built fat.
Realised I was doing it for the wrong reasons.
The only girl I was interested in whose attention I was trying to get got raped and knocked up by a psychopath that her parents forced her to date then he murdered her and her unborn child while high on some hallucinogen so I have nothing to live for anymore.
Depression and weed followed by not being active, then over eating. On the path to recovery though
Wasnt really Jow Forums but i stopped going to the gym after my car got broken into while i was working out. The only other gym in my area sucks ass and now i just dont really care anymore.
Got stronk as fuck and good muscle tone from working at a plant nursery full time, lost it once I quit working there though.
I joined the Airforce and was lean and could run for miles, after each TDY I would have lost a shit ton of weight and I'd keep up training for a month or so then fall into a cycle of drinking and fast food and gain a shit ton of weight until a PT test or TDY was coming
past my PT in october at like 206 lb and a 11 min 1.5 mile
now Im like 226 and havent exercised in forever
Im about to get back in the cycle as I'm starting to get really semiconscious
>was Jow Forums
>entered college and things got even worse for me socially, went from having a few friends to being invisible
>wound up coping with junk food, anime, and vidya
>have been permabulking ever since
started drinking and it ruined muh gainz
Alcohol blocks the body's ability to absorb proteins. Do not drink when you try to gain.
I got crippling muscle dysmorphia, so bad that it ended up with my brain constantly saying "just give up youll never be big, why try?". Enough to make me skip a session half way through. Really sucked, I see my body now and wish for my gainz back, but know itd come at a crippling mental health tax
you sad faggot do more cardio and hit the gym.
you'll miss 100% of the shots you dont take.
at least if youre still working out you'll have a chance of making it.
jesus fucking christ
I got off Active duty and joined the national guard, went down hill fast. Time to go back active
I realised I was happier with a thiccer body and less gains, so why would I choose against that? Im comfortable in my own skin after 2 years of gym, even if im not as ripped as before, Im not going to compromise that because some failed Jow Forumsizen called me out on r9k
>Haha, I totally don't want those grapes in that tree. They probably taste like shit, I'm perfectly happy eating all the rotten fruit I find on the ground.
>if i eat those grapes ill descend into madness, but luckily some nerd on Jow Forums told me im a fag for avoiding it, i best listen to him because he knows whats best for me as an individual
>I got crippling muscle dysmorphia
Morrowind was better anyway.
>resorting to the first comment without knowing muscle dysmorphia first hand
where's my fucking (You)
I got bored of having to deal with all the Chads so I quit football and stopped doing physical activities. Now I'm skinny fat and slightly more depressed than before. University fucking sucks and I'm surrounded by meat bags NPCs
youre welcome my sweetness
That's bretty true desu. Oblivion was top comfy
if you think about it, they're fucking grapes
who gives a shit
Some girl accused me of sexual assault and my waifu got married
What else is there if you're a fox? Physical exertion is a core part of the human experience and you're robbing yourself of it if you don't work out, do hard labor or play sports. It helps you understand how much worse things could be.
>Used to be the fastest in my whole town/district.
>Best at long jump and triple jump in my town.
>Best cross country/1500m.
>Entered trampolining competitions.
>Entered swimming competitions.
>Was one of the best skateboarders in my town when I quit all athletics and football to smoke weed and skate all the time.
This was 1998 - 2007ish.
Then I quit skating.
Now I'm an alcoholic beer gut lung fucked NEET who doesn't lift a finger other than to go get booze or weed on my bike.
I couldn't lift away the depression
>Stopped going to the gym
>Bailed on my gym pals
>Spent all day in bed
>Tried to kill myself and failed, just like everything else in life
>Ended up hospitalized
>Stuck in psycho ward for 3 months
>Get put on antidepressants that cause weight gain
And now im fat. Worst part is that i started out fat fuck, got fit to ask a girl to prom (she rejected me of course) and now im back to square 1. 3 years down the drain, shit sucks.
You should know that the heaviest things we lift in life are our feelings.
You can't lift away the depression but there's plenty of people who lift while depressed. It's even better if you have a home gym. It becomes a habit, like anything else, no longer that hard to make yourself do.
gave up on life basically
>What else is there?
You got me, everyone has to go full gymbro or else they're robbing themselves of the human experience
It was absolutely pointless, my life was still shit, and the women I could get were still shit.
Also, I developed severe health issues and also just got old. Can't exactly do much after 30 without steroids and HGH.
I clearly listed other alternatives, you obtuse faggot. Physical exertion is good for you, it breaks up the dullness of a comfortable life, making it comparatively more enjoyable.
If you want to jerk yourself off about how you're not a "gymbro" then go for it, but your laziness is not doing yourself any favors when you likely refuse to do any real physical activity.
>I realised I was happier with a thiccer body and less gains
did you seriously cite a study to win this internet argument? you're so pathetic
I mean I wasn't fit, but I was definitely in better shape before
I stopped going to the gym because the people there started to make fun of me
Can you just make gains by chugging protein shakes every day
You're calling me pathetic when you're a walking fat acceptance movement? You're not happier, you just coping. You're not fooling anyone, probably not even fooling yourself.
Home gym.
Ya. Started doing manual labor and I needed to eat more so I could actually be strong and not just look like it. Arms are still big and all but abs won't be making a come back unless I change career.
I was in my prime in highschool. lean, nice legs and back, with decent arm size. but i just got horribly lazy after starting college and now i can barely do 5 pull ups. i have to force myself to go to the gym because of how much i hate my skinny ass arms. never get lazy anons
>Any robots here who were formerly Jow Forums?
>What happened?
Abilify happened.
what is this new meme?
>lifting for a girl
There's your problem.